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21 578 bytes (21.07K)
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  ...         _ _                                          _ _     ...
 ::::          \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY ///      ::::
 :::_   .___.    \                                        /        _:::
 :://-- |   |-----\  24/7 Static Cable - Daydream/*nix   /--------// ::
 |. .___.  _:____ _  ___                                             _:
 _ _|   |_ \_   // //  /____   __ _  cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFFiti   \:
 \\\_   _/__/  /___  _     /__||///  =C64/mACINTOSH/gAMES/aPPS____    |
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 .   /_    \________\________\\    ._)  _ \\______\__  \____|   \_ _ _: _
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                             /   /___  \      \ __ \\  _/__\|   \     :/
 > t H E  y A R D  BBS! < _ /   / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \    \    :
 :     _                  //_____\\:     \      /___|   \_________\  _.
-.----\\-----------------------|   |----- .-----------||-------- ----/:
 | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9615 |_

                           ______ ______| ______  _____
                         _/  ___/_\__   ¦/      \/    /
     |------------------ \____.    |/   /   /        / -------------------.
                        _¦    |    /    \   \\_.  ._/                     |
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                 \___    ______.  \ / |_| \ \   ____.    .   \_           |
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                  \________/________/_______/_________\  ¦__jT\           |
                                                    `----'                |
                RAJ!/PRESTiGE - FURY/PRESTiGE - MANDRAKE/VANiTY           |
           A4000 · USR 28.8 DS * 2.0GB · 2 GB DAT * 2x SPEED CD-ROM       |
     |---------------| 4 NODES RiNGDOWN! - +45-74-833-886 |---------------'

Uploaded 21:13:41            BY John Loader                      18-Aug-95* 
?# __                                                                    __  ?#
?#/_/\__________________________________________________________________/_/\ ?#
?#\_\/                                                                  \_\/ ?#
?# |                                                                      |  ?#
?# |  ____  _____________ ______        ______  ______________  _______   |  ?#
?# |  \_  \/  _/\__ _ __/|      \      |      \ \_ _ _/\     / /  ____/   |  ?#
?# |   /       \ /  |  \ |   |   \     |   |   \/  |  \/  Y  \ \_____ \   |  ?#
?# |  /  \  /   /   _   \|___|    \ ___|___|    \      \  |   \/       \  |  ?#
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?# | \____||___\____|     \______/   \_ _______/___|     \|____/   _____/ |  ?#
?# |                l_____/__|         |___|       i_____/     \____j BB's|  ?#
?# |                                                                      |  ?#
?# |                                                                      |  ?#
?# |_                          This is Mad Dan's BB's                     |_ ?#
?#\_\/                                                                   \_\/?#
?#           Speeds from 14.4 to 28.8 Dhst online 24Hr's a day !             ?#
?#                                                                           ?#
?#                        A4000 25Mhz   1.5 Gig on line                      ?#
?#                                                                           ?#
?#      Amiga-Warez/Requests/Offline Files - Friendly Sysop- Mad Dan         ?# 
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ-$pender BUST  today by BT and the police!

Today, Thursday 18th August 1995, 2 cops and a bloke from BT arrived at my
house at 3:00pm with a search warrant allowing them to search the house for

Here's the FULL story:

On Wednesday my BBS line developed a fault. There was a loud buzzing and 
beeping on it. I phoned up BT on my voice line and reported it. They said
there would be someone out to fix it in the morning. I took my BBS, 
sHORT-sHARP-sHOCK, offline as it was unable to recieve incoming calls, and
that was that, or so i thought. I planned to put the BBS back online the
minute it was fixed. 

On Thursday at 3:00pm i was in bed sleeping when i was awakened by a 
knocking on the front door. I guessed this was the bloke from BT out to 
fix the line but when i opened the door i was pleasantly greet by a cop
from the local police station (WILLOWFIELD) and had a warrant to search
the place stuffed in my face. I asked the cop for a look at it and then
invited him, and 2 other blokes he had with him in.

