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			    ::::::  AM¡GA - SNeS - ATaR¡   ::::::
  DeL¡R¡uM AM¡GA Uk.Hq.     :::::  ----------------------  :::::
  DYNaM¡X CøNSøLe Uk.Hq.    :::  IbM - FReE ReQUeST - aNS¡ :::
  DeZ¡Gn aNS¡ Uk.Hq.        ::  -------------------------- :: 
  aRcL¡Te aNS¡ EHQ.Hq.      :                              :

	      Uploaded Time: 03:33:13   Uploaded Date: 93-09-20   
    No Freeloaders here, if you want to read this file, then download it!!!
		       ###  BLOOD_TXT bY xRAY/MSQ  ###

The Top Group Charts Issue #4
September 13th-19th
 For those of you who did not get our August edition, here is the
deal. The charts will be released from this point on every 7 days
or on a weekly basis... Each week the charts will include the top
groups of that week, and the top groups so far of that month. At
the end of every month will be our traditional end of month chart
ratings. I hope you enjoy the charts, I have received many nice
mails about them in the past. Until next week, I bid you farewell!
			    The Releases
Major Release   5 pts + 1 pt if english + 0-3 pts for quality
Utility         2 pts + 1 pt if cracked or commercial quality
Trainers        1 pt + 1 pt if a mega-trainer
Docs            1 pt
Fixes           1 pt
1 parts         1 pt

Group Name
*Release Name           Points      Quality Points
				Total Points                    
* = Released this week

