File Archive

File download


File size:
8 021 bytes (7.83K)
File date:
2016-11-30 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 448


                               __ _/\¦/\_ __    
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__  iF U sOFT
aMIGA          \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /  gET lOST!
 tERROR        /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
  wORLDWIDE      \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/   sHARP aS a kNIFE
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__/// dAS fLEISCH
fICKEN   _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/          _ GEWORDENE
uND     /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\  bOESE
tOETEN /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE W¿LL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE W¿LL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
       \  __________________\__/           \__/__________________  /
i HATe  \(                    __/\       /\__                    )/ 
PC ANd I ¯                    \__/  ___  \__/    :)              ¯
WONt STOp                       __/\\_//\__
              ONL¿NE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONL¿NE B¿S ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__
                                  \_____/   WE WOULD DiE FOR COMMODoRE

____(\·------------------------ ----  ---  -- - -     -        -

            yOOOOm - tHIS fILE pASSED oNE of tHE lAST! - yUUhU!

                           NO TIME FOR CRITICISM            ·(\ ____
          -      -  - ---  --- -------- ----------------------·\)

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ<-     SERPENT HILL is shutting down!     ->

SERPENT HILL is shutting down!

I'm sorry to inform you that Serpent Hill in Sweden is shutting down.
The time has come for me, EzCo, to move on. I'll be moving soon and
there's no space for the BBS then, and the last couple of years the
calls just got fever and fever. It's not like it used to be and I'm
pretty sure that most of us can agree on that it's because of Internet.
And I understand why. Who knows, maybe one day Serpent Hill will rise
again - that's why I'm keeping the, for now anyway. It's
been a great 4,5 years!

Some info:

Total Upload:   29.968.769.573 bytes ( 55.133 files)
Total download: 35.341.916.588 bytes (121.463 files)
Total Calls:    3.895
Total Users:    671

If you want to reach me, mail me at

Thanks  for  all  support  from  all my users.  Here are some personal
shoutouts (sorry if you're forgotten!):

AGAMEMNON       - Sorry you didn't finish your BBS-sofware.
Boromir         - You were  there  from  the  beginning!  What happened
                  to you then?
cASE            - Good luck in your new apartment, and thanks for all the
                  support and friendship throughout the yers.
Confidence      - Still remember you man! How are you doing?
cOOLORADO       - The A12000 still works as a clock :)
-double!        - How's life in Norway?
fAktOR & tRANCe - Thanks for giving me the thrust and getting your
FuZZ            - Vi lär nos synas...
[KM]            - Ta't lugnt me spriten...
Mascot          - Start getting those movies again, and get hold of your
                  life ;)
Morris          - Still got your bag which I borrowed when I bought your
Nightshade      - If anyonw knows how to get hold of him, mail me!!!
MR SAINT        - Thanks for lending me that A3000 when my burned up.
oPIUM           - Hör av dig! Var inte igår...
sAVAGe!         - Hope you're doing allright.
Schindler       - Stay in touch!
Sniffet         - Thanks for all the graphics you've done for me.
sNIKE           - Hey!... Is your board still up?
sNiPER          - Thanks for all your support! You're the one who "won"
                  Top Uploaders!.. Very grateful! But where are you now?
The Silencer    - Ny sida? Jovars, men den uppdateras inte ofta den
                  heller ;)

Here's the complete history from the bulletin board:

04-Mar-94  Opened this board.
22-Apr-94  Installed a 340 Mb Seagate HD.
01-Jun-94  Installed a MultiFaceCard III.
14-Jun-94  16.8 DS installed on Node #1.
27-Jun-94  Node #2 temporarly on a Supra 14.4 V32".
19-Jul-94  1 Gb Uploaded.
09-Aug-94  Temporarly just one node with a 14.4 v32".
07-Oct-94  Both nodes up. Node #1: 28.8 DS  Node #2: 14.4 V32".
20-Oct-94  Again only one node with a USR 28.8 DS.
10-Nov-94  Both nodes with USR 28.8 DS.
21-May-95  Installed a 540 Mb SCSI.
26-Jul-95  Node 3 installed on a 28.8 Sportster.
18-Oct-95  Was down until 05-Dec. (My A3k was "blown" up and I
           turned it over to the computer repairment center).
24-Jan-96  Installed a GVP I/O Extender.
05-Feb-96  Went down AGAIN.
21-Mar-96  Got tired of waiting for my computer to get fixed
           and bought a A4000/040.
01-Apr-96  Serpent hill back online!
21-Apr-96  Added a Conner 1275 Mb IDE HD and removed some small ones.
24-Sep-96  Added a Conner 1080 Mb SCSI HD.
10-Dec-97  Opened a PC-conference again (deleted later on. No date).

I have a bunch of Amiga-stuff for sale:

 - The two Amiga-CDs online
 - GVP I/P Extender
 - Multiface Card III
 - GVP A4008 SCSI-card
 - Scandoubler for A4000
 - Pioneer DRM-602X CD-ROM changer SCSI (6 CDs)
 - US Robotics Courier 56k x2
 - Handscanner for Amiga
 - Sampler for Amiga

Mail for more info.

                _ _  _                               _  _ _
               /                                           \
              ·/(_____    sIMPLY tO gOOD fOR yOU!    _____)\·
             /                                               \
             \   _____                               _____   /
              ·\(         sIMPLY tO fAST for yOU!         )/·
               \_ _  _                               _  _ _/

                               __ _/\¦/\_ __    
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__  iF U sOFT
aMIGA          \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /  gET lOST!
 tERROR        /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
  wORLDWIDE      \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/   sHARP aS a kNIFE
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__/// dAS fLEISCH
fICKEN   _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/          _ GEWORDENE
uND     /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\  bOESE
tOETEN /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE W¿LL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE W¿LL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
       \  __________________\__/           \__/__________________  /
i HATe  \(                    __/\       /\__                    )/ 
PC ANd I ¯                    \__/  ___  \__/                    ¯
WONt STOp                       __/\\_//\__
              ONL¿NE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONL¿NE B¿S ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__
                   ;)             \_____/   WE WOULD DiE FOR COMMODoRE

                   ^ ^ ^ SPONSORED BY FRAUENKOERPER ^ ^ ^