They came in with me to my computer room, and they introduced themselves. 
One of them said that his name was Neil Danniells ( or something Danniells )
I can't remember. He said he was a BT investigator investigating me basically. 
He said some crap about PBX's but I wasn't really listening, I was too busy 
cleaning the shit up off the floor. Anyway they said that they wanted me to 
come down to the police station and help them with their enquiries. I asked if 
I could put on some clothes first and they said OK. I went upstairs and one 
of the cops came up with me and watched me getting dressed. I suppose he also
took a quick look around for computer hardware etc. while the others did the 
same downstairs. I went back downstairs and went back into my computer room
where the two other blokes were standing doing nothing. They said that they 
wanted to make it clear that I was going down on a voluntary basis and I said
that I understood just fine. We then got into the cop car and drove down to 
the station ( all 500 metres of it ).

They took me into the interview room and I sat down. The two cops fucked off
and left me there with the BT bloke in an unofficial capacity. The BT bloke's
first words to me were something like "I was the one that busted Oasis". I 
can't remember what I replied but I did reply, we had a short conversation 
and the two cops reappeared. They all sat down, the two cops on oneside and 
'Paul Danniells' ( or whatever he was called ) and I on the other. COP 1 
reminded me that I was here on a voluntary basis and that he was about to 
take a statement from me. We started chatting and his first line of 
questioning was "how long has this being going on?", I replied "several 
months", to which he replied "that's funny they have these type of calls  
logged back on both the lines in your house back to July 1994". I barked 
( more like wimpered back ) "OK then more than several months". 'DEBBIE' 
Danniells then said "Heres the lists.." and he then opened a folder removed
several sheets and said "These are the ones on XXXXXX (voice line)" and then
glanced down at the folder and said "These are the ones on the other line". 
I took a quick look at them and sure enough there was the numbers of the PBX's
, then codes dialled on the PBX's and the numbers connected to. COP 1 then
said to me "Look, we want you to be truthful with us. We don't want to have to
go back to your house and take all the computers and search it from top to 
bottom. We will get all the information we need from your computers (he was
right) so why dont you just tell it to us now?"

I then made the statement and COP1 wrote it down. COP2 didnt seem very
interested. He kept going out and coming back in.

The statement read something like this when it was finished:

"I, (MY NAME), live with my parents at (MY ADDRESS). I first became interested
in computers many years ago, and one year ago I learnt from instructions
displayed to me on my monitor how to mnake free telephone calls. I used these
methods to call the UK, Europe and the USA. I called bulletin boards and
mainly UPLOADED and DOWNLOADED files between them. The file types fell into
performs a function on computers. And FREEWARE which is freely distributable.
I made these calls on a regular basis and sometimes they would last up to 2
hours, if there was files I wanted, and sometimes they would last only 2
minutes. The total charge for these calls, had I paid for them would have 
been in the 10's of thousands.
This method allowed me to get files I would normally have to pay for
many of the files I kept for my own use and transferred them to other bulletin
boards for upload credits.
The circuit board in my satellite decoder mimics the action of a valid smart
card and enables me to avoid subscription payments. I have been using this
for several weeks.

MY SIGNITURE AND LOADS OF OTHERS. I had to sign this other sheet that COP2
was filling in. I signed it and then they took me home.

During the statement making we got sidetracked on many issues and it was all 
"off the record". I'll now note what we talked about and you can decide for
yourself if you wish to carry on in the scene.


COP1 said that since July 1994 the fraudulent calls added up to 170000 pounds.
Thats one hundred and seventy thousand pounds. I nearly died when he said
this. I told him that there was no way that they could have totalled such a
huge amount. I said to him that at 40p a minute to the USA itonly works out
24 quid an hour. I would have had to have been online for ages. 'Daniel' fresh
from the lions den in the old testement said it was actually 49p per minute.
I pointed out to him that this still didnt work out, but he wouldnt listen. 
I wouldnt agree to put 170 grand in my statement, but I did put down 10's of 


BT BLOKE asked me if i had ever BOXED to which i replied NO. I said "I heard
that it had been making a comeback and i had seen some texts on it containing
information about the CHINA/SINGAPORE satellite. I said i hadnt used it, which
was the truth. He said it was making a comback, so i presume there are guys
out there doing it. Let me tell you THEY KNOW!


