File Archive

File download


File size:
95 677 bytes (93.43K)
File date:
2022-10-19 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 285


  • 1.10K
  • C\Copy 5.37K
  • C\Delete 1.93K
  • C\VDTop 207.60K
  • ExampleOutput\Bull10.Txt 1.05K
  • ExampleOutput\Bull10.Txt.Gr 1.51K
  • ExampleOutput\Bull3.Txt 990B
  • ExampleOutput\Bull50.Txt 1.25K
  • ExampleOutput\ 1.81K
  • Libs\Rexxplslib.library 27.39K
  • S\VDTop.Header2 198B
  • S\VDTop.Header2.Gr 323B
  • S\VDTop.Header3 219B
  • S\VDTop.Header3.Gr 342B
  • S\VDTop.Prefs 486B
  • VDTop.Doc 24.28K
  • VDTop.Sorry 335B
  • VDTop.Upload_Banner 337B
  • VDUtils.Txt 1.19K
  • ·S·0·L·A·R· 919B


                        VDTop v1.2 By </an /)amme                  
       For Any Comments Or Problems, You Can Reach Me On My Board... 
         .:| DeATH RoW (416)548-8557/548-9558/548-6632/548-0240 |:.


 This utility, unlike most of my other ones is not to be run as a door but
instead from a cli/shell or in a logoff script for ami-express. Yes, please
don't run this util if you don't have ami-express installed. This door will 
also work with any version of Ami-express you are running.
 First copy the VDTop program to your 'C:' dir.  Next copy the rexxlib 
if you don't have it already into your 'Libs:'. Also,if you don't
already have the 'Delete' and 'Copy' files copy them to your 'C:' dir as the
program will need them to work properly. Copy The VDTop.Prefs file into
your 'S:' directory as well as header files. You need the Prefs file for
the program to work, but you don't need the headers, but more on this later.
Now, edit your logoff batchs for your nodes to be like 'VDTop 1' for node1,
'VDTop 2' for node 2, so when someone logs off node 2 it will run the VDTop
program and look through the callerslog for node 2. It MUST be run in the
logoffs, as it needs to update the information after each caller.

 Now your ready to configure it to your board.

  Other Utils
 This weektop unlike some week or month tops works great with Nosnuke
and AmiFaker. These two programs are about the only faker programs worth
mentioning that I have seen. Big pat on the back to Spock and Nosferatu, 
and also thanks to both of them for writing callerslog entries that are
easy to work with.  The VDTop will work perfectly with these utils, all
given or subtracted credits by these utils will be updated for the VDTop
files. So continue to NUKE away without worry.

 First off, if you would like to have custom header files for each conf,
here's what you do. Make a file or files in 'S:' called 
'VDTopHeader#/.Gr' - Where # is the number of the conf to use this header
and .Gr or no .Gr is for Ansi and no ansi respectivlely.  So A
'VDTopHeader2' Would be for conference 2 with no color, and 
'VDTopHeader2.Gr' would be for conference 2 with color, and
'VDTopHeader1.Gr' would be for conference 1 with color, etc. There are a
few example files included in the 'S:' directory for your viewing.

 NOTE: You need not use custom headers, but they do make the output files
       look nicer. If you choose to not use any header files, then it
       will default to a clear screen as the header. If you use a header,
       you will have to include a clearscreen if you want it (Ctrl+L) at
       the top, but you probably already knew that. :)

 Now the tough part, the preference file itself. I tried to make it as easy
as I could, but due to the highly configurable nature of the program, you
will need to take some time to make sure all is in order.  Here's an
example preference file and what every line does.  Configure each
line to match your board. Beside the function will be a reference marker.
See that marker below the example for a full explanation.

