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File size:
80 682 bytes (78.79K)
File date:
2022-10-19 05:45:02
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all-time: 192


  • 3.84K
  • 2.59K
  • tEXripv1.20\bbs\FCHECK\DOC 28B
  • tEXripv1.20\bbs\FCHECK\DOX 28B
  • tEXripv1.20\bbs\FCHECK\INF 28B
  • tEXripv1.20\bbs\FCHECK\NFO 28B
  • tEXripv1.20\bbs\FCHECK\SLV 28B
  • tEXripv1.20\bbs\FCHECK\SOL 28B
  • tEXripv1.20\bbs\FCHECK\TXT 28B
  • tEXripv1.20\C\move 1.35K
  • tEXripv1.20\C\muchmore 15.37K
  • tEXripv1.20\crack.service 2.02K
  • tEXripv1.20\m!-info.txt 3.90K
  • tEXripv1.20\m!tstr12.des 317B
  • tEXripv1.20\tEXrip 4.29K
  • tEXripv1.20\tEXrip.bak 4.29K
  • tEXripv1.20\tEXrip.cfg 198.67K
  • tEXripv1.20\texrip.doc 18.37K
  • tEXripv1.20\ 322B


Text-Stripper v1.20 Documentation   `TeXRIP v1.20 by BBC/MOTION`     23-AUG-1993

 Both this program and its source are freely distributable, but remain Copyright
                              (c) BBC/MOTION 1993.

 For more informations about license and warranty see under '13. License'.


        Table of Contents :

            1. Introduction
            2. System Requirements
            3. Directory contents
            4. Installation
                4.1 Under OS 2.x+
                4.2 Under OS 2.x+ with /X
                4.3 Under OS 2.x+ and Workbench
            5. Usage from the Shell
                5.1 Syntax
                5.2 Template
                5.3 Notes
                5.4 Examples
                5.5 config-file
                5.6 Speed
            6. Changes
            7. Trainer
            8. Future improvements
                8.1 Notes
            9. Author
           10. Acknowledgments
           11. Bug Reports
           12. History
           13. License


1. Introduction
        First this program is made for use with an Bulletin Board System,
but of course you can use it also from Shell ( see `5. Usage from the Shell` )

        teXRIP v1.20 by BBC/MOTION is an /X-Utility to kill
those fucking BBS-ADDS (or what ever stands in the texRip.cfg file)
in ASCII-file`s.

        And that`s not all ... yes MASTER you can ADD your own fucking BBS-ADD
( or what ever you want ) as front banner or tail banner.
( sorry NO track banner ... uahh )

TeXRIP v1.20 is a 100% assembly program, for maximum efficiency. It only
takess about 4.5K of memory once installed.

2. System Requirements
        A500(+), A600, A1200, A2000, A2500, A3000, A4000
As  you  probably  noticed,  teXRIP v1.20 requires NOT Kickstart 2.04
(also known  as V37.175) to work, but it works properly better.)
 ... and at least 10k of free ChipMem.

If you are still using Version 1.3 or lower of the operating system, it's time
to update now.

	(tested on A4000 25MHz and 6MB of RAM and KICKSTART 40.55
 		-> works fine)

	(tested on A2000 G-Force 40MHz and 13 MB fucking 32 Bit RAM
		-> works fine)

	(tested on A2000 5MB RAM no accelerator with KICK 2.05
		-> works fine)

	(tested on A 500 3MB RAM no speedy !!! with KICK 1.3 and KICK 2.05
		-> works fine)

3. Directory contents

 Testing integrity of archive 'M!tstr12.lha':
Testing: (       0/    3928)                    3928 disk.icon
Testing: (       0/    2657)             2657 drawer.icon
Testing: (       0/      28)  tEXripv1.20/bbs/FCHECK/DOC     28 for BBS use.
Testing: (       0/      28)  tEXripv1.20/bbs/FCHECK/DOX     28 read under 4.2
Testing: (       0/      28)  tEXripv1.20/bbs/FCHECK/INF     28 ---   ""   ---
Testing: (       0/      28)  tEXripv1.20/bbs/FCHECK/NFO     28 ---   ""   ---
Testing: (       0/      28)  tEXripv1.20/bbs/FCHECK/SLV     28 ---   ""   ---
Testing: (       0/      28)  tEXripv1.20/bbs/FCHECK/SOL     28 ---   ""   ---
Testing: (       0/      28)  tEXripv1.20/bbs/FCHECK/TXT     28 ---   ""   ---
Testing: (       0/    2657)  tEXripv1.20/           2657 drawer.icon
Testing: (       0/   15740)  tEXripv1.20/C/muchmore      15740 muchmore.exe
Testing: (       0/    2066)  tEXripv1.20/crack.service    2066 readme.txt
Testing: (       0/    1534)  tEXripv1.20/M!-info.txt      1534 readme.first.txt
Testing  (       0/     345)  tEXripv1.20/M!tstr12.des      345 tExrip.des
Testing: (       0/    4396)  tEXripv1.20/tEXrip           4396 texrip.exe
Testing: (       0/    4396)  tEXripv1.20/tEXrip.bak       4396 texrip.bak.exe
Testing: (       0/   18733)  tEXripv1.20/tEXrip.doc      18733 texrip.doc
Testing: (       0/     325)  tEXripv1.20/   325 texrip.doc.icon
Testing: (       0/  203442)  tEXripv1.20/tEXrip.cfg     203442 config-file
19 files tested, all files OK.