Mem Click v1.07                 2 pts
				2 pts
Skid Row        
Soccer Kid 100% Patch           1 pt
Tapeworm-FS v1.0                2 pts   1 pt
Skid Marks Preview              1 pt
Brilliance v1.1 Update          2 pts   1 pt
				-----   -----
				6 pts   2 pt
				    8 pts
Airbus 320 Data Disk            5 pts   1 + 1 pt
Dong Playable Preview +2        1 pt
Air Force Commander(multi-lang) 5 pts   1 + 1 pts
*Rovobo v1.8 VMB Service        2 pts
*Blaster                        5 pts   1 + 2 pts
*Pipe Line 3 +3                 2 pts
*Qwak +15                       1 pt    1 pt
*Cap Master 3.0                 2 pts
				-----   --------
				23 pts  8 pts
				     31 pts
Boot Disk Util                  2 pts
				2 pts
IFFTrasher v.975                2 pts
				2 pts
Fast System Info                2 pts
				2 pts
Sim-Life                        5 pts   1 + 3 pts
Micro Machines                  5 pts   1 pt + 2 pts
*Blaster Fix                    1 pt
*Overdrive                      5 pts   1 + 2 pts
*Overdrive Docs                 1 pt
				-----   ---------
				17 pts  10 pts
				      27 pts
Shades Tracker v3.1             2 pts
Mathe IV Junior                 2 pts   1 pt
*Shades Killer 3.3              2 pts
				-----   ----
				6 pts   1 pt
				    7 pts
Coders Comp HD Fix              1 pt
*Fort Apache AGA Fix & HD       2 pts
*Qwak +4                        1 pt    :Came out 3 days late, & 11 options
				-----   :short!
				4 pts
QB Tools v2.06                  2 pts   1 pt
				-----   -----
				2 pts   1 pt
				    3 pts
Sigfried Copy v1.2              2 pts
				2 pts
Yo Joe HD-Version               1 pt
*File ID Library                2 pts
				3 pt
GOAL - Utility                  1 pt
*Screen to IFF v1.0a            2 pts
				3 pt
5-d Disk util                   2 pts
				2 pts
Dual Crew
BC Kid(older ami's)             1 pt
				1 pt
Arrion Preview                  1 pt
				1 pt
Arrion Preview 1 part & train   2 pts
Micro Machines 1 parted 1 pt
Arnie 2 +15                     1 pt    1 pt  
Alfred Chicken Prev 1 part +2   2 pts
*Blaster +58                    1 pts   1 pt
*Qwak +18 & 1 part              2 pts   1 pt
*Powerdate v38.120              2 pts
				-----   ----- 
				10 pts  3 pts
				    13 pts
Micro Machines +9               1 pt    :lame, lame lame
Arnie 2 +14                     1 pt    :lame, lame, lame lame lame!
*Oscar AGA                      5 pts   1 + 2 pts
				-----   ---------
				7 pts   3 pts
				    10 pts
Arnie 2                         5 pts   1 + 1 pt
*Lothar Matheus Soccer          5 pts   1 + 2 pts
*Dogfight                       5 pts   1 + 3 pts
				-----   --------
				15 pts   9 pts
				     24 pts
Global Overdose
Arnie 2 +19                     1 pt    1 pt
Arnie 2 1 part & + 9            2 pts
Pipe Mania 2 +7                 1 pt
*Blaster Fix                    1 pt
*Blaster +27                    1 pts   1 pt
*Qwak +15 & fix                 2 pts   1 pt
*Overdrive +12                  1 pt    1 pt
*Wonderdog +8                   1 pt
*Crystal Hammer '93 1 part      1 pt
				-----   -----
				11 pts  4 pt
				    15 pts
Arnie 2 + 16                    1 pt    1 pt
Oscar AGA HD-Version            1 pts   
Woody's World Final +13         1 pt    1 pt
*Blaster Fix                    1 pt
*Qwak                           5 pts   1 + 2 pts
*Qwak +15                       1 pt    1 pt
*Overdrive +15                  1 pt    1 pt
				-----   -----
				11 pt   7 pt
				    18 pts
Multi Translator Data Disk      2 pts   1 pt
				-----   -----   
				2 pts   1 pt
				    3 pts
Woody's World 100% Final        5 pts   1 + 2 pts
*Dogfight                       5 pts   1 + 3 pt
*Overdrive                      5 pts   1 + 2 pts
				-----   ---------
				15 pts  10 pts
				    25 pts
Woody's World +4                1 pts   
*Wonderdog preview & +3         2 pts
*Virus Workshop v2.5            2 pts
				5 pts
World Of Twist
*Moon Cycle Predictor           2 pts
				2 pts
*Oscar AGA HD Fix               1 pt
				1 pt
*Burntime Playable Preview GERM 1 pt
				1 pt
*Oscar AGA Fix                  1 pt
*Overdrive Docs                 1 pt
*Overdrive 100%                 5 pts   1 + 2 pts
				-----   ---------
				7 pts   3 pts
				    10 pts                              
*Overdrive                      5 pts   1 + 2 pts
				-----   ---------       
				5 pts   3 pts
				    8 pts
Tarkus Team
*Qwak +22                       1 pt    1 pt
				-----   -----
				1 pt    1 pt
				    2 pts
Nerve Axis
*DC Paint v1.1                  2 pts
				2 pts
*Overdrive +23                  1 pt    1 pt
				-----   -----
				1 pt    1 pt
				    2 pts
Alpha Flight
*Crystal Hammer '93             1 pt    
				1 pt
			   The Top Groups
This Week
1. TRSI         17 pts  :Excellent week's performance!
   Paradox      17 pts  :A perenial top performer!!!
3. Faith        16 pts  :Another good week...
4. Anthrox      12 pts  :Same same...
5. GOD          10 pts  :Great trainers, just not always 100% working.
   Fairlight    10 pts  :The oldies...
   Crystal      10 pts  :Overdrive was debatable.
8. Cherry       8 pts   :Better games than trainers...
   Classic      8 pts   :...And they've returned!
10.Zenith       7 pts   :Excellent trainers and 1 parts!
   Honorable Mention
11.Mystic       4 pts   :Much better than in past!

This month to date...
1. Faith        31 pts  :A bit surprising, but do a little of a lot!
2. Fairlight    27 pts  :Great return to a previously absence presence!?!
3. Paradox      25 pts  :They are closing fast!
4. TRSI         24 pts  :Always a top ranked contender!
5. Anthrox      18 pts  :You really came to life this week...
6. GOD          15 pts  :The great trainer group...
7. Zenith       13 pts  :Establishing themselves as a great trainer group!
8. Crystal      10 pts  :Can they return to what they once were???
   Cherry       10 pts  
10.Skid Row     8 pts   :Very slow month for SR, after a good August.
   Classic      8 pts   :We'll have to wait and see...
			  The Ami-X Releases
1 pt per release + 1 pt if high quality

