File Archive

File download


File size:
11 174 bytes (10.91K)
File date:
2024-08-11 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 1


                   E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N.   A.U.S.T.R.A.L.I.A.
o                o        o
               /\                /\      /\           ___o               ___o
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 /\_______//  o/   /   / /  o/  O/___|  o|\   \  /  o/  o/   / /  o/ .\ \  O|
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_\   \______________\   \_____________________/   /               |   |______
_________________________________________________/ Poise/RaZoR PC |__________

   Presents : The Super Wild Card & Super Magicom Programmers Handbook.

   Typed by : MicroChip/Evolution/Submission
   Call the Evolution WHQ on : Southern Cross BBS (SNES/MD/PC/AMIGA)
                               --> +61-3-428-9359 (2 Nodes Ringdown)


HardWare Specifcations & Features

1) DRAM - 28Mega Bits Maximum Available
2) SRAM - 256k (Battery Backup)
3) ROM - 128k (Firmware)
4) Floppy Drive Interface -
   * Motorola MCS3201 Chip (NEC 765A Compatible)
   * Compatible with IBM PC/AT & XT Disk Drive System
   * Suports 3.5" & 5.25" Flopy Disk Drive.
   * DB-25 Female Connector (non-standard)
   * Supports only Non-DMA mode (polling)
5) Parallel Port Interface -
   * 8 bits input, 4 bits output, 1 bit handshake.
   * DB-25 Female Connector
   * Use Male to Male DB-25 Connector to connect to PC's Parallel Port
6) Core Chip -
   * Altera EP1810 Chip (First Generation)
   * Front Far East FC9203 Chip (Currently Shipping)
   * Front Far East FC9304 Chip (Not Avilable)
7) Versions -
   Ver.  Bios-Name   Core    Mode21   Saver   Description
   'A'   Magicom     EP1810  No       Yes     External Drive
   'B'   Wild Card   EP1810  Yes      Yes     External or Bulid-in DD
   'C'   Wild Card   FC9203  Yes      Yes     External or Bulid-in DD
   'D'   Wild Card   FC9304  Yes      Yes     (Under Development)
   'E'   Wild Card   EP1810  Yes      No      Magic Drive Adapter
   'F'   Wild Card   FC9203  Yes      No      Magic Drive Adapter

SoftWare Specifications & Features

1) Registers -

   [Floppy Drive I/O]
   C000R : Input Register
           Bit 7 - MCS3201 IRQ Signal
           Bit 6 - Drive 'Index' Signal (Disk Insert Check)
   C002W : Digital Output Register
   C004R : Main Status Register
   C005RW: Data Register
   C007R : Digital Input Register
   C007W : Disk Control Register
   * Consult the MCS3201 Data Sheet for more detailed information.

   [Parallel I/O]
   C008R : Bit 07 : Parallel Data Input (reading this register will
                                         reverse the busy flag)
   C008W : Bit 03 : Parallel Data Output
           Bit 00 :  0=Mode 20, 1=Mode 21 (DRAM Mapping)
           Bit 01 :  0=Mode 1, 1=Mode 2 (SRAM Mapping)

   C009R : Busy Flag, Bit 7 (EP1810 Version)
   C000R : Busy Flag, Bit 5 (FC9203 Version)

   [Page Select]
   E000W : Memory Page 0
   E001W : Memory Page 1
   E002W : Memory Page 2
   E003W : Memory Page 3

   [Mode Select]
   E004W : System Mode 0 (Bios Mode, Power On Default)
   E004W : System Mode 0 (Play Cartridge)
   E004W : System Mode 0 (Cartridge Emulation 1)
   E004W : System Mode 0 (Cartridge Emulation 2)

   E008W : 44256 Dram Type (For 2,4,6,8 Mega Dram Card.
   E009W : 441000 Dram Type (For 8,16,24,32 Mega Dram Card)

   E00CW : Enable cartridge page mapping at A000FFF (Sys Mode 0)
           Disable cartridge page mapping at bank 205F,A0 (Sys Mode 2,3)
   E00DW : Enable SRAM page mapping at A000FFF (Sys Mode 0)
           Enable cartridge mapping at Bank 205F,A0 (Sys Mode 2,3) 
   * The bank address of the above registers is 007D,80.
   * The above registers are available only in System Mode 0 (BIOS Mode)
   * [Mode Select] registers also available in System Mode 2.