W                                   - Amount Of Time Before Reseting
Van Damme - Sysop                   - Name Of Sysop
1 Holding Cell                      - Conference Names
2 The Chair      
3 Cell Block     
4 Gas Chamber    
5 Warden's Lounge
6 The Shower     
7 Courtyard      
------------------                  - ******** First Divider ********
2                                   - Conference Number
AMIGA WARES                         - Name To Be Used For Conference
Y                                   - Use A Total Stat Bar In Output
Chair                               - Name Of Conference On Harddrive
EALL                                - Receiver Of Message
Y                                   - Ansi Option For Top Records
BBS:Chair/Bulletins/Bull3.Txt       - Output File For Top Records
10                                  - Number Of Uploaders On Output
0                                   - Number Of Downloaders On Output
Y                                   - Ansi Option For First Output
BBS:Chair/Bull50.Txt.Gr             - Output File Name For First Output 
N                                   - Ansi Option For Second Ouput
BBS:Chair/Bull50.Txt                - Output File Name For Second Output
------------------                  - *********** Divider ***********
3                                   - Conference Number
CONSOLE WARES                       - Name To Be Used For Conference
Y                                   - Name To Be Used For Conference
Console                             - Name Of Conference On Harddrive
Van Damme                           - Receiver Of Message
                                    - Ansi Option For Top Records 
                                    - Output File For Top Records 
4                                   - Number Of Uploaders On Output
3                                   - Number Of Downloaders On Output
N                                   - Ansi Option For First Output  
BBS:Console/Bull50.Txt              - Output File Name For Second Output
------------------                  - *********** Divider ***********
4                                   - Conference Number
IBM WARES                           - Name To Be Used For Conference
N                                   - Use A Total Stat Bar In Output
                                    - Name Of Conference On Harddrive
                                    - Receiver Of Message
Y                                   - Ansi Option For Top Records
BBS:Chair/Bulletins/Bull3.Txt       - Output File For Top Records
8                                   - Number Of Uploaders On Output
2                                   - Number Of Downloaders On Output
Y                                   - Ansi Option For First Output
BBS:Chair/Bull50.Txt.Gr             - Output File Name For First Output 
N                                   - Ansi Option For Second Ouput
BBS:Chair/Bull50.Txt                - Output File Name For Second Output
N                                   - Ansi Option For Third Ouput 
Ram:Testing.Txt                     - Output File Name For Third Output 

 Yes.. quite a big preference file, but don't lose all hope at once. It
just looks big. It's really easy to figure out if you take it step by step.
The first thing to notice is that between the first divider and the rest
of the preference file the two parts are different. Before the first
divider, we have the conference outlines and other things - ONCE. After
the first divider comes the entries for EACH conference. You have one
of this for each conference. So after the first divider, you can have
as many entries as you want, but before it, you will always have one. 

 * Before First Divider *

 - Amount Of Time Before Reseting

This is the first line in the program always. It is the length of time
that the program will run for before reseting.  Most people will use
it as a Weektop, which is what it works best at, but you can set it for
any number of days that you wish. On this line, Use a 'W' for week, 'D' for
a single Day, and 'M' for a month.  After this time limit is reached, it
will post the message with the final results (optional) and also put
out the top record bulletin(optional). You can also use a number like 3 or
13 for a specific number of days instead of a day,week or month.  Note,
that if at any time you change this value after the program is working, it
will start over at day one of this new value, but the users stats will
remain unchanged. (NOTE: For a true weektop, start the door or change to
a week on Monday.)

 - Name Of Sysop
Straigh forward, the name of the sysop or person that you wish to have
the message come from on the board.  It doesn't have to be an active
account, it can be anyname, although the Sysop's name works best in most
cases. :)
 - Conference Names

This program only supports 9 confs maximum now. If you have a problem with
this lemma know.  The conference name part contains a list of all the
conferences on your board (1-9) and how they appear EXACTLY on your board.
It will use this name when searching through the callerslog to find 
what went to which conference. It is not case sensitive.  If you have
conferences you don't wish to keep track of or that don't have files, you
can leave the names blank, but you MUST, I repeat MUST have 9 entries here.
And if it's a vaild entry, it must have the conference number beside of it.


2 Amiga Crap - Unknowns World HQ

4 Pc Wares
5 Pornal pics

7 Elite Files


If you don't want to use a conf, leave it blank. But you MUST have nine
entries here. It's better and less confusing to just list all your confs
whether you use them or not, as I have in the example config file. And
remember that they match up exactly as they appear on your board (save
for being case sensitive)

 The reason for this conference part in the config is because of the
relative conference option on /X v2.37 or higher. Without doing it like
this, things get messed up badly. Just ask Kidlat! on the pit.. hehe.

