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                                   T H E
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                 \______/  \_____/  \/  \_____/  \____ \      [BRYCE!/HZ]
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                                 \/   \/                      \___/

                 Issue 4.0 1990-09-23 By BRYCE! of HORIZON



    1.0  Introduction

    2.0  News in this issue

    3.0  Modem settings
    3.1  Explaination

    4.0  Dipswitch settings
    4.1  Note that...
    4.2  Dipswitch note for Sysops...

    5.0  Preferences Settings 

    6.0  Terminal program settings
    6.1  How to get the highest cps rates
    6.2  JRComm settings
    6.3  JRComm versions
    6.4  AZComm settings
    6.5  AZComm versions

    7.0  JRComm vs. AZComm
    8.0  Appendix

    9.0  Aftertouch... Hail to all Sysops!
    9.1  Aftertouch part II... Greetings


1.0 Introduction...

    This document is for all you people out there, that has been trying to
    patch all the exiting documents together. This document should cover
    all you need to know about HighSpeed transfers... Enjoy!
2.0 News in this issue...
    In this issue the discussion about choosing between JRComm and AZComm
    is continued. Also, some differences between the JRComm and AZComm
    versions are discussed. And just for fun, I also included some 


3.0 Modem settings...
    First of all, here's a regular USR INFO Screen on the HST settings...

    USRobotics Courier 14400 HST Settings...

    B0  C1  E1  F1  M1  Q0  V1  X6
    &A0  &B1  &C1  &D0  &G0  &H1  &I0  &J0  &K0
    &L0  &M4  &N0  &P0  &R2  &S0  &X0  &Y1   

    S00=000   S01=000   S02=043   S03=013   
    S04=010   S05=008   S06=002   S07=060   
    S08=002   S09=006   S10=007   S11=050   
    S12=050   S13=000   S14=001   S15=000   
    S16=000   S17=000   S18=000   S19=000   
    S20=000   S21=010   S22=017   S23=019   
    S24=000   S25=000   S26=000   S27=000   
    S28=008   S38=000    

3.1 Explainansion...

    I used the ATI4-command look, so that it would be easier to make a
    comparison between your old settings, and these settings. And now 
    for a short explaination of the settings:

    B0 CCITT answer sequence. May be set to B1 (HST) if you're not a sysop.
    C1 Transmitter enabled.
    E1 Command mode local echo on.
    F1 Local echo off after connection. (Full duplex)
    M1 Speaker on until connection has been established.
    Q0 Result codes displayed
    V1 Verbal resultcode mode.
    X6 Result codes options. This may be changed for desired effect.

    &A0 Suppresses the /ARQ result codes (A must for Sysops)
    &B1 Activates the HighSpeed DTE-rate (So you can use 19.2 in term prg)
    &C1 Carrier Detect (CD) operations.
    &D0 DTR reaction. Use &D2 to drop carrier on DTR removal.
    &G0 No guard tone.
    &H1 Hardware RTS flow control. 
    &I0 Software flow control disabled.
    &J0 Standard single phone connection.
    &K0 Data Compression disabled. If you send unpacked programs, use &K1.
    &L0 Leased Line disabled. Regular phonelines.
    &M4 Activate ARQ mode automaticly, if possible, otherwise; normal mode.
    &N0 Normal link operations. Variable DCE-rate.
    &P0 North American Pulse-tone make/break ratio.
    &R2 Terminal Equipment supported RTS. MAKE SURE THIS IS SET TO &R2!!!
    &S0 Data Set Ready (DSR) override always on. 
    &X0 Synchronous timing source. Modem's Transmit clock.
    &Y1 Break Handling destructive andexpedited.


4.0 USRobotics Courier 14400 HST Dipswitch settings...

     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
    | |*| |*| |*|*| |*|* | UP   |
    |*| |*| |*| | |*| |  | DOWN |

4.1 Note that...

    Note that setting switch 1 down, makes the modem believe that the Data
    Terminal Equipment is ALWAYS ready. This makes it possible to shut down
    your terminal program, and load another terminal program, while on-line,
    without the modem hanging up because the DTR was removed (although you
    might need to change the &Dx option for this to work properly) You must 
    decide wich setting you like most. 
4.2 Dipswitch note for Sysops...

    Sysops, especially AmiExpress using sysops, please remember that, in 
    order to make the modem hang up properly after logoff, switch number 9
    must be set UP. Otherwise you might end up with a BBS that doesn't 
    log the users off, properly... 

5.0 Preferences Serial Settings...

    Baud Rate:                    Buffer Size:
    19200                         16000

    Read Bits:                    Write Bits:
    8                             8

    Stop Bits:                    Parity:
    1                             None


    You may experiment with the Buffer Size, since this can work 
    differently under different conditions. If you suspect that something 
    is wrong, try changing the Buffer Size to 8000, or even less, and 
    see if it has any effect.


