File Archive

File download


File size:
649 013 bytes (633.80K)
File date:
2001-06-18 00:00:00
Download count:
all-time: 4 226


  • data/ dir
  • data/StoerfallOst.3ds 1.73M
  • data/StoerfallOst.bmx 29.33K
  • Ficken.asm 7.55K
  • gfx/ dir
  • gfx/glengine.ash 10.99K
  • gfx/scenegen.ash 14.60K
  • gfx/texgen.ash 7.59K
  • gl.def 45.50K
  • gpl.txt 17.56K
  • misc/ dir
  • misc/debug.ash 3.53K
  • misc/help.ash 1.26K
  • misc/import.ash 5.75K
  • misc/math.ash 6.07K
  • misc/memory.ash 1.57K
  • mk.bat 332B
  • readme.txt 1.88K
  • script/ dir
  • script/linkScript.ash 3.33K
  • script/sceneScript.ash 10.74K
  • script/scptAnime.ash 2.42K
  • script/scptSound.ash 2.40K
  • script/script.ash 5.89K
  • setenv.bat 86B
  • sfx/ dir
  • sfx/directsound.ash 7.74K
  • sfx/ensembles/ dir
  • sfx/ensembles/precalc.ens 3.79K
  • sfx/ensembles/sound.ens 4.84K
  • sfx/macros+modules/ dir
  • sfx/macros+modules/semAdder.ash 2.07K
  • sfx/macros+modules/semClipper.ash 3.35K
  • sfx/macros+modules/semDelay.ash 2.87K
  • sfx/macros+modules/semFader.ash 2.43K
  • sfx/macros+modules/semFilter.ash 3.31K
  • sfx/macros+modules/semInverter.ash 1.87K
  • sfx/macros+modules/semMaster.ash 2.20K
  • sfx/macros+modules/semMulladder.ash 2.34K
  • sfx/macros+modules/semMuller.ash 2.09K
  • sfx/macros+modules/semNoise.ash 2.18K
  • sfx/macros+modules/semNoiser.ash 2.56K
  • sfx/macros+modules/semOut.ash 2.44K
  • sfx/macros+modules/semPercussion.ash 2.80K
  • sfx/macros+modules/semSampler.ash 4.43K
  • sfx/macros+modules/semSR.ash 2.78K
  • sfx/se.ash 5.84K
  • sfx/seEnsemble.ash 6.92K
  • sfx/seFloatTab.txt 3.07K
  • sfx/seModule.ash 6.33K
  • sfx/sePattern.ash 1.68K
  • sfx/seSample.ash 3.17K
  • sfx/waveout.ash 5.58K


  . stoerfall ost source-release
  . freestyle in 2001
  : what you need to know
    this is the source-release of "stoerfall ost", our winning
    4kb intro that was first shown at Dialogos 2000.
    within this release we give you almost the full sourcecode,
    with some comments for better understanding.
    for a complete recompile you will need masm 5 (or higher).
    to make it more interesting we left out our 'special
    compression tool' :)  so don't feel surprised if the executable 
    cannot be compressed to it's original size (4kb).
    furthermore we decided to release the source under the gpl
    to protect our rights. for the precise terms of copying,
    distribution and modification have a look at the included
    gpl.txt file.
  : the people behind
    idea               . muhmac, mindflower
    initcode / gfxcode · muhmac
    initcode           · yamato
    soundcode          · vudu
    soundtrack         · mindflower
    mental support     . pigpen / occult
                       · ryg / farbrausch
                       · n-fashion
  : features
    · opengl enhancement
    · modular stereo soundsynthesis
    · forward kinematic animation
    · just-in-time-compiler
    · generic mesh creation
    · multiprocessor support
    · full featured keyframer
  : contact
    for general questions you can contact all of us at 
    if you want to ask something about the gfxcode you
    should definately contact
    if you have special questions concerning the soundcode
    please contact
    be sure to check out our website at
    and by the way we are friendly people so do not hesitate to
    get in touch with us! we love you!
  copyright (c) 2001 freestyle