 * After First Divider *

 NOTE: All this options are repeated over for each conference you wish 
       to have a record for.
 - Conference Number                 

This is the number of the conference as it appears on the Conference
lists in the preference file beginning. So using the example in the
Conference listings, if I used 2 here it would be the 
'2 Amiga Crap - Unknowns World HQ' conference that this preference entry
would be for. All other entries until the next divider will be for this

 - Name To Be Used For Conference  

This is the name that you wish to appear for this conference on the
output bulletins. It doesn't have to match anything, it can be whatever
you like. Like 'This bulletin's for amiga' or anything you want it to be.
If you can't think of anything, you could always use the acutal conference
name here. :)
 - Use A Total Stat Bar In Output    

A 'Y' or 'N' for this option here. If you use a Y, then the output 
bulletin for this conference will have a stat bar at the bottem with the
total number of calls, ups, etc. If you have a no, no start bar will 
appear at the bottem of the output file. 

 - Name Of Conference On Harddrive   

This is the name of the directory of the conference EXACTLY as it appears
on your harddrive. It's needed to find the message base to write a message.
So if your PC conf is BBS:PC - then you would use 'PC'. NO BBS: Needed here,
it will be inserted. (If you can't figure it out, look at your config
for /X or acp.start and look at the directory names for the confs and
leave off the BBS:. 

 NOTE: Leave this space BLANK for no message output.

 - Receiver Of Message               

 This is who the message will be written to at the end of the term. 'EALL'
and 'ALL' work nicely, but you can use any user name you wish.

  NOTE: Leave this space BLANK for no message output.

 - Ansi Option For Top Records 
 'Y' or 'N' , whether the Top record bulletin will be in ansi or not.

  NOTE: Leave this space BLANK for no top record bulletin.

 - Output File For Top Records       

The output file for the top records of this conference goes here. It will
keep track of the 5 best uploaders and downloaders of all time in a 
seperate bulletin. This isn't really something to show users when they
logon, but rather as a bulletin for them to view like a top cps one.

  NOTE: Leave this space BLANK for no message output.

 - Number Of Uploaders On Output 

 Simpley, any number (The more the slower, so no 100 users eh?) which will
be the number of uploaders that will be displayed on the output file.

  NOTE: Use a 0 for no uploaders.    

 - Number Of Downloaders On Output   

 Simpley, any number (The more the slower, so no 100 users eh?) which will
be the number of downloaders that will be displayed on the output file.

  NOTE: Use a 0 for no downloaders.

 - Ansi Option For First Output   

'Y' or 'N' for whether or not the output file will have ansi or not.
 - Output File Name For First Output 

The output file for the list that will contain the top users for the week
as outlined in the number of uploaders/downloaders. This is the file
to display to the users when they log on to your board.
 - Ansi Option For Etc..

'Y' or 'N'. You can have more then one output file (one ansi, one not, etc)
for each conference. Just remember for each output file you want, have
a Ansi option line and a Output filename line for each.

 - Output File Name For Etc..

See Above.

 Now here you would put a divider, and do the same thing above for
the next conference, until you have a complete entry with all the things
above (after the first divider) for each. And then another divider, and
the conference values, etc.

 And Remember, if all else fails, call me.. or go through my provided config
and edit and change to suit your own instead of doing it from scratch. :)

 If you a sysop, make sure that each conf has only 1 or two paths listed
in the 'Paths' file. For if they go to one conference and download all 
the files from the board in there, they will all show up there and not
where they should, in the conference they came from. Sysops and cosysops,
make sure to nuke the files while your in the conference that the file
is in. I don't see this as a problem at all, but you'll always get the
on person that tries it and complains why the user lost credits in the 
wrong conf.

  Output Files
 The normal output files will have a Day(?/?) on it, which will list at
what point your at so far. Like 2/5 would mean your on day 2 of 5. Once
it hits 5/5 it will reset, or whatever you have it set at. This 'Day(?/?)'
isn't listed on the final top record bulletin, it's replaced with the
words 'TOP USERS'. Also, only the final Bulletin and the messages have
the 'Updated On:' now, as it wasn't needed on the bulletins that are
shown to the users when they log on, they get updated everytime someone
logs off. Ya.. 4 second diffence between updates.. hehe. gotta show that..

 Also note that the final top record bulletin will take only 1 user from
the term. So after the first week say, the top uploader and downloader
will be added to the top record bulletin.  ONLY the top users from that
week.  Next week, the top 2 users will be added, etc. It's ONLY the top
users, not everybody.

