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13 277 bytes (12.97K)
File date:
2020-06-01 05:45:04
Download count:
all-time: 577


                ______               _____       ____________
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 |  tELNET       aMiGA 4ooo cYbERStORM o6o / 5omHz  |
 |   dIALuP +44 (0) cOMiNG s00N          0 to 3 dAYS aMiGA sCENE sTUFF    |

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                             --[ DtA DhQ ]--
                           - --(· FastAdd v1.2 By Nike/Craze^Del!ght -95 ·)-- -
                .___________ _|_ ______________________________.
                |             |                                |
                :   bOONDOCKS · oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE   |
  . _______ __ _|_ ____             ______           ________  :      _____
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|                                                              :             |
|      hELLFiRE & lSD wHQ! · tRISTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. & iLS aMIGA eHQ!      |
|       tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. /X-iNNOVATiON wORLD diSTRiBUTiON sITE      |
|              dREAMCHARTS, sUNFLEX iNC. & dEViOUS dEZiGNS dHQ!              |
|            -g^sTYLE! & tWISTED wHQ! · pRO aRTS & rOADHOGZ eHQ!             |
|                                                                            |
|                                 mASTERS aRE:                               |
|     -·>s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·aPOLLO·aSTRO·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS<·-     |
|                                                                            |
|     2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP!    |
|                                                                            |
|  +31-(o)-548-54O-653        +31-(o)-548-521-716       +31-(o)-548-521-848  |
|    -·>16k8 dUAL<·-            -·>28k8 dUAL<·-           -·>28k8 dUAL<·-    |
|                                                                            |
l_________._ _                                                  _ _._________|
 ________ |   -·>nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORd!<·-   | ________
|________||                                                        ||________|
          :        uPLOADEd bY UFOk             oN nODE #01        :
          .   tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: 03:12:58 , 12-23-1995   .

 ____ _____ _|__ - ------------------------.
.\    \___/ \___)   __ Of Classic Presents |
`- ----------------_\/_ -----------------  |
                   \/\/                    |
. A Reply To The File Written By 'Gryzor!' |
.  Called 'g!hej.txt'. Download And Read   |
  As many of you, I also read the text called 'g!hej.txt' and I was really
  moved by 'Gryzor!'s stand against what he felt was a big injustice.
  I would like to point out with this text a few small things that I feel
  are important. One of them is that none of you have good grammar or
  spelling. I found several examples of this in both your texts but I 
  consider the mud throwing to be, in all honestly, pathetic.