COP1 asked me where I operated. I replied "UK, USA and EUROPE". 'Daniel 
O'Donnell' then asked me what boards I called. I named a load of ones I used 
to call in the states.. like MIRAGE, TOWER OF SORCERY, ZIONS HIDEOUT, 
MORTUARY, LITHIUM and a few others. I hadnt called these for ages and had 
probably been deleted long ago, if the boards are even still there. He (BT
BLOKE) asked me what boards I called in the UK. I said STEEL DAWN, STAR CITY
CEMENT CITY and SLEEZY. He then TOLD ME what boards i called. He said "What  
about OASIS?", to which i replied "Yeah I used to call there, but not much". 
He then said "DALLAS?" and i said... "Yeah thats another one". I also
mentioned i called PROPHETS HOLD and NIGHTFALL in Sweden.Then we moved off 
that topic.


I was asked this by the BT bloke and I said i was given them by users on
my board and on other boards. He also asked where I got the credit card i 
had used on AT&T at the start of the week and i said i had been given it by
a user on my BBS.


I had to explain to the cops what copyright material was. The both admitted
they were totally baffled by all aspects of computers :)


They asked me if i was selling warez which i truthfully replied NO. They
didnt find anything to suggest that i did, but BT BLOKE mentioned to me that
he noticed i didnt have a CD drive in my PC. So i presume they were looking
for pirate CD's as well.


At one stage i asked the BT bloke why, out of all the hundreds using PBX's
they chose to bust me. He said that everyone who was using them was being
monitored and that I had stuck my neck out by using a BT meridian one


I wouldnt like to think i was grassed up, but you can never rule anything
out. I never mentioned anyones name in the interview at all, but BT BLOKE
did mention NOXIOUS, who he said had been given 18 months for card selling.

On the way back to my house i got talking with the BT BLOKE and i said to him
"You are doing an excellent job of destroying the UK scene." He replied "Thats
the general idea". He continued "The OASIS bust did a lot of damage. It was 
the best UK BBS, but i have to say that THE GRAVEYARD was not too far behind"
Meaning he thought it was the second best UK BBS at the time and the best now.
I also asked him why bother with my BBS and not a larger one. He said that
they leave the larger boards up so they can monitor them and who is calling
them. I never thought to ask him why they bust OASIS then. I presume that the
busting of my board was secondary to the fraudulent use of BT exchanges.
When we went back to my house COP2 and BT BLOKE came with me to check out
my hardware. My parents were back by now and i had a lot of quick explaining
to do. I logged onto my BBS so the BT BLOKE could take a look at it. He said 
as there was copyright material on it he would be advising the cops to pass it 
onto FAST. I disconnected it and set it aside. He then asked to see my PC  
, so i booted it up and done a dir/w for him. He took a look at it and said 
he wanted to look in the DIR named WAREZ. I showed him it and there was loads 
of ZIPS in it. The cops helped themselves :(
They also took my SKY decoder (but left the dish) and the interface for
SEASON. They then went through desk drawers too and took more disks and some
sheets of paper. There was nothing on these sheets really, except the codes
for UFO on the PC. They also went through my PSYCHOLOGY and SOCIOLOGY folders
but left them behind. They took the stuff out to the car, and said goodbye.

I then got yelled at like fuck, by my ma. She mentioned that COP2 had told 
her that the BT BLOKE had flown in to Northern Ireland this morning with the
sole purpose of busting me. 


They took:

One a1200 with 1.26GB HD and 8 megs FAST RAM. 
My PC case
My SKY decoder and interface

They left:

One external disk drive
My USR courier 28.8
My Amiga monitor
My Amiga connecting leads and Powerpack
My PC monitor
My PC keyboard
My telly
My Video
Everything else in the room.

I was never actually charged with anything. COP2 told my ma i would 
probably be prosecuted. In the station COP1 said it wasnt a very serious 
crime and i was unlikey to get anything serious.

I now have no computers and no BBS. I'm not sure if i will be back online
because they said they would be coming back periodically to check on me. I
certianly will not be trading any more. If i do come back online it will be
1000000% legal. 