  Working Methods
Due to the complex nature of trying to keep seperate track of each file
transfer in seperate confs, I had to use a few output files that will
be created in 'S:'. You don't need to touch them at all, they will update,
delete and be recreated as the program needs them. If you do for some
reason need to know what they do and their purpose, they are:

S:VDTop.Dates - Contains the Information about what day of the week it's
                currently on and how many more to go before reseting. If
                This file is delete it will start over at the beginning of
                the term.

S:VDTop.Store - This is the major storage file, containing all the info
                for every user. If deleted, all user stats will be lost for
                the current term.

S:VDTop.Stats - Contains the information needed for the stat bars - the
                Total of all the calls, ups, etc for each conf. If deleted,
                the stat bar information will all be reset to 0 for the term.

S:VDTop.Final - Contains the top record information for each conf. If
                Deleted, all the top records will be lost. Don't delete it.


 One of the nicest options you'll have noticed is the ability to keep
a SEPERATE record of the file transfers in each conference. No longer
will the amiga and console users have to try to compete against the mighty
PC users, they can compete for the weektop in the confs with their own
users.  This utility isn't meant to be a top uploader util, that would
be imposible to do for each conf, but it functions nicely as a week , day
or month top.  I have set the limit of days to 99 max, cause after this
the storage files will probably become too big and slow the program down
too much.. It's only rexx you know. :)

 The best way to set up the output files is as follows. Make the output
files bulls in the Conference name directories, so every time they would
join the amiga conference, they would get the amiga list, or if they join
the PC section, they get the PC list. Output the top records to the 
bulletin section for each conf, so you'll have a top pc records in the
PC conf, and top amiga records in the amiga conference.  Use a nice big
Amiga or PC header for the output lists, or mabey who's HQ it is, etc.
Kinda like for the last caller (by pot-Noodle).  If you want to see
this method (and the method you should be using) call my board or the pit,
as I know he has it setup properly.. hehe..  Also make the message go
to the write conf! :)
 For some examples of the kind of output files you will be getting, look
in the ExampleOutput directory in the archive.  The following example files
are included:

Bull10.Txt       - Console Wares Section With 3 Up/3 Down And No Ansi
Bull10.Txt.Gr    - Console Wares Section With 3 Up/3 Down And Ansi
Bull50.Txt       - Amiga Wares Section With 10 Up/0 Down And No Ansi
Bull50.Txt.Gr    - Amiga Wares Section With 10 Up/0 Down And Ansi
Bull3.Txt        - Top Record Bulletin In Amiga Conf And Ansi

 v1.0 : -No Known Bugs Or Problems. (Beta Release)
 v1.1 : -Public Release Under Tribe Label.
        -Added Custom Headers For Each Conference.
        -User Friendly To NosNuke And AmiFaker Now.
        -Made To Work With /X's Relative Conference Feature.
        -Changed Preference Outline.
        -Adjusted Output File Structure.
        -Removed 'Updated On' From Normal Output Files (Not Needed Here).
        -Fixed Many Message Base Errors.
        -Added Total Stat Bar (Optional).
        -Many Other Small Bugs Fixed.
        -Compiled Size (211824).
 v1.2 : -Found & Fixed Major Right After Releasing - Wouldn't Read 
         Conference Joining Properly. Nobodys Perfect.
        -Compiled Size (212584).

 A big big greet goes out to Akira of the pit bbs, for coming up with
such a wonderful idea for a utility. I'll tell ya, it was fucking hell 
trying to figure out this one, but after a few days (hehe) I prevailed.

 Thanks to B.O.B, Danzig, and all other users on bytemasters BBS that
tried the Beta version and let me know how to improve/fix the program up.
Also thanks that no one spreaded it out, I can trust you guys with other
beta versions of upcoming utilitys.

 Thanks to Akira and Kidlat of the Pit bbs again for helpful suggestions
on how to make it better.

 Thanks to PMF for explaining in english what Virtual Conferences were.
 Send hugs and kisses to Trixie for me.. hehe

 Thanks as always to Nzo for info and opinions on the door and how to make
it better.

 Thanks to Spock and Nosferatu for great nuking utils, and writing
a callerslog good enough for me to extract what I needed.

 Thanks to the uploaders on my board that allowed me to see if it's working.

 Great big Thanks to Illicit Trader who noticed a major bug just before
the file went public. Close one, thanks dude.

 Thanks to Tribe for giving me a group to release it under. 


