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13 103 bytes (12.80K)
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2024-08-11 05:45:01
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all-time: 6


            yO wHy hAvEn'T yOu cAlLeD...       /\         /\
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     /      \____/   /___/   ________/        CoNsOlE WAREZ !
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   /     /    \     /    \  \  /    \   Ami-Express Util Conference
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                             Outlaw presents:

                  High Speed Modems and Setup on the Amiga

 What you are about to read is the results of many years of using high
speed modems. I had my first HST when no-one including USR could tell you
how to set one up to run on an Amiga. When I sold my first HST I had to get
a new book from USR to sell with it mine was so dog-eared and marked up. In
an effort to go fast I have tried about every setting on the modem. I have
tried every serial.device, BaudBandit.device or whatever.device I could get
my hands on. I have tried modem set prgs. I have read anything and
everything I could find on high speed modems. These are my conclusions:

One thing I would like to clear up before we start. If you own a 14400
HST/DS or any other 14400 modem for that matter there is NO-WAY to go
38400 baud with a 14.4 modem. Setting it to 38400 is a waste. You will get
no higher CPS rates than at 19200 and you are more likely to get errors.
19200 is extending it to 133%. Even under ideal condition all you can only
get is about 115%. That works out to somewhere in the nieborhood of
1650-1700 CPS on compressed files. That is pushing the modem to its limit.
I have read about 14.4's getting 3000+ CPS. on compressed files. Let me tell
you that is BULLSHIT! The modem is the limiting factor. Even on a null
modem set to 19200 you can only get 1800-1850 CPS. We are talking two
computers hard wire together thru the serial port with a null modem. No bad
phone lines. No bad modem setup and thats the best we can get. How the hell
can someone get 3000+ over a 14.4 modem and phone lines? The answer is
obvious. They are full of you know what. The following is the best I could
get on a null modem: 19200=1800-1850  38400=3600-3650  57600= 5500-5600 CPS.

If you are using a USR/HST or DS you have the best money can buy but that
alone will not give you great CPS rates. You have to have your modem,
computer and terminal prg. setup right. If you overlook one thing in these
settings your CPS rates WILL suffer.

If you have one of the new 16.8's you have to set your baud at 38400. 19200
baud will slow down you CPS rate. You can set to 57,600 but the modem will
go no faster than if you set to 38400. With the correct setup you will get
1950-2000 CPS on compressed files. If you set to 19200 baud you will only
get about 1750-1800 CPS. One final note on 16.8 and the Amiga. I have
heard the serial port on the Amiga sucks... that maybe the case but I have
yet to see an IBM tranfer compressed files at as high a speed as we do. If
they get 1850 to 1900 CPS they are happy. Don't get me wrong I am no
Commodore booster... For what I have in this thing I could have had one heck
of a msdos machine.

 USRobotics Courier 14400 HST Settings...

   B0  C1  E1  F1  M1  Q0  V1  X6

   &A3  &B1  &C1  &D2  &G2  &H1  &I0  &K3  &L0
   &M4  &N0  &P0  &R2  &S0  &T5  &X0  &Y1  %R0  

   S00=000  S01=000  S02=043  S03=013  S04=010  
   S05=008  S06=002  S07=060  S08=006  S09=015  
   S10=014  S11=040  S12=050  S13=000  S14=000  
   S15=000  S16=000  S17=000  S18=000  S19=000  
   S20=000  S21=010  S22=017  S23=019  S24=150  
   S25=000  S26=001  S27=000  S28=008  S29=020  
   S30=000  S31=000  S32=001  S33=000  S34=008  
   S35=000  S36=000  S37=000  S38=000  

 For 14.4 transfers on the Amiga you need the following:

1: The most IMPORTANT thing :> Set Prefs:serial to: RTS/CTS on.
2: Turn off Xon/Xoff.
3: Set baud rate to at least 19200 and buffer to 16K min.
   The above settings are the same no matter if you use WB2.?? or 1.3
4: Be sure to set your baud rate to at least 19200 in your terminal prg.
5: Be sure if your terminal prg. has a means of setting flow control set it
   to RTS/CTS on and turn off Xon/Xoff.
 That is all there is to getting 1650-1700 CPS at 14400. If you don't get
those speeds you either have bad phone lines or the other guy doesn't have
a clue how to setup on his end.

