Evoke 2004: Eclipse
- Its compressed without ordinal importing. (Everbody who needs to use this feature is a pussy)
- Compoversion is optimized for Windows XP.
- Better rendering quality could be archived with an nVidia Adapter.
- you can shorten the 4k's estaminted running time with ESC.
- Try to KILL the APPLICATION after it ends with CTRL+C.
- the intro doesnt end by itself cause of some wiered problem with the "Windows Multimedia System".
- This piece of so called art was done in ~6 weeks with about 6-8 hours a day..
Matthias "Tales" Markowski - Maciek@Markowski-web.de
Greetings in rand() order
geno, ToXiC, slc, Finn, sash, ebl
Farbrausch, Kewlers, AND, Cocoon, Moppi, tpolm
Razor1911, paniq, vic