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File size:
11 563 bytes (11.29K)
File date:
2020-05-29 05:45:04
Download count:
all-time: 307


        _____   __.       .__   ___________          .__           _____
      _/     \_/  |__   __|  \_ \___   ___/___   __. |  \_ _______/     \_
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  \_  ____/\____       cORRUPT ^ hELLfIRE ^ cRUX ^ iNSANE       ____/\____  _/
   |  \__ \/ __=-                                              -=__ \/ __/  |
   _    /    \       aMIGA 4000 * uSR 28.8 DS * 2.0 gIGa hD       /    \    |
   |   /______\\        2.o gIgs dAT · dUAL SPiN cD-rOM         //______\   |
   |                                                                        |
   |                        gUARDIAN oF hAVEN: eNZO!                        _
   |                                                                        |
   |              sOULS: fURY - sNAKE&dELBOY - mANDRAKE 
   |                        cOLONEL - TCB! - cAMILLA                        |
   |                                                                        |
   l___________________________[4 nODES rINGDOWN]_________________________-jT

     [ 04:45:53 ]               [+45-74-833-aSK]              [ 31-Jan-96 ]

 .__ ________  /\________________________________________________________ __:
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 |    ____      _____         _ ____  _____ _____      _______         \/   |
 |  ._)  _|____|     |_____ ._\\\   \/    (_)   _|____|     _/_______ _     |
 |  |    \_    .     \    (_|       \/     .    \_    .     |/    __///__   |
 |  |     |    |     |\     ._______||     |     |    |     /    _\      |  |
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 |    \_    .     __///_ /    __///__   |     .     _     |/   \      _/    |
 |     |    |    _\     /    _\      |  |     |     \___._/     \     |     |
 .______________________\____________|  |____________\  |_______/\_________ ._
 | - --------------------------- -                                          |
 |    bAFFLE! <> fUZZ <> nUMEN        //    nODE 1 · +47-6-679-4789 mODEM   |
 |   sWERX <> mARWIC! <> aRCANE      //     nODE 2 · +47-6-679-pRV8 mODEM   |
 |        -sHADE! <> aCID           //      nODE 3-5 · 194.19.5.<dynamic>   |
 | - --------------------------- -                                          |
 | h O N E Y  & a B U S E  &  s I D C R E W  &  g R O T E S T I C L E & d C |
 |                                                                          |
 |         uPLOADED bY: Doughboy         fROM: %% LsD UK ^ GrT %%           |
 |__               oN nODE 03 aT 00:28:04 oN 01-31-1996                   __|
 |_/__________________________________________________________  /\________\_|
 :                                                            \/

  .--->NODE1 [+44]·01670·820106-NODE2 [+44]·01670·820136<---.-------------.
  |                                                         | -+ ONLINE +-|
  |               The home of The Data Division             |             |
  |      ._____    ___  .___.  .___.    ___    ______       | -+ 24·HRS +-|
  |   __ |     \  /   \ |   |  |   |   /   \  /   __/ __ /\_|             |
  |_/\\/_|  /\  \/  O  \|   |__|   |__/  O  \/\     \_\//   |   EVERYDAY  |
  |   \/ |  \/   \      \  _/  |  _/  \      \ \     \\/  __/\__          |
  |      |_______/__|___/______|______/__|___/_______/    \ oO / ---------{
  |                                                       / .  \ DA TEAM  |
  |     _/\_        D·A·T·A  D·I·V·I·S·I·O·N        _/\_  ¯¯\/¯¯          |
  |     \Oø/                                        \Oø/    | SYSOP | J.R |
  |     /-^\   W·O·R·L·D  H·E·A·D·Q·U·A·R·T·E·R·S   /-^\    ¦             |
  |     ¯\/¯                                        ¯\/¯    |-»ASSISTANT«-|
  |                                                         |    SYSOPS   |
  }---------[ 9.6K - 28.8K BOTH NODES USR COURIERS ]--------|             |
  |                                                         |   SCOUSER   |
  |            oOo THE NEW AGE OF SOFTWARE oOo              |     ACE     |
  |   __/\__                                      __/\__    |             |
  |_\\\ || ///____ ___ ___ __ _ __ __ __ __ ____\\\ || ///__|-»CO·SYSOPS«-|
  | ///_\/_\\\                                  ///_\/_\\\  |             |
  |     \/     RUNNING USR 28.8K V·32/V·34BiS       \/      |   rEDdEVIL  |
  |                                                         |    ELVIRA   |
  |               oOo FOR FAST CONNECT oOo                  |   Shaitan   |
  |          THIS GUY Jr.              FROM DaLLaS BBs                    |
  |                                                                       |
  |       DROPPED IN AT 01-29-1996 22:52:12 TO LEAVE THIS FOR YOU!        |

Just a bit of news reguarding the up coming AT&T case involving quite a 
few scene guys, news come to my attention that there was a fire in the 
building that the people were using to sort through the case so it means
yet another delay to the case coming to court, i think there are more CLOWNS
in the Northumbria Police Constabulary then in CHIPPERFIELD`S CIRCUS !!
So another 3 MONTH DELAY is expected just another incident in the case called
"OPERATION BIG BOY BEN SWANSON".                                              

So it looks like the dynamic duo of LOADER and SWANSON have been stalled again
or should that read LAREL & HARDY.