Operation successful.

4. Installation

        4.1 Under OS 2.x+
Copy texRip ( executable 4396 bytes) to your c: (DIR)

Copy TXTRIP.cfg ( config file original 203442 bytes ) what ever u want
        ( i think s: (DIR) looks good )

MOVE texrip.doc ( doc file ... your reading yet ... ) to NIL:

        4.2 Under OS 2.x+ with /X

For use with /X:

In the archive is an /X-example included

Copy all file`s from the archive ` BBS:FCHECK/ ` to ur BBS:FCHECK (DIR)
Copy texrip ( executable 4396 bytes ) to ur c: (DIR)

        4.3 Under OS 2.x+ and Workbench

                   !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !!

            if you wish to use an Intuition+GadTools interface. !!!
                there is NO Window Arrangement out this time...
                  But if i want to get one,  ASK the coder !!!

5. Usage from the Shell

        5.1 Syntax

PROMPT> texrip (executable 4396 bytes (immer noch, shit NO VIRUS))

  tEXrip   V1.20  BBC/MoTioN    TXT-aDdy-dELeTeR 

tHe  * FASTEST *  stripper around !!!

USAGE: texrip  config-file  [-Fyour_addy] [-Tyour_addy]  text-file

Code by BBC of MoTioN.
Testin` and moral support by ANDY of MoTioN !

The stripper reads in the text-file and strips out all addys
that are noticed in the config-file. Afterwards all empty lines
at the end and beginning are removed and the rest is saved back
as text-file. Copy ur addys in the config file and place between
two addys the line :
~next addy:
Between MEANS between and NOT at the start and end ! U can also
overwrite charakters with ? as a joker ! $0D from PC-Files is
converted to a normal `Return`. Try out the rest :-)
or contact me in our Motion-BBS-System :
FASTWAY +49-7141-863403 16.8DS 4NDZ

  -->> If you ever see this text in the BBS <<--
  -->>     inform the SYSOP immediately !   <<--


        5.2 Template

  tEXrip   V1.20  BBC/MoTioN    TXT-aDdy-dELeTeR 

tHe  * FASTEST *  stripper around !!!

USAGE: texrip  config-file  [-Fyour_addy] [-Tyour_addy]  text-file

Code by BBC of MoTioN.
Testin` and moral support by ANDY of MoTioN !

The stripper reads in the text-file and strips out all addys
that are noticed in the config-file. Afterwards all empty lines
at the end and beginning are removed and the rest is saved back
as text-file. Copy ur addys in the config file and place between
two addys the line :
~next addy:
Between MEANS between and NOT at the start and end ! U can also
overwrite charakters with ? as a joker ! $0D from PC-Files is
converted to a normal `Return`. Try out the rest :-)
or contact me in our Motion-BBS-System :
FASTWAY +49-7141-863403 16.8DS 4NDZ

  -->> If you ever see this text in the BBS <<--
  -->>     inform the SYSOP immediately !   <<--

texrip                  ( executable 4396 bytes )

config-file             ( include the ADDS you wish to have deleted )

[-Fyour_addy]           ( adds your BBS-ADD to the FRONT of the text-file )

[-Tyour_addy]           ( adds your BBS-ADD to the TAIL of the text-file )

text-file               ( is the source and destination file you wish to have
                          stripped. )

        5.3 Note :

- The program dont` checks if the source/destination file are already
  stripped.         ~~~~~~

- speedcomparission between our teXrip v.1.20 and an other one
  from Logic:         ( see under `5.6 Speed` )