  M·a·i·n   T·e·x·t
  What the real issue is and I am just expressing my point of view here -
  that Gryzor! is not being respected for who he is by 'Dalamer'.
  It is with a certain degree of sadness that I write this text and also
  that I feel compelled to take Gryzor's side in this debate. The reason
  is simple: There is a chronic lack of respect in the scene. I have never
  heard of this Dalamer before the Dream Charts nor have I had the pleasure
  to read a copy of the DC but, Gryzor is right when he says that a guys 
  like Dalamer can't represent the scene. This is true and I am sure that
  Dalamer agrees with Gryzor there. The scene can only be represented by
  the people who make it what it is. This means the groups. Like HLM's WC.
  The Dream Chart has become big due to hard work and this is something that
  I have to give full marks to Dalamer for. It is great to see people 
  working hard in the scene now. Something that is ONLY positive. What the
  danger is, and I think that we have seen proof of this now, that the 
  person that works so hard in the scene starts to think that he is maybe
  worth a bit more than he is in reality. The fact is that 'Dalamer' isn't
  worth much in the real scene and this is also something that he can admit
  to, I think. Now, please don't take any of this as an attack, I am only
  trying to tell you some home truths, you should thank me really...
  When it comes to Gryzor's work I must say that I support him totally. 
  Formatting lame boards and making lamers lives hell is something that I
  find to be great and something that the scene should be thankful for.
  It isn't something that I would have the time or energy to do but it is
  a very nobel thing to do and I would prefer Gryzor as a 'scene police'
  as to that of Dalamer who in my opinion does not have the experience to
  formulate such opinions. Nothing personal.. That's just the way things
  are - such is life! Live with it...
  Source: 'g!hej.txt' Read quote below for more information.
                  --------------[ Start Quote ]--------------
  DALAMER: And I Cannot understand Why people send him Logos and asciis. 
  GRYZOR: Because they admire my work? Perhaps...
                   --------------[ End Quote ]--------------
  I must say that I am a fan of what Gryzor does, he is a competent hacker
  and one that I respect. I can't respect someone that makes a chart and
  then just because of this thinks that he is some kinda scene god...
  This of course doesn't mean that I 'hate' Dalamer - it's just that the
  impression that I have got from seeing his activites makes me feel that
  this guy is just not on the same level as I am. He is far from alone so
  to Dalamer - please don't take this as an attack - just a viewpoint.
  Hope you can respect this without using some childish foul language to
  reply cos I just won't respond to such crap. 
  F·i·n·a·l W·o·r·d·s
  To sum it all up, I think that Dalamer should really take a look at what
  he is doing. Ok, everyone doesn't like hackers etc etc and I can 
  understand a sysop not really being a fan of them but if you are straight
  up with people and don't hide your TRUE identity with a mask (i.e. trying
  to be someone you are NOT) then things should go ok. There ain't anybody
  that is intrested in formatting COOL boards but, as said, if you are a
  fake guy just bluffing a lot and someone calls your bluff you just have
  to accept that you have been beaten. Everyone has been a newbie at some
  time or another - thing is that some stay new longer than others...
  This is the first and last piece of my wisdom that I will offer into this
  debate in public. If anyone doesn't understand anything said here and
  wishes to gain clarity from me personally then please call 'The Last Inn'
  in Malmoe/Sweden and I will answer.
            | I would like to point out that these views are |
            |  my own and have nothing to do with Classic's  |

Signed: Rob.

EndOfFile / EndOfDiscussion
            -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )-
 __/  __ __/   _ __/   _ __/   _ __/ ___ __/   _ __/   ____/   / __/   ____/
 \_   _  \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_   _  \_____  \_
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 sAl1      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \
   /        \      /________\      /        \      /________\      /
  /          \                    /          \                    /
   [·hELLFIRE & lSD wHQ!·] [·tRISTAR aND rED^sECTOR ¡NC.&·iLS aMIGA eHQ!·]
             [·dREAMCHARTS·sUNFLEX iNC.·&·dEVIOUS dEZIGNS dHQ!·]
          [·-g^sTYLE!·&·tWISTED wHQ!·]  [·pRO ARTS·&·rOADHOGZ eHQ!·]

                  --»> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <«--
          ---»> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <«---

 -[ +31-(O)-548-54O-653 ]--[ +31-(O)-548-521-716 ]--[ +31-(O)-548-521-848 ]-
      -[ 16k8 dUAL ]-          -[ 28k8 dUAL ]-          -[ 28k8 dUAL ]-

         [-[[ uPLOADEd bY: UFOk             ]]-]--[-[[ nODE: 01 ]]-]   
     [-[[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: ]]---[[ 03:12:58, 12-23-1995 ]]-]
.______________/\    _______/\ :_________________________\    /.____________
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|    _|___  \   \ \/ /   \     \   \  ____/  \_______   \|     \    _|___  \
|   _____/   \_  \  /     \_\       \_  /     \_   |     \_     \_ _____/   \_
                                --[ DtA DhQ ]--
                           - --(· FastAdd v1.2 By Nike/Craze^Del!ght -95 ·)-- -

   - -- --- ---(itS WiLD ­ itS WiCKEd ­ iTS tHE PlACE 2 bEE)--- --- -- -

              _____.                    tELNET
      ._____  \   _|____                 pHONE  +44 (0)  cOMING sOON
     _|   _/__/   __    \___________
     __   ___/____ |     \______   /_
     /     |     /_|______/  _____/ /
 - --\__________/--------\_________/ -- -
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  [ nERVE aXiS uKHQ ]    /   _____/ /   __   \   \_      /_____   /_
                         \_________/    |     \_________/   _____/ /
                       - -- ------\___________/-{@dY}--\__________/-- -

                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.6 by SieGeL/tRSi]