The following is my setup on my 16.8 Dual Standard.

USRobotics Courier 16800 HST Dual Standard Fax Settings...

   B1  C1  E1  F1  M1  Q0  V1  X6

   &A3  &B1  &C1  &D2  &G2  &H1  &I0  &K3  &L0
   &M4  &N0  &P0  &R2  &S0  &T5  &X0  &Y0  %R0  

   S00=000  S01=000  S02=043  S03=013  S04=010  S05=008  
   S06=002  S07=060  S08=002  S09=006  S10=007  S11=040  
   S12=050  S13=000  S14=000  S15=000  S16=000  S17=000  
   S18=000  S19=000  S20=000  S21=010  S22=017  S23=019  
   S24=150  S25=005  S26=001  S27=000  S28=008  S29=020  
   S30=000  S31=000  S32=001  S33=000  S34=000  S35=000  
   S36=000  S37=000  S38=000  S39=000  S40=000  S41=000  
   S42=126  S43=200  S44=015  


 For answer mode on my BBS I change B1 to B0..... This lets the V32Bis modems
connect at 14400. When calling out to another 16.8 DS you have to set B0
to B1. That puts the modem in HST mode and that is the only way to get 16.8
connect. THERE IS NO 16.8 V32bis CONNECT.
In short to call out set to B1 to answer set to B0... DONOT confuse that
register with the &B1 however. If you call out at B1 to a V32Bis 14.4 modem
it will fall back to V32Bis automatically.

 Now before you use your 16.8 DS or HST be sure to go to Prefs:Serial and
change baud to the highest it will go. On WB2.?? that is 31250. 
19200 baud is ok for 14400 and under but if you want to see that new 16.8
really cook you have to get above 19200. Also in your term prg., be sure to
set baud at no lower than 38400....   57,600 will work fine but it's not

With all that said next time you call my board you will get 1950-2000 CPS
on compressed files. I have a friend that has the same setup on his end and
we get those CPS rates plus. If you can't, either your setup is wrong or you
have bad phone lines.(PERIOD).....

 One final note on all this. I have read you can't run color and you have
to set priority to 15. That is WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
Changing color to BW will do nothing for your CPS rates. There is a world
full of color out there you are missing.
Setting priority to 15 will only keep you from multi-tasking while you are
transfering files. I run my BBS and term prgs with a priority of 0. I can
be compressing files, using an editor, moving files or any number of other
tasks while guys are on my board transfering files. I even play games. All
of this has little or no effect on their CPS rates. Even my processor haugs
will only slow them by 25-50 CPS. Heck, if they have a good setup they can
deal with that....:) Try doing something in the background when you have
priority set to 15 on your term or bbs. You want to desolve a file while
you transfer another set your priority to 0 and you can do about anything
that doesn't use the serial port. If you have everything else right it won't
hurt you a bit. 
One other thing if you have everything else set right and you get errors
on tranfer you have one of two problems. They are both simple to fix. One
won't cost you anything so I will cover that first. If you have WB 2.0 or
higher and have set WB Prefs to 16 color go change it back to 8 color. With
16 color you can send files all day with no errors but when you try to
receive you will get so many errors Zmodem will lockup. I am told by
Commodore that to run 16 color you have to upgrade to 2 megs of chip. Thats
great they didn't tell me that when I upgraded to the enhanced chip set
that was suppose to let me run 16 color. Another Commodore screwup that
they want me to pay for. They can take their FAT whatever and put it where
the sun don't shine. If you have a 3000 you don't have this problem unless
you try running 57,600. 
The other problem will cost you a little but not to bad... Usally if you
get errors on either upload or download but not both you have one of your
CIA chip gone bad. One way to test is if you can get a null modem cable try
transfering file over it. If you get errors try droping your baud rate to
9600 or below. If the errors go away you have a bad CIA chip. They can be
bought at your locall Amiga dealer for under $20.00. I know this problem
first hand since my A2000 came in brand new with a bad CIA chip. Also my
son bought a used A2000 that we discovered had the same problem when we
hooked it to the HST.