Cyberstat v1.1
2 pts

/x Tool 2       
1 pt

New Join Conf
1 pt

News In All Confs
1 pt

Public Enemy '93         
2400 NUP 
1 pt

System & NUP Comment
1 pt

/x Clock v1.0
ByteKiller v1.0
Newfiles v2.0
*Conf Scan v1.7
4 pts

5-d Stat
*5-d Logoff
*5-d TopFaker
3 pts

Nodewriter 1.48
1 pt

Top Pager /x
1 pt

Ax-Edit v1.4c
1 pt

IFL Pager v1.0
1 pt

Eieriei Operator page tool
Node Info
*User Info
4 pts

Tape Downloader v1.1
1 pt

Quick New v1.1
1 pt

But On Mission
Logon Who v1.1
1 pt

Callers Lottery v1.35
1 pt

Simply Page v1.6
Digi Clock v1.24
*User Info
3 pts

*Operator Page v1.3
*Super PWFail v1.1
2 pts

*Node Group
1 pt

*Operator Page v1.4
1 pt

Status v1.0
1 pt
			 The Top Ami-X Groups
This months leaders to date...
1. FSD          4 pts   :Stick to /x, not lame fakes!
   Mystic       4 pts   
3. Progress     3 pts
   Dynasty      3 pts   :The 5d-dudes...
5. Cyberdine    2 pts
   Defiance     2 pts
			 The Trainer Releases
2 pts per release + 1 pts per 5 options

Arrion                  + 1
Arnie 2                 +15
Alfred Chicken          + 2
*Blaster                +54
*Qwak                   +18
-------------           ----
    28 pts              +92

Micro Machines          + 9     
Arnie 2                 +14     
-------------           ----    
    8 pts               +23     

Dong Preview            + 2     
*Pipe Line 3            + 3
*Qwak                   +15
-------------           ----
    10 pts              +20

Arnie 2 1 part &        + 9
Arnie 2                 +19
Pipe Mania 2            + 7
*Blaster                +27
*Qwak                   +15
*Overdrive              +12
*Wonderdog Preview      + 8
-------------           ----
    33 pts              +96

Arnie 2                 +16
Woody's World           +13
*Qwak                   +15
*Overdrive              +15
-------------           ----
    19 pts              +59

Woody's World           + 4
*Wonderdog Preview      + 3
-------------           ----
    5 pts               + 7

Tarkus Team
*Qwak                   +22
-------------           ----
    6 pts               +22

Backlash                :Are they back?!?
*Overdrive              +23     
-------------           ----
    6 pts               +23

*Qwak                   + 4
---------------         ----
    2 pts               + 4

			The Top Trainer Groups
This week...
1. Global Overdose      20 pts  
2. Zenith               18 pts  :Also getting good at 1 parts...
3. Anthrox              10 pts  :No Blaster trainer??? haha
4. Faith                7 pts   
5. Backlash             6 pts   :They're back??!!??
   Tarkus Team          6 pts
7. Mystic               2 pts
   Outlaws              2 pts

This month to date...
1. Global Overdose      33 pts  :Very nice trainers!
2. Zenith               28 pts  
3. Anthrox              19 pts
4. Faith                10 pts  :Seeing less from you lately...
5. Cherry               8 pts
6. Backlash             6 pts
   Tarkus Team          6 pts
8. Mystic               5 pts
9. Outlaws              2 pts
			 The Cracking Releases
5 pts per release + 1 pt for english + 0-3 pts for quality 
+ 1 pt per 2 disks(max 3 pts)

Airbus 320 Data Disk    7(5 pts + 1 pt + 1 pt)
Air Force Comm(multi)   8(5 pts + 1 pt + 1 pt + 1 pt)
*Blaster                9(5 pts + 1 pt + 2 pts + 1 pt)
			24 pts
Simlife                 9(5 pts + 1 pt + 3 pts + 1 pt)
Micro Machines          8(5 pts + 1 pt + 2 pts)
*Overdrive              9(5 pts + 1 + 2 + 1 pt)
				    26 pts
Arnie 2                 7(5 pts + 1 pt + 1 pt)
*Lothar Matheus Soccer  9(5 pts + 1 + 2 + 1 pt)
*Dogfight               10(5 pts + 1 + 3 + 1 pt)
				  26 pts
Woody World 100% Final  9(5 pts + 1 pt + 2 pts + 1 pt)
*Dogfight               10(5 pts + 1 + 3 + 1 pt)
*Overdrive              9(5 pts + 1 + 2 + 1 pt)
				   28 pts
*Oscar AGA              8(5 pts + 1 + 1 + 1 pt)
				  8 pts
*Qwak                   8(5 pts + 1 + 2 pts)
				   8 pts
*Overdrive              9(5 pts + 1 + 2 + 1 pt)
				   9 pts
*Overdrive 100%         9(5 pts + 1 + 2 + 1 pt)
				   9 pts