6.0 Terminal Program Settings...

    Please follow these instructions carefully for the best preformance!

6.1 How to get the highest cps rates

    Use Amiga-ANSI with one Bitplane (Two colors) for the highest 
    available transfer-Rates, to give the TerminalProgram the
    most processor-time. 

    If you have problems in calling the USA (or overseas), try 
    setting the TaskPriority to something like 31, using the 
    ChangeTaskPri and the Status command in CLI.
    Here's an example:

    1> Status Full
    Process 1: stk 4000, gv 150, pri   0 Loaded as command: Status
    Process 2: stk 4000, gv 150, pri   0 Loaded as command: JRComm
    1> ChangeTaskPri 31 Process 2
    1> Status Full
    Process 1: stk 4000, gv 150, pri   0 Loaded as command: Status
    Process 2: stk 4000, gv 150, pri  31 Loaded as command: JRComm

    Now you have changed the TaskPriority to 31, and the terminal-
    program will get more processor-time to execute its tasks.

    Always use the RAM: device for tranfers, as much as possible, thus
    it is MUCH faster than diskdrives. (Harddisks are almost equally 
    as good as the RAM: device, so use that if you one, since it lowers
    the risk of a guru during transfer)

    If you are experiencing some exremely bad phonelines (like during
    a thunderstorm) you can also lock your modem at a lower speed,
    and because of the less number of errors, you may achieve higher
    speed, despite the lower speed. This can be done with the 'AT&Nx'
    command, where 'x' is a number from 0 to 8 representing the speed.
    Refer to the diagram, below, for the x value...

    AT&N0 Normal Link operations.
    AT&N1 300 BPS
    AT&N2 1200 BPS
    AT&N3 2400 BPS
    AT&N4 4800 BPS
    AT&N5 7200 BPS
    AT&N6 9600 BPS
    AT&N7 12000 BPS
    AT&N8 14400 BPS

    Another trick to use under bad phone conditions, (see above) is 
    to simply just pick up the reciever and put back on the hook 
    after just a second. You don't have to hold it up for a long time.
    Just put it back on the hook, as soon as you picked it up. This
    might seem as hokus-pokus, but it actually works very good.

6.2 JRComm users, please check the following settings...

    File Transfer Paramenter...

    Protocol           Zmodem (of course)
    Zmodem Send modes  Don't care. You may change this, but it no big deal.
    Zmodem Options     Resume transfer On/off... It's up to you...
                       Auto Download on...
                       Auto Download challenge on, if auto D/L is on.
                       ESCAPE CHARACTERS OFF!!! DON'T FORGET THIS!!!
                       32 bit CRC on.
    Miscellaneous      Binary mode on.
                       Save aborted on.
                       Relaxed timing on.
                       Auto chop off.
                       Overdrive on. 
                       X/Y pre-ack off.

    Serial Port Parameters...

    Baud rate          19200 baud (or 38200 if you change to the highest
                       value in preferences)
    Data bits          8
    Parity             None
    Stop bits          1
    Duplex             Full
    XON/XOFF           TURN THIS OFF!!!
    Break length       250000

    Modem Paramenters...

    Turn everything off, except Flush with a break. Some of the other 
    options may be changed for a desired type of call. 

    The init command can contain lots of commands, but if you have set
    the modem according to the above settings, all you really need is
    Terminal Parameters...

    CR xlate           None
    LF xlate           None
    EOL out            CR

    Screen type        Use 2 colors for best throughput! 
    Capture Filters    All set to off... (Change this, if needed) 
    Emulation          Amiga. (Can of course be changed if you call
                      another type of computer)
    Text Size          Normal
    Miscellaneous      Destructive BS on.
                       Wrap lines on.
                       Cursor Blink on.
                       All other off, but can be changed.

    Macros and Palette...

    ...can of course be set exactly like you want them to be...

    General Parameters...

    Status Line        Status line active on.
                       Time of day clock on.
                       On-line timer on.
                       24 hour mode off.
                       Audiable beep off.
    Miscellaneous      CTS/RTS handshake on.
                       Immidiate exit on. (It doesn't ask if you're sure)
                       Disk check on. (Checks if there's space on disk)
                       All other options off.
    Paths              It's up to you!
                       Serial device: Serial.device
                       Device Unit: 0

    Now, make sure you save all this as 'JRCOMM.DEF'!!! And it will always
    be set! Nice, eh?

    The other Terminalprogram settings show be set according to the
    Prefernces Serial Settings.