Since they had been watching me for over one year i can only assume that they
could not get a warrant on the basis of PBX abuse alone. I guess it was the
call i made on the credit card that enabled them to get the warrant. 

Just to finish it up, i'll mention a few interesting points:

1. I asked him if there had been a BBS called THE VILLAGE busted. He said
he was sure there wasnt, BT certainly didnt have anything to do with it if 
it was. :) 

2. BT BLOKE also said my board was the only one over here that they had
noticed and COP1 said that this was the first type of bust of this kind in
this country.

Anyone who tells you anything else regarding the above subjects is LYING.
There are a few people at that now, isnt there? 

FINALLY i'll just wrap it up by saying "I LOVE YOU" to all the HUNDREDS of
guys i have met on the scene. There are FAR too many to list, but you all
know who you are. And so do BT by the looks of things. If i did do a greets
list it would look like a WHOS WHO and WHOS BEEN WHO of the scene, and i
wouldnt want to embarrass all the other so called "BUSTEES"

BTW: im not lying about this bust. i was one of the people who always said
that busts very rarely happen. Well, it happened to me, but i still dont
believe that they happen on a regular basis. I will put a phone in my
(now repaired) bbs line between 7pm and 10pm over the next few days. Anyone
who wishes to call me up and chat about it should do so during these times.

Typed by -$pENDer and k!FOK! on 18th august 1995 at 1:45am

?# __                                                                    __  ?#
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?# |                                                                      |  ?#
?# |  ____  _____________ ______        ______  ______________  _______   |  ?#
?# |  \_  \/  _/\__ _ __/|      \      |      \ \_ _ _/\     / /  ____/   |  ?#
?# |   /       \ /  |  \ |   |   \     |   |   \/  |  \/  Y  \ \_____ \   |  ?#
?# |  /  \  /   /   _   \|___|    \ ___|___|    \      \  |   \/       \  |  ?#
?# | /    \/   /    |    \        / \           /  |    \ |    \        \ |  ?#
?# | \____||___\____|     \______/   \_ _______/___|     \|____/   _____/ |  ?#
?# |                l_____/__|         |___|       i_____/     \____j BB's|  ?#
?# |                                                                      |  ?#
?# |                                                                      |  ?#
?# |_                          This is Mad Dan's BB's                     |_ ?#
?#\_\/                                                                   \_\/?#
?#           Speeds from 14.4 to 28.8 Dhst online 24Hr's a day !             ?#
?#                                                                           ?#
?#                        A4000 25Mhz   1.5 Gig on line                      ?#
?#                                                                           ?#
?#      Amiga-Warez/Requests/Offline Files - Friendly Sysop- Mad Dan         ?# 
:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.4 By A¡Rcø]

 .-- ----- ------------------------------------------------- ------- ---.
          19-Aug-95, 09:48:01 this textfile passed Sky Tower #2 
 ·- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -·
 .   _ _                                                                .
 .  ( Y )  Without a guy called something like zoltrix                  .
 :   \|/   this file would never have made it and you wouldn't          :
 |   (º)   be watching it right now...                                  |
 |    ¯                                                                 |
 `-------------------------------------------------> Call Sky Tower! <--'

    _________________________________________                             ·
   (                                        /         t H E   y A R D     :
 ::|  .the yard proudly serving the elite. /// / /\_______________________|_
   |                                      /____ /                         |
 __|__/\____                             /    //   · 1 9 9 6 - 2 0 1 5 ·  |
\\_|_    __/_.     __/\____        _____·__  //    ____   _______         |\___
   |/    \   |____(_  ____/____    \      /__/_____\_  \__\_    / ________|   /
   /     /   |    _/  _)       )____\    /   (     _    /  _  _/_(       _   /
  /    _/    _    \   |       (      \_     _|     |   /   |      \      |  //
 (_____\_____|     \___       |           __\_______.__\___|      /_________\
   |                                   /                                  |
   | nINTENDO nES & sNES cONSOLES    /.  =c64/cPC/aTARI/sPECCY 8bIT       |
   |                              .                                       |
   '-«< tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY 2 aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 9615+ >»-'
                -> Another Quality Release uploaded at TY <-