			The Top Cracking Groups
This Week
1. TRSI         19 pts
   Paradox      19 pts
3. Faith        9 pts
   Fairlight    9 pts
   Classic      9 pts
   Crystal      9 pts
7. Anthrox      8 pts
   Cherry       8 pts

This month to date...
1. Paradox      28 pts
2. TRSI         26 pts
   Fairlight    26 pts
4. Faith        24 pts
5. Classic      9 pts
   Crystal      9 pts
7. Anthrox      8 pts
   Cherry       8 pts

			 The Utility Releases
2 pts each release + 1 pt for cracked/hi-quality + 1 pt/2 disks(max 3 pts)

Mem Click v1.07         2 pts
			2 pts
Boot Disk Util          2 pts
			2 pts
IFFTrasher v.975        2 pts
			2 pts
Fast System Info        2 pts
			2 pts
Shades Tracker v3.1     2 pts
Mathe IV Junior         2 pts   1 pt    
*Shades Killer 3.3      2 pts
			-----   -----
			6 pts   1 pt
			    7 pts
QB Tools v2.03          2 pts   1 pt
			-----   -----
			2 pts   1 pt
			    3 pts
Skid Row
Tapeworm-FS v1.0        2 pts   1 pt
Brilliance v1.1         2 pts   1 pt
			-----   -----   
			4 pts   2 pt
			    6 pts
Sigfried Copy v1.2      2 pts
			2 pts
5-d Disk Util           2 pts
			2 pts
Multi Translator Data   2 pts   1 pt
			-----   -----
			2 pts   1 pt
			    3 pts
*Rovobo VMB v1.8        2 pts
*Cap Master 3.0         2 pts
			4 pts
*Screen to IFF v1.0a    2 pts
			2 pts
World Of Twist
*Moon Cycle Predictor   2 pts
			2 pts
*File Id Library        2 pts
			2 pts
Nerve Axis
*DC Paint v1.1          2 pts
			2 pts
*Virus Workshop 2.5     2 pts
			2 pts
*PowerData v38.120      2 pts
			2 pts
			The Top Utility Groups
This month to date...
1. Shades       7 pts
2. Skid Row     6 pts
3. Faith        4 pts
4. Angels       3 pts
   Esprit       3 pts
			 My Personal Views
 Another week, another issue...
 But what a week it was! I think that this was the best week in
quite a while. We seen 2 great games from Team 17, and other high
quality games from Core Design, Microprose, etc... We also seen
some very good trainers for these games, and english docs that
were actually released on the day of release... WOW! haha, usually
we must wait a week or so for these... 
 In last weeks issue, I wrote some rather rude(according to some)
remarks about some particular trainers on the scene. And I seemed
to have received some mail with such statements as, "some people 
like to see these options(increase/decrease lives etc), in trainers,
so for those we add them. Look you can add as many options as you
want for all I care, but these should not be included with the number
of +'s on your trainer. It is funny how for Arnie, Anthrox released
a +15, and cherry a +14, yet cherry's was useless, and Anthrox's was
very good. Yet to someone downloading these, hey +14 is just as good
huh? Not... Also I feel that some trainer-makers should learn how 
to add(I wonder who?), You do not add in-game keys on/off as an option,
nor should you add unlimited lives on/off, as a +2! This is very lame,
and very shitty. I will not make rash remarks towards anyone, unless
they deserve it, and I think that Cherry did deserve the remarks that
I directed towards them. Just clean up your trainers in the future, 
and you will receive no more nasty remarks from me.
 In the rush to release lothar matheus, it seems that TRSI came 
through first, though I know of atleast two others who had a copy of
it. Good job to the men from TRSI on the crack.
 I continue to hear all of the gossip of how good that Delirium is going
to be, though they haven't come through yet. Phil is a great cracker
and I think if they only had the quality originals, then they would be
a very top group. Until that time though, we will have to keep anxiously
 The rumors were correct, and Classic has returned to the amiga. 
Overdrive was a good return debut. Let's hope they do not end up like 
Angels did...
 Backlash, another returner, the old training aces, appear to have 
returned to the amiga scene. This might be very interesting, and I look
forward to their trainers in the months to come!
 I think one of the big surprises this month is how active Faith has
been cracking. In the past two months they had only released a couple of
german games, and I had criticized them for not releasing anything in
english. But I feel that I should take that back, as thus far this month
