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File size:
15 053 bytes (14.70K)
File date:
2020-05-29 05:45:04
Download count:
all-time: 409


        _____   __.       .__   ___________          .__           _____
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  \_  ____/\____       cORRUPT ^ hELLfIRE ^ cRUX ^ iNSANE       ____/\____  _/
   |  \__ \/ __=-                                              -=__ \/ __/  |
   _    /    \       aMIGA 4000 * uSR 28.8 DS * 2.0 gIGa hD       /    \    |
   |   /______\\        2.o gIgs dAT · dUAL SPiN cD-rOM         //______\   |
   |                                                                        |
   |                        gUARDIAN oF hAVEN: eNZO!                        _
   |                                                                        |
   |              sOULS: fURY - sNAKE&dELBOY - mANDRAKE 
   |                        cOLONEL - TCB! - cAMILLA                        |
   |                                                                        |
   l___________________________[4 nODES rINGDOWN]_________________________-jT

     [ 04:45:49 ]               [+45-74-833-aSK]              [ 31-Jan-96 ]

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 .______________________\____________|  |____________\  |_______/\_________ ._
 | - --------------------------- -                                          |
 |    bAFFLE! <> fUZZ <> nUMEN        //    nODE 1 · +47-6-679-4789 mODEM   |
 |   sWERX <> mARWIC! <> aRCANE      //     nODE 2 · +47-6-679-pRV8 mODEM   |
 |        -sHADE! <> aCID           //      nODE 3-5 · 194.19.5.<dynamic>   |
 | - --------------------------- -                                          |
 | h O N E Y  & a B U S E  &  s I D C R E W  &  g R O T E S T I C L E & d C |
 |                                                                          |
 |         uPLOADED bY: Doughboy         fROM: %% LsD UK ^ GrT %%           |
 |__               oN nODE 03 aT 01:55:18 oN 01-31-1996                   __|
 |_/__________________________________________________________  /\________\_|
 :                                                            \/


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\_____/       \____\   -T\______/ \____\  \_______\HTW   \_____/    \_____\
   .                          _ ____ _ _                                  |
   |  a4OOO/o4o . 4 GiGs Hd   \|                dIGITAL cANDY             |
   |  36Mb RAM . 14 CD-ROMs    \                                          |
   |  /X4.x . 5 Funky NoDeS              tHE Uk's lARGeST sCENE BBS       :
   |                           |                                          
   +---- --- ---- -- ----- -- -+           - Latest Scene Files -         
   |  o1 +44 (0)191 2325527    |       - FREE InterNet EMAIL Access -     .
   |  o2 +44 [.·Ringdown·.]    .       - Real Time Multi Line Chats -     :
   |  o3 +44 [.·Ringdown·.]    :    - Specialist Conf's & Competitions -  |
   |  o4 +44 [.·Ringdown·.]    |                                          |
   |_ o5 +44 [.·Ringdown·.]    |              _______                     |
   |/                      _ __|_ ___________|       |/                   .
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          /| /        \______/     \______/     \_____\______/    /___/
         /_:________________________________________________ _  _


uPLOADER: SaRgE           
lOCATiON: TesTinG sOmIT !   

                                             .  . 
                                             :  :
       _______________________.---.___.---.__|  |_______.____________
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 |   --- oNliNe 48hRs eVERYdAy, eVERYwEEk --- 336OO cPs cONNECTiOns ---   |
 |      > sUPER pOWERfUll 4OOO/O4O sYStEm <-> lOTs oF dISk sPACE <->      |
 |   --- aMiGa + pEEcEE + /X + pLAYstAtION + mOre -- 2 nODuLE sYStEm --   |
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miSCiNFO: 01-30-1996 17:05:30

