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                        Somewhere In Holland ][
                     - The Amiga Convention 1994 -
                        - Advertisement V1.00 -
Streetgang (AudioMonster) is playing and I'm in the mood for some heavy
As the rumours spread it for us, I don't need to tell it anymore but for
the ones that didn't hear it, and didn't read the title:
             S O M E W H E R E   I N   H O L L A N D   ] [
                      - The Amiga Convention 1994 -
Before giving information on this event I want to loose some weight on
SIH 1 wich was held in Nijmegen/Holland in August 1993. These two days,
were a new experience to us. WE had never organised a party before, and
the amount of visitors was far below the nescesary amount we needed to
cover the costs. This resulted in us having to grap our OWN bank
accounts to pays the costs. BUT: (almost) everybody agreed in the fact
that the organisation WAS good because: We HAD clean toilets. We DID
clean the place once in a while. We DID have good sound equipment. We
DID NOT have any power failures. We DID pay the prizes, while we
actually couldn't afford it. You DID have a good time and almost
everybody stated that they WOULD come back for Somewhere In Holland ][ -
The Amiga Convention 1994.
All this proves that Blitter was right in The Jungle #5. A party is not
just good because of the amount of visitors. We weren't the biggest
party ever held but we all HAD a great time. This combined with what the
visitors called 'a good organisation' resulted in a nice party in wich
for once, the organisers DID keep their words. We even had MTV running
at the entrance for a while, but unfortunately the genlock dropped out,
and we weren't capable to fix it. Finaly, I want to thank the folowing
persons, for giving a great contribution to SIH 1:
   Dope/Reality.......................................(main organiser)
   Elliott/Reality....................................(main organiser)
   The Fox II/Reality..........................(Great Sound Equipment)
   Wizz/Reality................................(Great Video Equipment)
   BoulderBrain..............................(Great Genlock Equipment)
   Facet/SpaceBalls.....................................(great advise)
   Nao/SpaceBalls........................................(nice sheets)
   Harry Saleming................................(Great hall-mananger)
   The electrician..........(for only being present to read the paper)
   Harmke...............................................(Nice PR-Lady)
   Danielle.....................................(Nice Lady-Bar-Tender)
   All the visitors....(for much moral support about the organisation)
     Otis/Perseus.....................................('Great party!')
     Legend Holland.............................('nice organisation!')
     Fashion/Static Bytes.('This is the first time that an organiser')
     .....................helped me finding a parking spot, by jumping
     .................................into my car and driving to it!')
     TFA.........................('Let us know when you do it again!')
        The party is organised by:
                    Reality             (Elliott)
                       +                (Boulderbrain)
                   SpaceBalls           (Dope) 
        Open your ears, and listen to the rumours. Within two weeks
        we'll tell you more about this fact but it's good, for sure.
        Nevertheless, as I just stated: Open your ears, several people
        (mainly friends of us) already DO know it so you could know
        it before the rest does.
        The party will be held around the end of June / The beginning of
        July 1994. At this moment, everybody is Free from school, and
        the ones that aren't can easily take a few days of, since it's
        just the last days of school.
        The party will take up 3 days of your agenda. This means 72
        hours NON-STOP party-hole with great music, nice videos etc. If
        you have a nice video at home (traders listen up!) bring it. It
        keeps the sleepers awake! haha
        - A big hall of about 2000 square metres.
        - Enough electricity for everyone.
        - an official electrician.
        - A big QUALITY screen, showing the latest demos, videos etc.
          Remember to bring your demos/advertisements/request etc. We'll
          be happy to show them.
        - A powerfull Sound Equipment from a Drive-In-Show.
        - Incredible amount of discos, snackbars, cinemas etc. in the
        But most of all:
        - Organisers that keep their word!
        Mmm, more about this in the Invitation. But, for Dutch
        standards, they're high!
                              And remember:
  We couldn't just organize an Assembly/Gathering/Party size party in 
Holland! Within the Scandinavian borders there's a BIG party TRADITION.
                            We're catching up!
     Somewhere In Holland - The White labeL entrance to the scene was
    organised by only 2 (two) people. This time we're more powerfull...
      - Advertisement V2.0 will be released within 2 weeks. Get it! -