6.3 JRComm versions...

    As you probably know, there are alot of JRComm versions out there,
    and the most logical thing would be that the latest version is the
    best version, right? WRONG! That question is not at all that logical.
    Some people might say that JRComm V1.0 Sales Version is the best,
    because it's the newest one, but the fact is that although the 
    small-file-bug (files under 500 bytes can't be tranfered with versions
    under 1.0) has been fixed in the 1.0 version, the transfer rate 
    has, strange as it seems, been heavily reduced. The cps rate may
    vary with numbers up to 200 cps between the 1.0 version and older 
    versions like 0.99q. Therefor, as the difference of the cps rate
    is that big, the best choice is JRComm V0.99q. You also won't have
    to waste time and diskspace on a worthless titlescreen, if you use
    the 0.99q version. 

6.4 AZComm users, please check the following settings...

    In AZComm there aren't very much settings to discuss, but I'll try
    to clear up some things for you anyway...

    File               Not much to say about this... Always use ZMODEM 
                       when possible! Start ASCII Capture/Send is of 
                       course used to send for example a text file, or
                       Recieve one... As you probably know, there's a 
                       hidden menu i AZComm, located just to the left 
                       of the File menu. In that menu you have the 
                       option of masking the priority, showing HEX
                       characters and/or showing protocol characters.
                       These may be set to your liking...  

    System             Chop files on.
                       End of line. Activate: TX EOL = CR
                                              RX EOL = CR
                       The other options in System can also be set to 
                       your own liking... 

    Mode               Activate CRC. 

    Serial             Baud Rate: 19200.
                       Parity: none.
                       Data Length: 8 bits.
                       Stop bits: 1 bit.
                       Duplex: Full.
                       XON / XOFF: Turned off. 

    Phone              If you have constructed a phonebook, this is
                       where the phonenumbers will appear.

6.5 AZComm Versions...

    Of all the versions of AZComm I've tested, I found AZComm 1.10 to be
    the one with the least bugs and the highest transfer rates. I then,
    of course, mean the 2 color version of AZComm 1.10. If you use colors
    the speed will be reduced. Although, AZComm worked fairly good, I 
    found it to be very sensitive for peripheral equipment. It can behave
    very strange with some harddisks and memory expansions. If you find
    this symptoms, you probably have some sort of expansion that AZComm
    doesn't accept. In that case, you should switch to JRComm.

7.0 JRComm vs. AZComm...

    As mensioned in the Appendix, AZComm is about 50 cps faster than
    JRComm, but the question is; do you really want to replace the
    superiority of JRComm with some insignificant 50 cps? In reality,
    does 50 cps realy do any difference? Well, personally i think, the
    answer to the question is no. I mean, with features as automatic 
    download, different definition set-ups, almost every available
    terminal emulation, different fonts for use with foreing keymaps,
    phonebook with complete modem and terminal recognision, on-line
    change between terminal emulations and color modes, complete 
    print-out of the call to printer, etc, JRComm has so many more
    useful options, that it seems strange to even think about AZComm.
    Of course many people, who doesn't have harddisks, think that 
    AZComm is better, since the loading time is highly reduced,
    because AZComm is so small in kilobytes. But that's just the 
    price your going to have to pay for those extra features, isn't 
    it? And that's not much of a price, is it? Well, this discussion
    will probably continue until some new awesome terminal program 
    comes out, so explore your own way, to the on that suits you best.
    There are in fact just as much people using AZComm as JRComm, 
    strangly enough, and that's the reason, for which I put in the
    instructions on how to run AZComm...


8.0 Appendix...

    For the fastest TransferRates use either AZComm or JRComm, since
    these have proven themselfs to be the best for HighSpeedTechnology
    applications. It is a fact that AZComm is some fifty CPS faster 
    than JRComm, although JRComm is more advanced and have more special
    features. You should decide wether you need the extra speed of AZComm
    or the special features of JRComm, but whatever your choice may be
    the differnce is not realy that big... I personally would recommend
    JRComm since it is much more soffisticated, and more advanced. The
    speed really isn't that much of a difference, so I think you will
    be more confortable with JRComm... Have Fun!!!


9.0 Aftertouch... Hail to the all Sysops!

    In my experience as a Sysop, you get a lot of people asking what
    is wrong with thier terminal and/or modem settings, and it can
    get pretty exausting telling people the same things all the time,
    so that's where I got the idea to make a complete document on how
    to set up your terminal program and modem. So, now things are much
    simpler. You just put this file in the bulletins, and then you can
    ask the user to compare his settings, with this textfile, and 
    everbody's happy... I mean, if you have bitchy users, they'll 
    probably complain about the line being busy all the time, otherwise.
    So, enjoy this, and if you have anything that you think should be
    added then contact me right away!

