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File size:
13 028 bytes (12.72K)
File date:
2020-06-06 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 732


#            ______________________________________  _______________        #
#           / ______/ _____/  __  __   /  _____/   \/   /          /\       #
#          / /\    / /_   /  / /_/ /  /  /_   /        /___    _ _/  \      #
#         / /  \  / __/\ /  /  \_\/  /  __/\ /        / \ /   /\Y \  /      #
#        /  \___\/ /__\//  /   / /  /  /__\//  /\    /   /   /  \__\/       #
#       /_ _____/ ___ _/__/   / / _/____ __/__/  \__/   / __/   /  Y        #
#       \ Y     \Y   Y \  \  /  \Y \    Y  \  \  /\ \  /\Y  \  /   |        #
#        \ ______\______\__\/    \__\_ _____\__\/  \_\/  \ __\/             #
#         Y      Y      Y  Y        Y Y     Y        Y    Y  Y              #
#         |      |      |  |        | |     |        |    |  |              #
#                      __________________________   ___                     #
#                     / ______/   /          /  /\ /  /\                    #
#                    / /\    /   /___    ___/  /  /  /  \                   #
#                   / /  \  /   / \ /   /\ /  /__/  /   /                   #
#   16.8 HST D/S   /  \___\/   /   /   /  /__    __/   /   16.8 HST D/S     #
#  1.3 GIG ONLINE /_ _____/_ _/   /_ _/   /\/ __/\ \  /   1.3 GIG ONLINE    #
#      24 HRS     \ Y     \ Y \  /\ Y \  /  \Y  \ \_\/        24 HRS        #
#                  \ ______\___\/  \ __\/    \ __\/ Y                       #
#   AMIGA WAREZ     Y      Y   Y    Y  Y      Y  Y  |      AMIGA WAREZ      #
#   REQUESTS CONF   |      |   |    |  |      |  |         REQUESTS CONF    #
#   AGAFIXES                                               AGAFIXES         #
#   SNES WAREZ              +44-(0)200-443201              SNES WAREZ       #
#   PC WAREZ                                               PC WAREZ         #
#                INJECTED ON THE 24-Dec-93 AT 17:42:56                      #
#                                                                           #

  File: BUSTCNFM.TXT            Subject: Arcadia bust on 21/12/93.
  Date: 22/12/93
  Time: 14:36/00                     To: All UK Sysops, and others involved
Author: Executioner                      on the `scene'.



With  all the previous mail from unknown people, many may think these busts
are  made  up..   just a scare story - or just a plain joke...  Sorry guys,
this is real!  (for once).

Simply check back to May 1993, when you may have read in;

Computer Trade Weekly (2 weeks running)
The Sun ]-Yes I made the nationals!!
Today   ]
Amiga Format  (including the XMAS issue!! yup, I'm in that too!)
Amiga Shopper (2 issues)
and countless others I have not seen, but heard I was in!

I  am  that  19  year  old  (quote) `computer whizkid' (don't you just love

I wonder what publications will pick up on this new bust!!

First  off though, back to the message from Beast/Arcadia...  I'll continue
(ranting) on afterwards!

----cut here----

B U S T E D !

Arcadia BBS (Paradox EHQ, Pentagram UKHQ) in the UK has been busted. 
Reps from FAST and the Metropolitan Police Computer Crime Unit turned up at my 
house at 9.10am (21st December) with a search warrant. They have confiscated 
all my computer equipment and any paperwork they thought useful. All USER.DATA 
was intact so they have the lot.

If you run a UK BBS (any format) I strongly recommend that you close it and 
wipe all info regarding it from your system. 

Full Story:
The law knocked on my door at 9.10am and barged in armed with warrant. In 
total there were about 8 peeps (2 from the CCU, one from FAST [John Loader - 
Hello John I am sure you will be reading this!], a local police sergeant and 
a few Scene of Crime Photographers) who proceeded to search the whole place. 
No stone was left unturned - they even went thru bank statements, my holiday 
snaps, love letters to/from Daffy (a bit off I think!) and anything else.
They took away my Amigas (BBS and A1200), my modems (4 of mine and one of a 
nameless friend), my drives (even one that was in fact sold to someone else), 
my disks, my games (even though I had receipts to prove they were paid for), 
my monitor, even my phone socket doublers. I may get a receipt later (don't 
know when).

I had a chat with John Loader (FAST) and he seemed well up on the scene in the 
UK. He is on MOST boards in the UK and was prepared to name a few - Unknown
Pleasures and Flying Teapot on PC - and some Amiga ones. He wanted to have my
opinion on which of the two I thought was the better PC board - he thought UP
but Teapot was better since he moved to Brighton and opened his third node. He
mentioned Living Chaos on Amiga (and Intreq by name) amongst.
My strong recommendation is to close because it just ain't worth the risks. I 
don't mean the usual "close for a few weeks for things to calm down" - the 
future busts FAST are working on will take time. FAST need to provide evidence 
to gain a search warrant and have the CCU and your local police co-operation 
so it might be up to 6 months or more before they visit a BBS but rest assured 
they can (and probably will). Sure, they prefer the MultiNoders but they also
want the babies. JL mentioned that there were some pretty lame boards around
that went up and down every few weeks (yeah that's you Hogster! - joke!) but
they want them ALL. I don't yet have any idea what charges will be put against
me but the evidence is probably there (on my HDs but of course I never have
time to look at the uploads so I cannot be sure but FAST seem to think there
will be pirate stuff there!).