 Well I have covered most of what you need to know about getting top CPS
rates with your Amiga and USR modems. Now get them set right and watch that
modem dance.

 For those of you that have one of the new V32bis 14400 modems they to will
give the same CPS rates. I have tested 4 different makes and have been able
to get then all to do 1650-1700 CPS. I plan to add to this file the best
settings for them in the next few days. For now though be sure you have all
the Prefs:serial and terminal settings I recommend for the USR modems. Those
setting are the same for all high speed modems. Most of the V32's I have
tried work fairly well out of the box if you have the computer set up right.

 I hope this helps get all of you up to speed. I made this file up because
I get new people everyday calling with new high speed modems and watch them
stumble around trying to figure out how the top CPS people on my board do
it. Most of them have the same setup they had for 2400 baud and that just
won't cut it at high speed.

 If you have set everthing up the way I told you and you want to test it out
on a board that really cooks call my board. It runs on a A2000/030 with a
USR Dual Standard and locked at 57,600 baud.

             ____                                      _
      ___   /   /__ ______    ___  ________  _______  | |
     |   | /   /-  |      |  |-  ||-       |/       | |/ _____    Sysop:
     ||  |/   /||  |  ____|  ||  |||    _  |   ||   |   | ____|      Outlaw
     |.      / |.  |____    ||.  ||.   |_| |   ||  ||   |__    |
     |______/  |___|       .||___||________|___||  .|   |______|   Co's:
                   |________|                   |___|                 DonDog
       ______  ___    _______  _____    ______   _____    _____       Spectro
      /______||-  |  |-      ||- ___|  |-     \ |- ___|  |-    \
     //      ||   |__|_     _||  ____| ||  |  / |  ____| |  |\  \   ----0----
    /.  ||   ||.     | |.  |  |.      ||.  | /\ |.      ||  |_\  \
    \___||___||______| |___|  |_____ _||___|___\|_______||_______/

            KeWL RatiOS - 16.8 DuAl Standard OnlinE - 250 HArd DiSK
                          AmigA IbM AnD ConzOleS
                            Call: (203-444-7607)

Ps: Thanks to Mr. Ed of Chalkboard
for his help in editing this file
and many hours of testing with me
over the years. Try his board at:

  _____  _____  __   ______  __  _____          -AMIGA
 |   __||  ___||  | |_    _||  ||   __|          -PC
 |  |__ |  _|_ |  |_  |  |  |  ||  |__            -CONSOLE
 |_____||_____||____| |__|  |__||_____|    330 MEGS ONLINE !!!
                          _____  _____  ______  __ __
   SYSOP:]DARKSTAR       |   _ \|  _  ||_    _||  |  |
                         |   __/|     |  |  |  |     |
   COSYS:OLI,ICEMAN      |__|   |__|__|  |__|  |__|__| BBS 

            D I A L    +4 9 - ( 0 ) 2 0 1 / 5 5 7 6 8 8 HST  14.4 K
            D I A L    +4 9 - ( 0 ) 2 0 1 / 5 5 7 7 6 3 DUAL 14.4 K
            D I A L    +4 9 - ( 0 ) 2 0 1 / 5 5 0 3 0 5 HST  14.4 K
            D I A L    +4 9 - ( 0 ) 2 0 1 / 5 5 8 5 2 2 DUAL 16.8 K

                WAIT FOR AT LEAST 7 NODES IN THE NEXT MONTH !!          