        5.4 Examples

        (e.g. I)    ›0m

PROMPT> tEXrip s:TXTRIP.cfg (203442 bytes original) bbs:warez/upload/FORNAX.TXT

  tEXrip   V1.20  BBC/MoTioN    TXT-aDdy-dELeTeR 

Old filesize  : 207145
Addys trashed :    187
New filesize  :   2689

        ( stripps` all ADDS in the file ( `bbs:warez/upload/FORNAX.TXT` ))

        (e.g. II)›0m

PROMPT> tEXrip s:TXTRIP.cfg -Fs:addme.displayme bbs:warez/upload/FORNAX.TXT
                           ( |_FRONT BANNER)

  tEXrip   V1.20  BBC/MoTioN    TXT-aDdy-dELeTeR 

Old filesize  : 207145
Added file at front of text.
Addys trashed :    187
New filesize  :   3226

        ( stripps` all ADDS in the file ( `bbs:warez/upload/FORNAX.TXT` ))
        ( and add the file S:(DIR)addme.displayme to the front of the file. )


        (e.g. III)›0m

PROMPT> tEXrip s:TXTRIP.cfg -Ts:addme.displayme bbs:warez/upload/FORNAX.TXT
                           ( |_TAIL BANNER)

  tEXrip   V1.20  BBC/MoTioN    TXT-aDdy-dELeTeR 

Old filesize  : 207145
Added file at end of text.
Addys trashed :    187
New filesize  :   3226

        ( stripps` all ADDS in the file ( `bbs:warez/upload/FORNAX.TXT` ))
        ( and add the file S:(DIR)addme.displayme to the end of the file. )

        5.5 config-file

 TXTRIP.cfg (203442 bytes original) is the original config file included in the

   well ... you can also build up ur own config-file.
   to add some new BBS-ADDS  ( see original config-file)
   but REMEMBER dont forget the `~new addy:` string at the end of the old one. )
       the `~new addy:` string tells the stripper when a `new addy` begun

        Yes SIR we can use use Wild-cards in the Config file !

        e.g. for u/l time & date

          Uploaded on : 08-20-93   ( original ADDS)

just write in your TXTRIP.cfg (203442 bytes original )
          Uploaded on : ??-??-??   ( in the config-file)

        5.6 Speed

speed ... speed ... speed ... BIGGER, BETTER, FASTER, MORE

`TeXRIP v1.20 by BBC/MOTION`›0m

CONFIG-FILE IS THE TXTRIP.cfg (203442 bytes)

STRIP`N`ADD V1.0 CODED BY \X/arhawk OF LOGIC !!!›0m

CONFIG-FILE IS THE TXTRIP.cfg ((203442 bytes)?
 ( changed from `~next addy:` to `#AD\X/arhawk` )

             |TEXRIP V1.20  | LOGIC-STRIPP`N ADD |    %     |
 A500        |  ~   9       | crashed everytime  |  - E -   |
 A2000       |  ~   9       |        *           |    *     |
 A2000 40MHz |  ~   2       |        51          |   2550   |
 A3000 25MHz |  ~   3.12    |     ~  48          |   1538   |
 A4000 25MHz |  ~   1,16    |     ~ 34.44        |   2968   |
                 TIME/SEC          TIME/SEC

* stripper to slow, we have not enough time to test it !!!

tested equipment:

       A4000: /040/25MHZ, 3 Drives, 6MB RAM, KICK 3.1
       A3000: /030/25MHz, 2 Drives, 9MB RAM, KICK 3.1
       A2000: /030/40MHz, 2 Drives, 13MB RAM, KICK 2.05
        A500: /000/7,1MHZ, 3 Drives,3MB RAM, KICK 2.05

        6. Changes

        by the HELL, .... which changes !!!

        7. Trainer

if you run the programm firstly ... an screen will appear and ask you for
some `standart config entries`

	UNLIMITED stripping     ON/OFF
	UNLIMITED BYTES         ON/OFF (for the config-file)
 (if u dont` switch ON the max bytes for config-files is 2000 bytes)

8. Future improvements

                             NO BOCK, NO FUTURE !!!

                     SCOTTY BEAM ME UP, THIS PLANET SUX !!!

        8.1 Note :

  Theese improvements will mostly depend on the needs of tEXrip users...

9. Author

Comments, suggestions, bug reports, flames, gifts, postbombs, etc...
are welcome.

                                  BBC / MOTION

                              DONT FORGET SUCKER !


                               MOTION WHQ 4 NODEZ

                           NODE 1 ++49 714 186 3 138
                           NODE 2 ++49 714 186 3 403
                           NODE 3 ++49 714 129 0 036
                           NODE 4 ++49 714 F-R I END

                   !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !!


