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  • DRACULA 1.18K
  • EctOpLaZm.DiSPlaYmE 1.72K
  • FASTRAX 1.27K
  • FSE 27.46K
  • fse.doc 6.15K
  • SKULLFUCK.Displayme 1.54K


                         Full Screen Message Editor V1.0
			        by Price/T.F.A. Holland


The FSE was created using a very small part of 'C' coding to interact with

90% of the coding is assembler. 
(Hell, i don't even know how to write a 'C' programm)

Since ami-express still doesn't have a full screen editor i decided to write
one. I've seen some examples from Remote-Acces(tm) MS-DOS.

I think something like this should be implanted in Ami-Express itself.
So Joseph if your interested, maybe you should try to reach me and will talk
about me giving you this source !!!


The installation of FSE is very simple. Just create a director called FSE in
your doors path. This is needed for the FSE.DATA file which keeps track of all
the users who have used this door.....

Copy the FSE executable anywhere you want and add the following line to your
customcommands file


now your ready to run..


FSE is as simple to use as you ever wanted it to be !

It will first ask you for the user you wish to send the message to.
you can use the standard '*' for a wildcard.

It will be checked if the user you want to write the message to has access
to the conference you started FSE from.

When using the '*' wildcard all users matching the wildcard but not having
acces to the current conference will NOT be shown

EALL, ALL and SYSOP are supported.

After the user to write to is validated you can enter the about question.

A blank about question will abort the message.


Since Ami-express doesn't support the Arrow keys in doors (yet !!, i saw some
undocumented door calls like RAWARROW & GETRAWKEY) this door uses the normal
number keys. This is a problem when you want to write number. Therefor i've put
a NUMLOCK ON/OFF switch in this door. I assigned it to (i think) the most 
unused key in ami-express. This is the {`} key...
(right beneath the ESC key on usa0 keyboards)

In the top right of your screen you will see the numlock: on/off

When 'OFF' you can use your number to move arround the message. 
When 'ON' you can type normal numbers....

The insert mode can beturned on and off as well. Using the {~} key...



-	Reading files
It will first of all read the and DOORS:FSE/FSE.DATA

If the can't be loaded FSE will abort and warn the user.

If the DOORS:FSE/ can't be loaded it will create a new file. In this
file FSE will remember which users have used FSE before !! If a user uses 
FSE for the first time a small info text will be shown. This text is almost 
the same as the command sumary in this doc file.

-	Write to callerslog
It will update the callerslog showing this door was used.

When a message is aborted or an error occures using FSE it will also report
that in the callerslog file and to the user.

After editing the message and aborting or saving the message it will report
this to the callerslog again.

-	Low level library calls
FSE uses direct library calls from EXEC and DOS to create the message.

-	Attach files
FSE had the possebility to attach a file to a message. This is only availeble
for user who have a security level of 250 or higher !!!!

Before actualy attaching a file it will first check the Restricted flag.
All File Restricted in the ACP.STARTUP will be recognized !!

When a user tries to attach a protected file it will be written to the 

-	Eall possebility
Eall is only allowed for used with sec level 250 or higher.


-	Check for file usage...
This means if you are running a multi node board i don't know how FSE will 
react. I've tested it on my local node and at Total Confusion T.F.A. Whq.
I think that if 2 users end there message and save it at the same time
the msgheader file will only contain 1 message. I've written it so that when 
ending a message and the information is written to the msgheader file it will
LOCK this file for itself. So multiple reads are possible but no multiple 
writes !!!

-	Fuck up your bbs

A lot of Ami-express doors and utils contain a backdoor !!
If someone doesn't believe me he is welcome to resource the executable. or 
drop by sometime to take a look at the source...

I think that previous releases of T.F.A. Doors and Utils for ami-express have
proven the above point !!!


The following commands can be used in FSE while editing a Message:

	normal keys 	= 0-9 
	switch nulock	= `
	switch insert	= ~
	CTRL-I / TAB	= 8 spaces

	CTRL-S	 = Save message to disk
	CTRL-A	 = Abort message entry
	CTRL-C   = Clear entire message
	CTRL-L   = Clear current line
	CTRL-D   = Delete the current line
	CTRL-K   = Insert a new blank line
	CTRL-F   = Attach a file to the message (Only for sec level 250+)
	CTRL-P   = Show help information

CURSOR MOVEMENT:	(use the numeric keypad or normal numbers)
        UP     {8} = 1 line up
	DOWN   {2} = 1 line down
	LEFT   {4} = 1 character to the left
	RIGHT  {6} = 1 character to the right
	HOME   {7} = to top of message
	END    {1} = to bottom of message
	PGUP   {9} = one page up (depends on your number of lines used)
	PGDN   {3} = one page down (depends on your number of lines used)

message to : development team/Joseph Hodge
about      : please give an assembler example of REGISTER() and SHUTDOWN()

Since you have created a a door option in ami-express lot's of people have
created there own doors. To bad most of them are slow. One off the main 
reasons (i think) is that the door handling is written in 'C' (i guess, since
most of ami-express was written in 'C')

To compensate for that i write my doors in assembler which is much faster.

But now the tricky part: I use your AEDOOR.O & AESASC.O glue codes to get my
door reply port. A lot of linking (very slow procedure !!)

Please create a small assembler source which does the same as the above 
mentioned 'C' glue objects... thanx

Signed : Price of T.F.A. Holland

Contact us at : Total Confusion  T.F.A. Whq
		USR 16.8 Dual Standard/Fax modem