  .--->NODE1 [+44]·01670·820106-NODE2 [+44]·01670·820136<---.-------------.
  |                                                         | -+ ONLINE +-|
  |               The home of The Data Division             |             |
  |      ._____    ___  .___.  .___.    ___    ______       | -+ 24·HRS +-|
  |   __ |     \  /   \ |   |  |   |   /   \  /   __/ __ /\_|             |
  |_/\\/_|  /\  \/  O  \|   |__|   |__/  O  \/\     \_\//   |   EVERYDAY  |
  |   \/ |  \/   \      \  _/  |  _/  \      \ \     \\/  __/\__          |
  |      |_______/__|___/______|______/__|___/_______/    \ oO / ---------{
  |                                                       / .  \ DA TEAM  |
  |     _/\_        D·A·T·A  D·I·V·I·S·I·O·N        _/\_  ¯¯\/¯¯          |
  |     \Oø/                                        \Oø/    | SYSOP | J.R |
  |     /-^\   W·O·R·L·D  H·E·A·D·Q·U·A·R·T·E·R·S   /-^\    ¦             |
  |     ¯\/¯                                        ¯\/¯    |-»ASSISTANT«-|
  |                                                         |    SYSOPS   |
  }---------[ 9.6K - 28.8K BOTH NODES USR COURIERS ]--------|             |
  |                                                         |   SCOUSER   |
  |            oOo THE NEW AGE OF SOFTWARE oOo              |     ACE     |
  |   __/\__                                      __/\__    |             |
  |_\\\ || ///____ ___ ___ __ _ __ __ __ __ ____\\\ || ///__|-»CO·SYSOPS«-|
  | ///_\/_\\\                                  ///_\/_\\\  |             |
  |     \/     RUNNING USR 28.8K V·32/V·34BiS       \/      |   rEDdEVIL  |
  |                                                         |    ELVIRA   |
  |               oOo FOR FAST CONNECT oOo                  |   Shaitan   |
  |          THIS GUY Jr.              FROM DaLLaS BBs                    |
  |                                                                       |
  |       DROPPED IN AT 01-29-1996 22:52:12 TO LEAVE THIS FOR YOU!        |

           .....                   .....       .....
           .....       .....       .....       .....       .....
           :::::       .....       :::::       :::::       .....
           :::::       :::::       :::::............. .. . :::::
           :::::.......... .. .    :::::       .....       :::::
                       ............:::::                   .....

                          .                    . 
                      t h i s  f i l e  p a s s e d :
                          ·                    · 
                          :   bUMBLE bEE lAND  : 
                          ¡                    ¡ 
                         %%%%%%%%        %%%%%%%% 
                          |_______      _______| 
                          /:·     \    /     ·:\
                        _/__       \../       __\_
                        |(_)        ||        (_)|
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              ________/  \_________/__\_________/  \________
              \  ____    .___/              \___.    ____  /
               \  ( /    |  (                )  |    \ )  /
                \__/    /`---\______________/---'\    \__/
                  /    /                          \    \
                 /    /      %%%%%%%  %%%%%%%      \    \
                /   ./­____________________________­\.   \
               /    |                                |    \
               \    ·            %%%%%%%%            ·    /
                 t r u e  e l i t e  e x p e r i e n c e!

            | uPLOADER: Doughboy            tIME: 00:28:04   |
            | lOCATION: %% LsD UK ^ GrT %%  dATE: 01-31-1996 |

           .....                   .....       .....
           .....       .....       .....       .....       .....
           :::::       .....       :::::       :::::       .....
           :::::       :::::       :::::............. .. . :::::
           :::::.......... .. .    :::::       .....       :::::
                       ............:::::                   .....

 .-- ----- ------------------------------------------------- ------- ---.
          31-Jan-96, 04:45:53 this textfile passed Sky Tower #2 
 ·- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -·
 .   _ _                                                                .
 .  ( Y )  Without a guy called something like bAFFLE!                  .
 :   \|/   this file would never have made it and you wouldn't          :
 |   (º)   be watching it right now...                                  |
 |    ¯                                                                 |
 `-------------------------------------------------> Call Sky Tower! <--'