 I Hope to see this util being put to good use on boards everywhere. You 
 amiga users always complained about getting shafted by the ibm users, well
 now do something about it. Tell your sysops to install VDTop now!

 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |


 Also, I'm taking a brake from writing utils for a week or so, so you 
probably won't seen another VD release until early may. A VDNuke was
brought to my attention, but I'm not sure. If you have any great ideas for
a door, lemma know please and I'm sure I'll write it for ya. Write now,
I'm going to settle back with a nice 40 ouncher of whiskey and wake up
in a few days feeling good. Also remember to grab the first pack of
group headers for VDEdit, released same time as this utility, Apr 19.

 And a few greets to... 

 Skol/THG - Call again soon. Always nice to chat with ya.
 Nzo/Dual Crew - Ah.. I talk to you too much already. :)
 Nameless - Thanks for the greet in your NodeAct door.
 Nosferatu - Don't Worry. VDTop works with Nosnuke.
 Pot-Noodle/Anthrox - Great Last caller util. 
 PMF/Minstry - So have you given Trixie The Big UK Sausage yet??
 /\KiRA - I'm poor from calling your board! 
 MAGNUS/LSD - Greets friend! How's it been going?
 mUb/LSD - Greets to you too dude. Thanks for the support!
 Phideaux!/LSD - The AGA God lives and rules. :)
 Ceejay/WTi - Greets Mate. Save me a brewskie!
 Rambo/Fairlight - New Blood. That's What We Need. Where's the Conf?
 Elf-Co/Alpha Flight - One day I'm going to mail you something!
 Ice Cube/Anthrox - Long time no talk dude. Call sometime!
 Zen - Always my best friend around! :) Never lose touch.
 Echo/LSD - I put your C Disks up. You better call for them!
 Kidlat - I expect you to be using this door! :) Long Live VDEdit!!!
 Zandor/LSD - What A Trader You Are. Zoom zoom Boom! 
 Squid/Prime - You have good taste since you run my utils. hehe
 Cragar/Prime - I shall talk with ya soon.
 Illicit Trader - Thanks for the console support. I really need it!
 Gilby/Minstry - You should call me more! I may have PC one day.
 AxeL - Greets To My Newfound Friend. Where's the asm examples?
 King Conan/Tribe - Thanks for the update ideas. Keep the doors coming.
 Denon - Thanks for the update ideas as well. Really Appriciated.
 Eddie The Head/LSD - So your the sysop of the Carnival? Ahhh!.
 Robster - Thanks for the BBS support - Uploadwise!.
 Alberta - Good luck with the board. I'm sure it will work out.
 Esskayare - Did you get Your computer back out of your car when you found
             out it was PMF and Nzo on the phone and not AT&T? hehe
 TsM/Tectron - Warm greets to ya dude. Keep coding. Nice pretty dir util.
 Shen/Tectron - When's the next door. I shall release something under Tectron
                very shortly. 
 Sinatra/Tectron - Thanks for the testing of VDEdit 2.5!
 Yankee Rose - Thanks for the VDColordir Idea. Glad to see the board back up!
 Kitaro/FLT/SR - How's the board doing m8? Call back.
 Shaggy - The Best Console Support I've seen yet. Where'd ya go?? :)
 Coca Cola Kid/Abuse - What happened to that code? So quick eh?
 SkyLark/LSD - You really are the Number One Skull Brother. 
 The Biker/LSD - Kewl board.  Great name, can I take a drive?
 Blade/Tribe - Long Live The Top Uploader!
 MetalBasher! - You really are the ascii Genius! Call for the /X help.
 Dux/Tsl - Too bad about doc. Call me for the complete version of VDEdit.
 Caffeine/Eclipse - Nice FreeDownload door. VDFree still rules though. hehe

                 Send greets if you want them back!
 And those that I know but forgot, and also those users that still value
friendship over all else, and of course to all you other ami-express door
writers out there. Drop me a line on my board sometime, I'd be glad to help
test your utils or give you the latest updates on mine.

 Remember to call my board. I need some console users badly.. and amiga
users are always more then welcome!

        Warm Greetings to all my friends in Tectron and Tribe.

                       			           Later dudes.. Till then!

                   - Van Damme (TW,SA - U2 Is the Greatest Band Ever! Yup!)
                                 `- Haven't you ever wondered what this is?