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZButch > MystiCal LegenDs bEAtS POLICE !
and WIns all his equipment back. Good news
for others awaiting procedings
You may remember 5-6 months back when Butch - Sysop of Mystical Legends
was busted by the police for allegedly "Stolen computer equipment - mobile
phones - Counterfeit games" etc etc
He had ALL his equipment taken, Including his pentium - 4040 - modems and as
you can imagine it amounted to a lot of money, with the thought that he
wouldnt get anything back and his solicitor saying any proceedings didnt look
too good for him.
After numerous court appearences butch received a call today from his
soliciter saying the police had been in touch with them and have DROPPED
all charges, he will be able to pickup all his equipment within 14 days
and as far as they are concerned the case was not worth continuing on the
evidence they had.
They said due to the material found on the storage devices they could not
release them as they are unless butch agree's to them being formated first
( as if hes gonna give a toss whether they blank em or not )
Butch wanted to say thanx for support he received from other people and
the advice and help from other people in the same position and wishes
them as much luck as he has had with the end result.
Goodluck goes to the Prisoner and /\/\anic who are still waiting for there
cases to be dealt with.
Well when something like this happens its a refreshing change from all the
txt files on busts that are going on so i figured a small txt about good
news for a change wernt such a bad thing!
Regards Sarge.
 .     .           :     .     :     ·     .
 ·     .     :     .                 ·  ·    :  ·     ·     :  .  .  : 
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 >=-- - V.fAsT 33.6oo C0NNeCTs - --=<>=-- - n0_lEECHES+n0_sH!TE+n0_g0DS --=<
 <! rUNN!Ng 4000/040 p0WER >=< mEGA h.Dr!VE sPACE >=< mYTH_hF!RE_DD!V_INO !>
 >aMIGA 0-1 DayZ <=> P.c 0-5 DayZ <=> PlaYstAti0N 0-7 DayZ <=> /X 0-30 DayZ<
uPLOADER: SaRgE           
lOCATiON: TesTinG sOmIT !   
miSCiNFO: 01-30-1996 17:05:30
Get an ACCOunT Now!


                                         _  _ ____________________________
    _____/_ ______   _______    _______\_____       _______   _\_______  _|
  __\   /___)____/ __)  ___/____)____/ _\   /__   __)   _ /__  _\     /_ \|
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\_____/       \____\   -T\______/ \____\  \_______\HTW   \_____/    \_____\
   .                          _ ____ _ _                                  |
   |  a4OOO/o4o . 4 GiGs Hd   \|                dIGITAL cANDY             |
   |  36Mb RAM . 14 CD-ROMs    \                                          |
   |  /X4.x . 5 Funky NoDeS              tHE Uk's lARGeST sCENE BBS       :
   |                           |                                          
   +---- --- ---- -- ----- -- -+           - Latest Scene Files -         
   |  o1 +44 (0)191 2325527    |       - FREE InterNet EMAIL Access -     .
   |  o2 +44 [.·Ringdown·.]    .       - Real Time Multi Line Chats -     :
   |  o3 +44 [.·Ringdown·.]    :    - Specialist Conf's & Competitions -  |
   |  o4 +44 [.·Ringdown·.]    |                                          |
   |_ o5 +44 [.·Ringdown·.]    |              _______                     |
   |/                      _ __|_ ___________|       |/                   .
   /_______       _______    _________   _____        /   ______/_____ ____
           |_   __)   __/____)    _  /__ \    \ ____ /: __\    /_\    /   /
           |/  /    _/     \      _     \/    _\_   \ ./         \\_ /  _/
           / _/_______      \_____\      \_____\     \/ /     ____\/   /
          /| /        \______/     \______/     \_____\______/    /___/
         /_:________________________________________________ _  _


           .....                   .....       .....
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           :::::       .....       :::::       :::::       .....
           :::::       :::::       :::::............. .. . :::::
           :::::.......... .. .    :::::       .....       :::::
                       ............:::::                   .....

                          .                    . 
                      t h i s  f i l e  p a s s e d :
                          ·                    · 
                          :   bUMBLE bEE lAND  : 
                          ¡                    ¡ 
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                          |_______      _______| 
                          /:·     \    /     ·:\
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                /   ./­____________________________­\.   \
               /    |                                |    \
               \    ·            %%%%%%%%            ·    /
                 t r u e  e l i t e  e x p e r i e n c e!

            | uPLOADER: Doughboy            tIME: 01:55:18   |
            | lOCATION: %% LsD UK ^ GrT %%  dATE: 01-31-1996 |

           .....                   .....       .....
           .....       .....       .....       .....       .....
           :::::       .....       :::::       :::::       .....
           :::::       :::::       :::::............. .. . :::::
           :::::.......... .. .    :::::       .....       :::::
                       ............:::::                   .....

 .-- ----- ------------------------------------------------- ------- ---.
          31-Jan-96, 04:45:49 this textfile passed Sky Tower #2 
 ·- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -·
 .   _ _                                                                .
 .  ( Y )  Without a guy called something like bAFFLE!                  .
 :   \|/   this file would never have made it and you wouldn't          :
 |   (º)   be watching it right now...                                  |
 |    ¯                                                                 |
 `-------------------------------------------------> Call Sky Tower! <--'