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File size:
5 092 bytes (4.97K)
File date:
2020-05-15 04:18:06
Download count:
all-time: 600


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 |  tELNET       aMiGA 4ooo cYbERStORM o6o / 5omHz  |
 |   dIALuP +44 (0) cOMiNG s00N          0 to 3 dAYS aMiGA sCENE sTUFF    |

                       >< aMi-eXpReSs v4.x (rEg.) ><
    >< 2.0 gIg TaPe >< A4000/040/25mhz >< 4.2 gIgS >< 28 mEgS rAm ><
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         nOdE #1 <> ( 2 1 5 )/4 2 6 - 9 4 6 1 <> 21.6K uSr dS
         nOdE #2 <> ( 2 1 5 )/4 2 6 - 7 2 3 8 <> 21.6K uSr dS
         nOdE #3 <> ( 2 1 5 )/4 2 6 - 6 7 1 9 <> 16.8K uSr dS
         nOdE #4 <> ( 2 1 5 )/4 2 6 - 8 2 4 8 <> 16.8K uSr dS
                           Wed Aug 24 01:31:34 1994

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BoRg, a fucKin RaD nEw gRoUp, mEmbErlIst
aNd inFo aBoUt jOinInG
Greets ALL.. This is Dec/\y/BoRg/bETRAYEd... Le><us and I have started a
new group called BoRg... We are looking for more crackers/hackers, traders
,HQ's and Dist sites.. So if Anyone is looking for a /<ool new group for
their board call 304-472-9307 to apply for membership.. I'll be gone this
week so leave messys to Le><us... After that just leve them to me, Dec/\y
Here our PARTIAL memberlist so far... We dont have many but we all work damn
hard for the scene..

                     ._____   _/|  _______ ______
                     | __ _) /¬..\ ____ _//. ___/
             o       |  _ ¬\/  | \\\  _ ¬\\ \\ ¬\    o
   __________________|___  /\___  //__| __/___  /_____________________
  |        |            ¬\/     \/   ¬:__/   ¬\/                     |
  |        .             o   mEmBeR LiSt      |           .          |
  |        o                                  o                      |
  | Dec/\y           SySoP nEW wORLD OrDer, OrGaNiZeR, CoDeR, TrAdeR |
  | Le><us           CrAcKeR/hAckER, TraDeR, CoDeR, OrGaNizEr        |
  | /\LoNe           pEEcEE Trader                                   |
  | ThoRRin          AmI TrAder                                      |
  | M/\l/\Th/\r      TrAdeR                          o               |
  | DiCkheAd         TrAdeR, Lamer      .                            |
  | Topgun           AmIgA CoDeR                                     |
  | John Sclafani    AmIgA TrAdEr                                    |
  | YoU !!!!!        AnYtHIng JuSt COnTaCt Dec/\y or Le><us on       |
  |                   NeW wOrlD OrDeR 304/472/9307                   |
  |    .                                                      .      |

   Greets go to:

   /\DoNis/DarKneSS               For bEing a /<ool gUy
   LoNgpLay/????                  caLL his RaD fUcKin BoaRD at 515/232/9011
   MFM/bETRAYED/Skid Row          tO tHE /<OoL aSs leAdEr of bETRAYEd
   Z-Keeper                       fOr mY fIRst eLite aXxess, ThaNks !
   PoLeRbeEr/bETRAYEd             hOpe to GeT tO kNoW yA bEtTer
   Le><us/BoRg                    BaDaSS !!
   AnD all ThE fUckIn MeMbErs oF bETRAYEd

   Dec/\y ^ BoRg WoRlD LeAdeR ^ bETRAYEd

   Call nEW wORLD oRDER at 304/472/9307 BoRg WHQ, bETRAYEd USHQ

   - -- --- ---(itS WiLD ­ itS WiCKEd ­ iTS tHE PlACE 2 bEE)--- --- -- -

              _____.                    tELNET
      ._____  \   _|____                 pHONE  +44 (0)  cOMING sOON
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                         \_________/    |     \_________/   _____/ /
                       - -- ------\___________/-{@dY}--\__________/-- -

                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.6 by SieGeL/tRSi]