2) Memory Mapping -

   [System Mode 0]
   bb2000B3FFFRW : SRAM or Cartridge page mapping, bb=407D,C0 
   bb8000B9FFFRW : DRAM page mapping, bb=007D,80
   bbA000bBFFFRW : SRAM or Cartridge page mapping, bb=007D,90
   bbC000W : I/O Registers, bb=007D,80 (Registers)
   bbE000bFFFFR  : ROM Page mapping, bb=01 (Firmware)

   * 1 Page = 8k Bytes, 1 Bank = 4 pages
   * bb:000F = 4 Mega Bytes
   * bb:001F = 8 Mega Bytes
   * bb:002F = 12 Mega Bytes
   * bb:003F = 16 Mega Bytes

   [System Mode 1]
   bb0000b7FFFR : Cartridge Mapping, bb=407D,C0 (Mode 21)
   bb8000bFFFFR : Cartridge Mapping, bb=007d,80 (Mode 20,21)

   [System Mode 2]
   bb0000b7FFFR : DRAM Mapping, bb=407D,C00 (Mode 21)
   bb8000BFFFFR : DRAM Mapping, bb=0070,800 (Mode 20,21)
   70800070FFFFRW : SRAM Mode 1 Mapping
   306000307FFFRW : SRAM Mode 2 Mapping, Page 0
   316000317FFFRW : SRAM Mode 2 Mapping, Page 1
   326000327FFFRW : SRAM Mode 2 Mapping, Page 2
   336000337FFFRW : SRAM Mode 2 Mapping, Page 3

   * bbE004bE007W : Mode Select Registers, bb=007D,80

   [System Mode 3]
   bb0000b7FFFR : DRAM Mapping, bb=406F,C0 (Mode 21)
   bb8000BFFFFR : DRAM Mapping, bb=006F,80 (Mode 20,21)
   70800070FFFFRW : SRAM Mode 1 Mapping
   306000307FFFRW : SRAM Mode 2 Mapping, Page 0
   316000317FFFRW : SRAM Mode 2 Mapping, Page 1
   326000327FFFRW : SRAM Mode 2 Mapping, Page 2
   336000337FFFRW : SRAM Mode 2 Mapping, Page 3

   * Mode 21 - Even DRAM is mapped to bb0000b7FFF
               Odd  DRAM is mapped to bb8000bFFFF

3) Parallel I/O Protocol - 

   [Protocol used in PC]
   * Byte Output procedure:
       Wait Busy Bit = 1           Status Port Bit 7  (Hex n79,n7D)
       Write One Bytes             Data Latch         (Hex n78,n7C)
       Reverse Strobe bit          Control Port Bit 0 (Hex n7a,n7E)

   * Byte Input procedure:
       Wait Busy Bit = 0           Status Port Bit 7  (Hex n79.n7D)
       Read Low 4 bits of byte     Status Port Bit 36 (Hex n79.n7D)
       Reverse Strobe bit          Control Port Bit 0 (Hex n7A.n7E)
       Wait Bust Bit = 0           Status PortBit 7   (Hex n79.n7D)
       Read High 4 Bits of byte    Status Port Bit 36 (Hex n79.n7D)
       Reverse Strobe Bit          Control Port Bit 0 (Hex n7A.n7E)

    * 5 Types of Commands

    * Command length = 9 bytes

    * Command Format:
      Byte 1  D5              ID Code 1
      Byte 2  AA              ID Code 2
      Byte 3  96              ID Code 3
      Byte 4  00|01|04|05|06  Command Code
      Byte 5  A1              Low Byte of Address
      Byte 6  AH              High Bytes of Address
      Byte 7  LL              Low Byte of Data Length
      Byte 8  LH              High Byte of data Length
      Byte 9  CC              Checksum = 81^Byte4^Byte5^Byte6^Byte7^Byte8
     * Command [00] : Download Data
       a1,ah = Address
       11,1h = Data Length
       Output Data after Command
     * Command [01] : Upload Data
       a1,ah = Address
       11,1h = Data Length
       Input Data after Command 
     * Command [04] : Force SFC Program to JMP  
       a1,ah = address

