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File size:
12 854 bytes (12.55K)
File date:
2020-06-07 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 796


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 |              boRinG b0arDs ar@ Æ di$ea§e - th¡s ¿s the çuRe             |
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 \        gCs! bØarD * sYsøp Guli\/er * 1,5GB onlIne * 2 n0de$ * /X        /
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                               NeW CoNSoLe CoPieRS

        The ALL NEW PhantomDrive will bring all your console dreams to life!
The amazing PhantomDrive is ready for the future of tecnology, and around
for todays!  This gem can copy and run SNES, Genesis, Jaguar, Neo-Geo, and
even Saturn (Jupiter) and Project Reality (when available).  Old copiers become
a thing of the past, and step aside to make room for this giant discovery!
After many, many months of work (and 100's of No-Doze) the perfect system has
finally been created!  Being an independant reasearcher we've made all our
current units by hand and therefor have a VERY limited quantity.  However, your
unit is GUARANTEED to work for 3 years!  We can go on-and-on about our
excitement towards the PhantomDrive, but we'd like you to join in some of
our bliss by sharing with you some of the PhantomDirve's features!

                        - LoadBuffer Technology....With the PhantomDrive
                          there is NO LIMIT to the size of a cart!  Weather
                          one meg or a million...The PhantomDrive
                          constantly loads as it runs (if nesessary) with
                          absolutly NO PAUSE in gameplay.  In fact, you
                          will not even detect the loading GUARANTEED!

                        - 256 Megabits....Other copiers come ready to go
                          with 16, 24, or 32 megs.  The PhantomDrive comes
                          with a whopping 256 MEGS!!

                        - Dual Drives....20MB/FDD: Fit upto 186MEG of data on
                          ONE disk! Faster than a High-Denisty drive!  Also
                          has an 4MB/EDD, which packs 44MEG and reads and
                          writes standard DSDD/DSHD disks also!

                        - I.J.S. (Internal Jaguar System)....The only way
                          to get the Jaguar support to work effectively
                          enough was to emulate the ENTIRE Jaguar itself.
                          Using dual RISC 32bit processors an a unique
                          language identical to that of the Jaguars, we
                          were able to get the Jaguar backup to work 100%!
                          This FULL emulation of the Jaguar is NOT to be
                          used in place of the system.  It is STRICTLY for
                          the purpose of flawless cart backup.  For test
                          purposes however we include a dual joystick port
                          cart.  Thus the user can plug Jaguar joysticks
                          into the PhantomDrive (via a Jaguar style cart),
                          for the purpose of Direct System Maintenance.
                          DSM as it is called will be made available at a
                          later date, and will allow a user to slove ANY
                          hardware problems at home!

                        - CD-ROM....A CD-ROM will be available in early
                          August!  This CD-ROM drive will use PDCD
                          technology, capatable with 3DO, CDI, CD32, and
                          Turbo Duo (sorry, no Sega CD).  However, programs
                          will be released in PDCD format, and using this
                          system to run any software for the above mentioned
                          systems is strictly forbidden by law!  An MPEG
                          module will also be available in early August,
                          allowing the PDCD to play feature-length videos!

                        - FreeLink....The PhantomDrive has one expansion
                          port, with endless potential!  Soon to be
                          available for the FreeLink are: CompTalk, Modem 8,
                          PDCD, and more!

        Excited?  We thought so!  All this comes in a unit the size of a
VCR!  With everything you need to get started right away!

        PhantomDrive                                          $1350
        PhantomDrive+                                         (TBA)
        PDCD                                                  (TBA)
        CompTalk                                              $30
        Modem 8                                               (TBA)
        MPEG                                                  (TBA)
        Replacement Jag. Joyport cart.                        $80
        For more info please E-mail to SoNiC or SoNiC & BattleMaster!
        Orders begin 6/20/94!

                                        * Remember, Piracy is theft!
Mini-Miraclez is NOT liable for the misuse of this device in ANY WAY!!

                _        sOMEWHERE_oN tHIS gALAXY    _ 
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          cALL tHE cRAZY bOARDS - tHE nEW dIMENSION iN tHIS wORLD   | |
      _ ____________________________________________________________|_|__
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                                                                 cu!| |
                                                                    | .
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|                          -> cLASSIc & gCs GHQ <-                          |
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|          sTRICLTy cLOSEd sYSTEm - 5 nODEs - sOON fOUr mORe nODEs          |
             Upload Date: [05-07-94] - Upload Time [22:19:04]
                [·SPEED TEXT ADVERTISER v1.09 BY DR.DRE!·]

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   YOUVE HEARD ABOUT IT!      \/         :    ·               l_____/

  -[ uPLOADED bY :        Black Beard / ]-[ nODE : 01 ]-
      -[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD ]-[ 15:03:10 ]-[ 02 Sep 2017 ]-
           «» aDDED wITH nEUTRON mULTICHECKER v1.o [PUBLIC!] «»