9.1 Aftertouch part II... Greetings, in no order at all, to:

    SpaZm, The Baron, Prisoner of Wife, Bandit, Spike, Ted, Conqueror
    Zike, Black Shadow, Strider, Excelsior, Coke (Adept), The Griffin
    Evil Priest, BigFoot, Junior, Dragon (NS), Zin, Bigfoot, Raistlin
    Judge Dredd, Lucifer, Zelnik, Metal Gear, Metalica, All to much!
    Utopia, CrackMaster, WarAngel, Rob, Master E.D., Blaizer, Mike
    Jetaza, Istvan, Mahoney, Kaktus, Rastan, Red Baron, Coma, Pioneer. 
    And of course to all HORIZON Members:

    Ric, Link, Rebel, Gaston, Striper, Zip, Citizen, Galactus, Kapten Data
    Cyber, Lord Arthur, The Grimreaper and Spymiga.

     You can reach me (BRYCE!) and the other Horizon members at my BBS
   'THE MAINFRAME' at +46-31-151552. Comments and tips are VERY welcome!
                               Or write to:
                             BRYCE! of HORIZON
                            c/o Robert Eriksson
                              Barnhusgatan 14
                               S-411 11 GBG


       Special thanx must go to SpaZm and The Baron for some tips!!!


                     C a l l  o u r  b o a r d s . . .

  Type:               Name:                    Number:       Sysop: 
  ------------------- ------------------------ ------------- -----------
  World Headquarters: Smash Palace California  213-670-2211  Grimreaper
  U.S. Headquarters:  The Fires of Hell        201-789-2799  Lord Arthur
  Euro Headquarters:  MainFrame                +46-31-151552 Bryce!
  ------------------- ------------------------ ------------- -----------


                     This has been a presentation by:
              _______                                              __
             / ___  /\   ____      __    __   _______   _______   / /\
            / /__/ / /  / __ \    / /\  / /\ / _____/\ / ___  /\ / / /
           / _____ \/  / /\_\_\  / / / / / // /\____\// _____/ //_/ /
          / /____/ /\ / / /  \_\/ /_/_/ / // /_/__   / /_____\/_\_\/  
         /________/ //_/ /     /_____  / //______/\ /______/\ /_/\
         \________\/ \_\/      \____/ / / \______\/ \______\/ \_\/
                                   /_/ /

                                     o f
           /\                  __________/\
          / /                 / __________/
         / /       __________/ /___    __________    __________/\__
        / /   /\  / ________/ /___ \  / ________ \  / ________/ /_ \
       / /___/ / / /   / / / /___/ / / / ______/ / / /   / / / /  \ \
      / ____  / / /   / / / __  __/ / / / ______/ / /   / / / /   / /
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     \/   / /  \______/ / /    \ \/ /  \______ \ \______/  \/   / /
          \ \__________/ /_____ \__/ _________\ \______________/ /
           \__________/ /_____ \    / _________\ \______________/      
                      \/      \ \__/ /          \/

   This document may be freely distributed, and/or used as a bulletin in 
   a BBS, as long as the document is shown as is, with no, what so ever,
   changes in it.                    

                  T E M P L E  O F  D E S T R U C T I O N
               ___________               __  _
              /____  __  /\          ___/ / / \
                  / /  \/__\ /\_/\  /    \ / __\         /\
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                 \ \/\\ \/\/ /\_/\ \// \/ \ \/\ __/ \__/ /\/___
                  \  / \  /\ \   / // /____\  / \/ _ \  ______/
                   \/   \/  \/  / / \______\\/  / // / /
        ________                \/              \   /\ \
        \  ____ \   _   _______________     _____\_/__\/       __
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                \ \ __\ /_\// /  \/ // //  / _ \ /  \/\/ \ /\ \ \
            /\  / /  //_ _  //   / / \///\/ / \//   /\/ _ \  \ \ \
           / / / / \/\_ \/ / \/\/ / / // /\ \/\ \/\/ / // //\ \/ /
        __/ /_/ / \  / \  / \  / / / //  \ \  /\  / /\   / \ \  /
       /_______/   \/   \/   \/\/  \___/\/  \/  \/\/  \_/ \_\ \/
                     - DIVINA HQ -   AMIGA & PC TRANSFERS
                              500 MEGS / HST DUAL
                        Now featuring AMIGA 3000 25 Mhz 
                            Node-1 ++[39] 2 2827442
                            Node-2 ++[39] 2 26142278

                       +:+:+: /X\ETAL CHURCH :+:+:+
                           AUSTRIA's OLDEST BBS
                         L E P R O S Y   -   W H Q
                          RUNNING NOW ON 2 LINES!
            LINE #1: +43-725-266-402   LINE #2: +43-725-268-655
            ~~~~~~~                    ~~~~~~~