     * Command [05] : Set Memory Page Number
       a1 Bit 1 = Page Number
       a1 Bit27 + ah Bit 1 = Bank Number

     * Command [06] : SUB Function
       a1 = 0  Initial Device
       a1 = 1  Play Game in DRAM
       a1 = 2  Play Cartridge

Password Format

1) Description -
   Use the Data in the password to replace the data in the memory
   at the offset address (according to the game file)

2) Format 1 -
   * Game Doctor Gold Finger Format
   * 20 bits address space assigment
   * 3 data bytes per string
   * [Gaaaaaddddddccc]
     'G'    = Means Game Doctor Format 
     aaaaa  = Offser address of game file (Excluding 512 bytes header)
     dddddd = 3 data Bytes (If the second ot the third data is '00',
                            this means that the data is uncganged in
                            the second of third byte)
     ccc    = Checksum (Not used in SWC and SMC)

3) Format 2 -
   * 'FFE' Format
   * 24 bit address space assigment
   * 1 to 36 data bytes per string
   * No Checksum
   * [nnaaaaaadd....]
     nn     = Data bytes length
     aaaaaa = Offset Address of Game file (excluding 512 bytes header)
     dd.... = nn Bytes data (Should be nn*2 Characters)

File Header

1) Created by JSI/Front Far East

2) 512 Bytes Length

3) Byte
    0   - Low Byte of 8k-Bytes page Counts
    1   - High Byte of 8k-Bytes page Counts
    2   - Emulation Mode Select
          Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
              x             : 1=Run in Mode 0 (Jump $8000)
                x           : 0=Last File of the Game (Multi-File)
                  x         : 0=Mode 1, 1=Mode 2 (SRAM Mapping)
                    x       : 0=Mode 20, 1=Mode 21 (DRAM Mapping)
                        x   : 0=Run in Mode 3, 1=Run in Mode 2 (JMP Reset)
                          x : 0=Disable, 1=Enable (external cartridge
                              memory image at Bank 205F,A0 System Mode 2,3)
    8   - File ID Code 1 (Should be 'AA')
    9   - File ID Code 2 (Should be 'BB')
    10  - Check this byte if ID 1 & 2 Match
          02 : Magic Griffin Game File (PC Engine)
          03 : Magic Griffin SRAM Data File
          04 : SWC & SMC Game File (SNES)
          05 : SWC & SMC Password, SRAM data, Saver Data File.
          06 : SMD Game File (Megadrive)
          07 : SMD SRAM Data File
    37  - Reserved (Should be 00)
    11511 - Reserved (Should be 00)

  ****************************** The End ***********************************

Personal Greetings go to:

Ice/ATX - See ya at the Rave!
Krayzi/PE - Stop pulling those pipes.
Krimsym - See ya at Insanity!
VIking Child/Submission - Use a condom next time!
Ginnie/Razor - PC's RULE - NOT!
TV & Revenger/Submission - Why an A4000?
Poise/Razor - Where's my text screen??
Itec/Submission - Lets get TCC going again? 
Mixer/Mel - See ya at Kentucky!
WormEater & RAM - Call my board!
Kirk/Anthrox - How ya going Pete? Will Call ya soon!
Mat - Speed kills - NOT!
Choronzon - Let me see ya trade!
Sweet Thing - Thanx for the support!
Woody & Sandman - Call my bbs you lazy bastards.. hehe
Cameo - I want a pre-release...
Rotox - Call me..
Mr. IRQ - Dove' il mio manuale?
Jacknife - Thanx for the Support Dude!
And to all my friends I have forgotten about coz I am tired!

Group Greetings go to:

Submission, Magical, Anthrox, Paradox, Razor, Fairlight, BSL, Elitendo, 
PE, Quartex, Skid Row and to all others I missed! 

NOTE: If any Australian's wish to purchase a Super Wild Card they are
      asked to call (03) 883-0297 (24hour paging service)............