For the doubters amongst you - it is sufficient evidence to get a search
warrant if they provide captures and/or files. Suffice it to say there is no
BBS in the UK safe from a search warrant.
If anyone wants to verify this as genuine feel free to call me on my mobile
phone (+44 850 828117 from 9am-9pm UK time only please). I have posted this
number because I am sure some cynics will doubt the validity of this.
Beast (Paradox/Pentagram/Daffy-Lovers)


Happy Xmas to ya all (from my cell at Watford Nick!)

Oh and yes.. don`t expect to see ARCADiA return - it won't be - It's been
nice getting to know some cool guys - no names - I know FAST will see this
file - They will probs read it on your BBS Mr.Sysop !!

----cut here----

Note from Executioner;    {Former sysop of Treasure Island, +44 992 R.I.P.}

I  can  confirm  the above to be true - as anyone who is anyone knows I had
the same visit back in May of this year...

I had no intention of making any text files explaining things, but feel now
the  time  is  right  to let everyone know whats what, after Beast took the

FAST/CCU  can,  and WILL carry out more raids in the future...  If you want
to continue running a board then so on your head be it..  but all I can say
is that if you carry on running a board, and get busted --- do not complain
to  anyone  except  yourself...  As Beast quite aptly stated, they could be
reading this file on YOUR board!

It  took  them  a  long  time to gather the evidence before striking me, so
don't  think  they  can't  have already infiltrated your system..  They may
already have applied for the search warrant...  [Dawn raid here we come!!]

Since  May  6th  1993,  I  have  still  had none of my equipment returned -
including  a  A2000, Nintendo, PC, Scanner/Printer/Monitors, Hard Drive and

For  all  of  those  out there that think they cannot do anything - you are
wrong..  For even if they do not charge you, they can hold your stuff for a
very  long  time..   and by the time it is returned it will be considerably
devalued  (and of course you have no machine to play on in the meantime!!).
Is that not punishment in itself??

FAST  -do-  know  what they're doing, and are fully clued up on the scene..
they  have  the right equipment...  I get so sick of those saying `but they
probably  only  have  a 2400 baud modem on an A500'..  Wake up!!  You think
they  can't  afford  a  16.8k??  Jeez..  You think they cannot answer a few
simple  questions  about  whats  new???   They  can  read  file listings on
boards!!  You think they are going to answer "yes" to the question `are you
a law enforcement agency.......'...  How naive (you were!) can people get!!

I  have  now  quit  the scene - and feel better for it.  What gets to me is
that  so  many  people will read this, and think that I am being defeatist,
and  the  scene  will rule on for always...  Well the scene will never die,
but slowly, one by one FAST will knock bits away from it -- and people like
YOU  will be the ones affected...  then the scene will just stab you in the
back,  ignore  you, and then continue without you...  What an awesome hobby
to  have!  -- Are you the same person who would be tempted to steal cars or
sell  drugs  for  `Mr Big' -- thinking you are part of a team, only to find
yourself  busted  and  your  "boss"  has shockingly gone AWOL....  look who
takes the heat! sob sob!!!

Why  not  do  something sensible like get a REAL job!  get paid REAL money!
Hey, you may even get enough money to BUY a game!!  - Well, okay maybe I am
going to far there :-)


As  a final thought -- they WILL carry out more raids -- how do you know it
wont  be you?  If your board is as awesome as every sysop likes to think it
is...  then likewise, FAST will be most interested in calling it!

..Infact,  I  would  almost go as far to say that if you don't get busted -
maybe it is because your board SUCKS!!!  (hehe)

                               Happy XMAS!!

                                                    ___ ___
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#            ______________________________________  _______________        #
#           / ______/ _____/  __  __   /  _____/   \/   /          /\       #
#          / /\    / /_   /  / /_/ /  /  /_   /        /___    _ _/  \      #
#         / /  \  / __/\ /  /  \_\/  /  __/\ /        / \ /   /\Y \  /      #
#        /  \___\/ /__\//  /   / /  /  /__\//  /\    /   /   /  \__\/       #
#       /_ _____/ ___ _/__/   / / _/____ __/__/  \__/   / __/   /  Y        #
#       \ Y     \Y   Y \  \  /  \Y \    Y  \  \  /\ \  /\Y  \  /   |        #
#        \ ______\______\__\/    \__\_ _____\__\/  \_\/  \ __\/             #
#         Y      Y      Y  Y        Y Y     Y        Y    Y  Y              #
#         |      |      |  |        | |     |        |    |  |              #
#                      __________________________   ___                     #
#                     / ______/   /          /  /\ /  /\                    #
#                    / /\    /   /___    ___/  /  /  /  \                   #
#                   / /  \  /   / \ /   /\ /  /__/  /   /                   #
#   16.8 HST D/S   /  \___\/   /   /   /  /__    __/   /   16.8 HST D/S     #
#  1.3 GIG ONLINE /_ _____/_ _/   /_ _/   /\/ __/\ \  /   1.3 GIG ONLINE    #
#      24 HRS     \ Y     \ Y \  /\ Y \  /  \Y  \ \_\/        24 HRS        #
#                  \ ______\___\/  \ __\/    \ __\/ Y                       #
#   AMIGA WAREZ     Y      Y   Y    Y  Y      Y  Y  |      AMIGA WAREZ      #
#   REQUESTS CONF   |      |   |    |  |      |  |         REQUESTS CONF    #
#   AGAFIXES                                               AGAFIXES         #
#   SNES WAREZ              +44-(0)200-443201              SNES WAREZ       #
#   PC WAREZ                                               PC WAREZ         #
#                INJECTED ON THE 24-Dec-93 AT 17:42:56                      #
#                                                                           #