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18 892 bytes (18.45K)
File date:
2022-10-19 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 376


  • !B!o!o!N!D!o!C!K!S! 2.18K
  • ActionCheck.rexx 1.28K
  • lha.TXT 1.36K
  • RestCmd.rexx 391B
  • UserCheck.DOC 6.97K
  • usercheck.rexx 21.73K
  • viewsua.rexx 1.35K


                   .                        .
         _____   __|\  ____/\__  __/\      /|    ___  __/\  ______
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        |· ¦ ¬\\\  ¦  /  | \\ |  ||      \ ·¦  \\¦  \\  |  /    ¬\
        |_____/ \____/\  ___/ |__·|       \_____/__ |\· |_/\__\ //


                  UserCheck V 1.0        Written by Gabry
                  ---------------        ----------------

Let`s Start ..

User Check is a new conception door that permits to keep under control the
action of the users that don't have the confidence of the sysop.
If installed reports in the log, but more particulary in an own file in ASCII
format that can be view by the sysop with any displayer (it is located in
DOORS:UserCheck/ or with ViewSUA (Suspicious User Actions), that
I wrote with this meaning and from which the file can be also deleted.

Once Installed Usercheck look at the name of the user logging in in a file
called doors:usercheck/SuspUsers, that must be edited with a simple text
editor, and must contain the complete list of user to check, if this file
does not exist or if it's empty UserCheck will think that you have no user
to check...
The format of the file may be the following:

s ho  t

Each name must be on a different line, but spaces and Upper/Lower cases are
not relevant, as you can see in the example.

To install UserCheck:
(the procedure wasn't very simple, but it is for a Sysop!)

Make a directory Called UserCheck in your DOORS: assignment.
Copy into this directory the files:


Create also into the directory the file "SuspUsers" in the way described above
The Suspicious User Actions (SUA) will be created automatically by the program
at the first Suspicious User access to BBS.
In order to work properly you have also to write down a list of the command
you want to check, the commands that generate output on the SUA.
You have to right down this list in that way:

*SS       RM005DOORS:rexx/CiberSysopSend.rexx
*DELPWF   RM240DOORS:rexx/CiberPWFDeleter.rexx
PACKCONF  XS050Doors:afl_lister/Filepacker
D         RM010DOORS:CheckConf.rexx
U         RM010DOORS:CheckConf.rexx
OPEN      RS010DOORS:SDM20/SDM20.rexx
LIST      RM010DOORS:Lister.rexx
HANG      RM005DOORS:hang/hang.rexx
--------------- This are the usual custom commands of your BBS

RESTCMD   RM005DOORS:usercheck/restcmd.rexx
--------------- This is a program to put in your Logoff.txt (see after)

1         RM005DOORS:usercheck/ActionCheck.rexx
2         RM005DOORS:usercheck/ActionCheck.rexx
3         RM005DOORS:usercheck/ActionCheck.rexx
4         RM005DOORS:usercheck/ActionCheck.rexx
5         RM005DOORS:usercheck/ActionCheck.rexx
V         RM005DOORS:usercheck/ActionCheck.rexx
D         RM005DOORS:usercheck/ActionCheck.rexx
--------------- These are the commands that, with this configuration will
                be checked, and this will be reported on the CALLERSLOG
                script, and more deeply in the SUA.

This file must be saved into the BBS:commands/ directory with the name of
"BBS.cmd.s", remember that it's activated instead of BBS.cmd each time a
souspicious user (a user with the name in the file "SuspUsers") enter the bbs,

and this user can access only the custom commands that are described in it.
So, when you update or mdate also your "BBS.cmd.s" file.

Also you have to add the three following lines to your BBS.cmd file located
in the BBS:commands/ directory.

USERCHECK RM005DOORS:usercheck/usercheck.rexx
RESTCMD   RM005DOORS:usercheck/restcmd.rexx
VIEWSUA   RM255DOORS:usercheck/viewsua.rexx

Then, the last but not the list, you have to modify your logon.txt(.gr) and
logoff.txt(.gr), you have to add as first character of both files this symbol:

'~' that specify that you are executing an MCI script.

Then at the end of your LOGON.txt (or at the beginning) you have to add the
following line:


This permits to check if the user logging in was a suspicious one and to
inizialize the door.

At the end or at the begin of your LogOff.txt you have to add the following


This permits to close the door and to restore commands to normality
(REStore CoMmanDs)...

The program as no output except for a string in the inizialization:
"....Checking User...."

You have also to include in your startup-sequence or user-startup the fol-
lowing line:

run >nil: c:rpstart

copy also the program "RPStart" in your C: directory and "Rexxplslib.library"
in your libs: directory.

That's all Folks! (I hope!)

If for any problem a suspicious user break the communication before the
logoff.txt you have to rename manually the following files:

BBS.cmd -> BBS.cmd.s
BBS.c   -> BBS.cmd

This is a problem of this first version but I'll correct it in the next

This door can be very usefull expecially for his infinites possibilities
that i have not explored so. It's very probably a new version updated and
corrected with many new features.
Actually I test new version of this and many other doors on BuSyLiNe BBS
(+39-91-204312) if you have suggestion or problem please leave a note to
Gabry (cosysop) in this BBS.

Hi men , this is SH()T Busy Line`s sysop , I want to thank to all the
peoples that support Busy Line .

SH()T`s THANX go to :

Gabry for writing this and much others cool doors
Eniac for writing the wonderful Mapus and his friendship
Bitmaster for ?!?!?!?!
Caton for his Hang version
Faith for his patience
Red Avenger for his Pc support
Transparent&s-pin for /\miga and Pc support
Dr G for his friendship
Maverick for his help
Me for the great idea of this door :-)

And to all my users and friend , and don`t forget to call :

   ______                                         /_//
  /^___ \\           _________   __      ___      __¯ ___    ___________
  ____/ //     ___  /^____//^\\ / >>    /^//     / >>/^ \\   \^_______//
 /^    //___   \ \\_\/____¯ \ \/ //    / //     / ///    \\  _____  SHT
 \____^\\\^\\  / //\____ \\  >  //    / //     __//
  ____\ \\\ \\/ //  ____\ \\/  //     \^\\____/ ///  /// ^//\ \\________
 /^_____// \^__//  /^_____//^_//       \ ______///__///__//  \ _______//
 V/     ¯   V  ¯   V/      ¯V ¯         V      ¯ V  ¯    ¯    V       ¯
 |          :      |        :           :        |            :
 :          .      :        :                    :            .

                          SysOp : SH()T

 CosysOps: Gabry ,Eniac ,Caton ,BiTmaster ,Red Avenger ,Transparent&-Spin

    168OO DuAL MoDeM                          RuNnInG oN: WoR|< ST/\TION

                          1.8 Gig On-Line
    ++39-(O)91-204312                         ++39-(O)91-6851192