they have released several games, including this week's Blaster, which
was a very big release. And as so, we seen some monstrous trainers for
the game by Zenith, and Global Overdose. Very good trainers, and a very
fun game.
 Cherry made their cracking debut this week I suppose with Oscar AGA.
I am not sure if it is a crack, or if they modified the Hard Drive 
version, but either way it is much better than their trainers.
 That leads me to a point. We need more people who can train AGA games.
All of the groups out there, if your cracker already has a 1200/4000, 
then why not card your trainer one also. There are a lot of AGA 
releases lately, and simply not enough trainers for them. If there were
more trainers who had AGA machines, then maybe this would improve.
 On the cracking scene, I think one of last months big leaders, Skid Row
, seems to have a problem in their supplying corps. I know
that they have able-bodied crackers, so maybe this is the reason why?
Either way, you did well last month, maybe you deserve a break. haha
 Crackingwise, TRSI has been making very good showing this month,
and releasing Dogfight from Microprose, surely didn't hurt them any.
This is a very fun game. The only problem is the HD-Install don't
work correctly(on either TRSI or Paradox version). 
 Fairlight, also has had a very big turn-around month, after two months
of inactivity, the oldies but goodies has relesaed 3 very good games
this month. I am glad to see FLT once again an active force...
 Oh yeah, I would like to take the time to mention the plans for the 
charts. Now that they are weekly, it gives you something worth reading
every week. But stay tuned, for on New years day, I shall release the
biggest, baddest charts you have ever, and probably will ever see. Come
January 1,1994, I am planning to release the ANNUAL edition of the
release charts. It will have every MAJOR release of the year, this 
includes cracks, trainers and fixes only. So you can see exactly what
was released in the past year, and exactly who was consistent. Some
groups who ruled early on, have now been in long slumps(no mentions).
 The only problem here is that since their were no charts in the first
5 months of the year, all of the releases are not well documented. I 
have captured the lists off of various boards, but very few have a 
list of all the wares since january, and of the one's that do, none
of them have all of the releases. So there could be some holes in the
first months. If anyone has a complete list of the releases of this 
year, could you please send it to me. Contact me voice or via bbs.
 Thank you for your assistance, and that wraps up issue #3 of sepcharts.
    ___________ ___ ________
    \__   ___  |   |\   ___/             UN¡QuE UpLøAD¡NG SYSTeM.!
      /   | /  _   |/  _/__            :                              :
    _/    |/   |   /   \/  |          ::     +44-(0)623-825-017      ::
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    +­­\______|Mb/______|­­­|    |­­­­­­­­­­­\/­­­­­­­­­­­­|    |­­­­­­­+
			    ::::::  AM¡GA - SNeS - ATaR¡   ::::::
  DeL¡R¡uM AM¡GA Uk.Hq.     :::::  ----------------------  :::::
  DYNaM¡X CøNSøLe Uk.Hq.    :::  IbM - FReE ReQUeST - aNS¡ :::
  DeZ¡Gn aNS¡ Uk.Hq.        ::  -------------------------- :: 
  aRcL¡Te aNS¡ EHQ.Hq.      :                              :

	      Uploaded Time: 03:33:13   Uploaded Date: 93-09-20   
    No Freeloaders here, if you want to read this file, then download it!!!
		       ###  BLOOD_TXT bY xRAY/MSQ  ###


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       \__\/   *     \   -*- The Silents World Head-Quarters -*-    /     
  *                   \____________________________________________/    . 
  .            .  .    .                .           .          .         .
       .                  .- SysOp:  PLANET MASTER -   .           .      
	   4 NODES!       - 7 1 6 - 6 5 5 - 4 9 4 0 -    .  4 NODES!      
.          .   .       - All Nodes Ringdown - All DHST's! -  .    .       
    .               - Running GVP's G-Force '040/2000 33Mhz! - .    .     
	.       .     - 900 Megs On-Line  Multi-Node Chat -  .         .  
	   *                  - OnLine Since 1985 -           *           
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