10. Acknowledgments

             Thanks to the Amiga for being the best computer ever!


and now the greetings from our Sysop/FastWay ANDY go to :

	all Motion members
	all Taurus members, especially Wild Child
	Giants / TyT
	Sabine ( do ypu remember )
	The Bird
	Warhawk / Logic

the following greetings from our kewl member BILBO go to :

Paradox / World of Twist

and this cast to you BBC / Motion `93

	The Addict
	Pleasure (Mc Boe /Duke/ Scotty)
	Buster & Fuzz
	Taurus / Wild Child
	Warhawk / Logic
	D-Tect / McDeal

and Incubus has don`t forget :

	Bison (h0h0h0hh)
	complete Taurus !!!!
	JFC / Mystic
	The Addict
	Yuelden Team !
	Mystic maybe ?
	Ronny / Zenith
	ODA..complete Zenith ..POLARIS USW..
	Exocet D&R !PLEASE!
	Deus / Ram Jam
	Digital Candy sysop: Paradox
	Joker / TSL !!!
	Skylark / INDY !
	all members from PLEASURE !(HI DUKE)
	all MOTION board`s !!!!

from Vince to you, ... and ... and ... :

	RTD / Complex ( WOC )
	Ronny / Zenith ( Fatal Illusion, uahhh )
	Mufti / Vogue ... want to get remittance )
	Demon / TOC ( Fort Knox )
        DUKE / TLC ( tach auch alter .. )
	all of the fabulous THRILL
	Klaus / Guru House
	Chucky / Paradox
	TCM & JOKER ( lovely greetings )
	Moses of Modesty
        Timm Martin
        Paul Teo
        Comico / Ex-THREATE
        Peter van LEUVEN ( keep on fighting .. )

	and and and .........

TeXRIP v1.20 by BBC/MOTION was written with:

	DevPac V3.02beta

11. Bug Reports

        If you find any compatibility problems let us know.
Please give a detailed description of the problem.
Not like this: 'texrip doesn't work with NeatProg',
but more like: 'when I do this and this in NeatProg ... doesn't work".

12. History

       -texrip v0.14       First BETA release
                           ( no BUGS found )

       -texrip v1.00       First internal release
                           ( show file length )
                           ( converts PC.txt files to AMIGA.txt )
                           ( with NO <CR> at the end of each line )
                           ( no BUGS found )

       -texrip v1.10       Second internal release
                           ( better handling )
                           ( no BUGS found )

       -texrip v1.15       third internal release
                           ( -now with add )
                           ( no BUGS found )

       -texrip v1.20       First offical release
                           ( now with tail and front adder )
                           ( no BUGS found )

13. License

tEXrip   V1.20 and (hereinafter "Files") and their related documentation,
utilities and examples (c) Copyright 1993 MOTION  All Rights Reserved

These Files and their related documentation, utilities and examples are provided
and subject to change without notice; no warranties are made.

                          All use is at your own risk.
                   No liability or responsibility is assumed.

Specific Files from the archive may be reproduced and distributed separately
under license subject to agreement with the following terms:

1.   The Files may be reproduced but may not be modified in any way.

2.   The Files may only be distributed as an integral part of a software
     product solely for Commodore Amiga computers.

3.   The related documentation, utilities, and examples provided by
     MOTION may not be reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part,
     except as part of a complete and unmodified archive as provided by

4.   Licensee shall hold MOTION harmless from any and all claims, damages
     and liabilities resulting from or arising out of its use or distribution
     of the Files.

5.   All copies of MOTION`s software product containing the Files and
     of MOTION`s product documentation related there to must include
     the following copyright notice:

These Files and their related documentation, utilities and examples are provided

6.   Such technical information as is contained in the Files (and any
     product thereof) or in the related documentation, utilities, and
     examples may not be exported in contravention of the laws and
     regulations of Germany.

7.   MOTION 1993 may terminate this license at any time, with or without cause.
     This license hereunder will automatically terminate upon any breach
     of these terms and conditions.  Upon any such termination,
     MOTION 1993 shall destroy all copies of the Files and the related
     documentation, utilities, and examples in its possession.

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   /   \  /   \  __________________________    _____    /   \/    \
  /     \/     \/     \               //   \  /     \  /     \     \
 /              \      \ ____    ___ // ___ \//      \/             \
/                \ |    \/  /\   \  \/\/   \/    |    \              \
\                / |    /  / /    \   /     \    |    /              /
 \     \  /     /      /   \/     /   \     /\       /\     \       /
  \____/\/\____/\_____/ doN \____/     \___/  \_____/  \____/\_____/

                       ALiVE oNLY 4 YA SATiSFACTioN
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