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File size:
5 204 bytes (5.08K)
File date:
2024-08-11 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 22


  |                                                                         |
  |    PTL WORLD HQ        NOW ONLINE - 24/24 - 7/7        NO NUP's !!!     |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                          AMIGA          |
  |          ________________________________________         WAREZ         |
  |         (_   _____________  _____________________)                      |
  |          /  /_/ __ \ __ \/ /__ \ _______________)       *O*N*L*Y*       |
  |         /  ___)/ / /   _/ /   _/ __)  ___   ___)                        |
  |       _/  / / /_/ / /\ \ / /\ \ (__\____ \____ \                        |
  |      (____) \____/__)(__Y__)(__)_________/_____/                        |
  |                                            [DH]                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |  SYSOP:    TFX                                                          |
  |  COSYSOP:  DZign!          Node 1 - ZyXEL  19.200 - +32 3 829.08.72     |
  |            Dirty Harry     Node 2 - Supra  28.800 - +32 3     |
  |                                                                         |
  |       Fortress - Running on A4000/030/882                               |
  |                - 500 Mbyte HD                                           |
  |                - Lots of credz for major uploads !!!                    |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |      Date: 25-sep-94     Uploader: Reti                                 |
  |      Time: 15:00:46      Location: =*= HuMaN$ =*=         Node: 1       |
  |                                                                         |

Ok well here is the actual story i just got off the phone with Lee/Major
Theft. Unlawfull Entry was busted by the secret service so the rumors are
true. He has not been charged with anything yet though he will be charged
soon. They did take all his equipment and he does plan to fight this to the
end whatever it may be. Hopefully positive! The secret service told him
that the informers on him were phonestud and killerette and that they told
the secret service that he was a big link in the pirate scene! This is
obviously verry lame! all I can say is lets keep our best wishes for lee
and hope everything works out for him I will keep in contact with him and
let you know if there are any changes. He did say if he could resolve this
in his favor as soon as he is done hewill put the bs back up solets hope
it al works out for him!

                                        Speed Master

  |                                                                         |
  |    PTL WORLD HQ        NOW ONLINE - 24/24 - 7/7        NO NUP's !!!     |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                          AMIGA          |
  |          ________________________________________         WAREZ         |
  |         (_   _____________  _____________________)                      |
  |          /  /_/ __ \ __ \/ /__ \ _______________)       *O*N*L*Y*       |
  |         /  ___)/ / /   _/ /   _/ __)  ___   ___)                        |
  |       _/  / / /_/ / /\ \ / /\ \ (__\____ \____ \                        |
  |      (____) \____/__)(__Y__)(__)_________/_____/                        |
  |                                            [DH]                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |  SYSOP:    TFX                                                          |
  |  COSYSOP:  DZign!          Node 1 - ZyXEL  19.200 - +32 3 829.08.72     |
  |            Dirty Harry     Node 2 - Supra  28.800 - +32 3     |
  |                                                                         |
  |       Fortress - Running on A4000/030/882                               |
  |                - 500 Mbyte HD                                           |
  |                - Lots of credz for major uploads !!!                    |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |      Date: 25-sep-94     Uploader: Reti                                 |
  |      Time: 15:00:46      Location: =*= HuMaN$ =*=         Node: 1       |
  |                                                                         |