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File size:
50 668 bytes (49.48K)
File date:
2013-05-27 23:04:57
Download count:
all-time: 914


  • COMMANDS\ 1.70K
  • DOCS\LiquidStyler.DOC 15.37K
  • DOCS\LiquidStyler.GUIDE 17.09K
  • Installer 16.34K
  • ProductInfo.IFF 11.57K


             _______             _______
      _______ )____/___________  .)     |_____ _______
    _/      /_______\      _   \_|      |     \.)     |_
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                 |______|___________|  \_______|________|___________|
                                 |      |
                        .:( L I G H T F O R C E ):.

                 .:( F A S T E R   T H A N   L I G H T ):.
                                 |      |
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                                 |      |
                         .:(  P R E S E N T S  ):.
                       __________|      |__________
                       \                          /
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                         \                      /
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   _______ ____________
   \_    /_\       ___/___
.-_/   _/   \_  /\_____   \_- --- ------ -------------------------(f@nK!)-.
| \_____      \/ __________/  LiQuiD STyLeR bY KLeiNDuiMPJe version   2.0 |
`---- --\_____/\/------------------------ --- ----------------------------'

                           .:( LiquidStyler ):.

                       .:( The Best /X CatStyler ):.

            .:( A DUO-Production by kLEIndUIMPJe and FUNK! ):.

LiquidStyler is a combined tool and door package for AmiExpress.
LiquidStyler has been fully tested by the LS BetaTestTeam and should not
cause any harm to you or your system ( :] ) BUT in the case that
LiquidStyler, LSAfter or anything from the LSPackage may harm your system,
your family, your kids, your dog, your dinner, your supper, your heavily
alcoholised terrible tasting drink, your hardfloppy, your softfloppy, your
lightbulbs, your television or ANYTHING else damaged, no matter how
severe or little the damage may be to whatever, kLEIndUIMPje
(thats me :]) is NOT responsible and does not give any guarantee. Remember!
This Tool/door is FREEWARE and therefore you did not pay the author
ANYTHING this frees the author of ANY obligation one could put upon the

                        Copyright 1996 by kD-cOdING

LSAfter  and   LiquidStyler  itself    are copyright by KD-Coding,  nothing
of the LS  Package  may     be altered  without  written  permission of the
copyright holder.  No fee may  be  asked for this  package  (this means the
docs and the programs)  without  the  written   permission of the copyright
holder, if any fee IS asked, it may not be higher then  costprize, else  it
should be reported to the copyright holder. No group  other than LightForce
is  licensed to release this package without a  written  permission of  the
copyright  holder,  this   permission must be hand  written and should
contain a written signature. The copyright holder has hereby every right to
withdraw  any  license  and/or  right   given  by the copyright holder. The
copyright holder is allowed to do whatever he wants  with his  product. The
copyright holder  representative of the LiquidStyler Package is known as

LiquidStyler was created by kLEIndUIMPJE, the idea came from FUNKI who was
experiencing some real problems with catstyler and tried some other
stylers, they all gave funki problems and then he came to me, he asked me
if I could make a new catstyler, so I started coding and after almost a
month the first complete working beta with correct working dl-times
extractor was finished.

                                What is it
Now, what is it and why you should use you it?
What is it?
Ever wondered how some sysops get the upload info into their catalogs?
Ever wondered how some sysops get the number of times a file was downloaded
in their catalogs? Well, this is done by a so called catalog styler. A
variety of stylers has been released for /X but most of them did not work
correctly with the NUKE programs, or just did not add the dl-times to the
catalog, or sometimes they just were nasty backdoor programs giving people
disabled ratios. What you have here is a 100% reliable BACKDOOR FREE!
program. And believe it or not, the program can be as fast as the CatStyler
that was made by ByteJammer, and don't mix these things, but LiquidStyler
was made in pure 100% E code, CatStyler from ByteJammer was made in ASM!.

First of all! You have to know that with this program there comes a installer
especially written for LS by me. It copies the door and logoff util, it copies
the icons (config files) and it makes the first BIN inits (the first LSAFTER
startup). The only thing it does NOT do is make an entry in the Logoff icon
and it uses the default config settings. If you think you want to do everything
by hand, be my guest, but don't forget you can let this installer do some
things for you (also enable it in the SYSCMD/EXAMINEx.INFO).

If you don't use the installer you have to do this first:

Copy the files in the DOORS/ directory from the archive to your DOORS:
Since this styler consists of two separate programs you should install both
the programs. The LiquidStyler itself is an Examine door, install it as
one, example icon is included.
Then you should edit the which is situated in


BRACKET.1 is the colour number for the open bracket in the uploadinfo, see below
        for the info on the colour system of LiquidStyler

BRACKET.2 is the colour number for the close bracket of the upload info.

NODECOLOUR is the colour number for node number

NAMECOLOUR is the colour number for the uploader name

TIMECOLOUR is the colour number for the time of uploading string

CPSCOLOUR is the colour number for the cps rate string

DATECOLOUR is the colour number for the date string

FILECOLOUR is the colour number for the filename string

DLSTRCOL is the colour number of the colour of the DLTIMESSTRING

NUMSTRCOL1 is the colour number of the open bracket of the DLTIMES

NUMSTRCOL2 is the colour number of the close bracket of the DLTIMES

DLTIMESLINE is the line number where the DLTIMESTRING is to be placed

BACKUPDIR is the directory where the BACKUP of the DIR is placed after a
        style operation has been completed. It is ALSO the place where the
        TEMPORARY directory is placed (which is beeing styled) so make sure it
        has enough room.

DLSTRING contains the string for the DLTIMES

NOANSI is the keyword for those sysops who want no ansi codes in their
        catalogs. Difference between this and the other tooltypes
        is that this tooltype does not need a =blabla anything behind

ULBRACKETOPEN is the OPEN bracket ({[ etc. or anything else that is put
        in front of the NODE,USER,TIME,CPS (in other words: in front of the upload
        info) Be sure to use just ONE char!

ULBRACKETCLOSE is the CLOSED bracket, sits behind the UPLOADINFO...just like
        BRACKETOPEN , here you should also use just ONE char!

DLBRACKETOPEN is the OPENED bracket for the DL-String in the catalog.

DLBRACKETCLOSE is the CLOSED bracket for the DL-string

ULPRESET.1 is the preset for the uploader information
        the reason for the .1 is that in future releases there will be a
        second, third or multi line possibility in the uploader info.
        You now can choose from one of the following presets:

        (these area EXAMPLEs filled in with EXAMPLE info)

    Preset  1. [Nd#.1][kLEIndUIMPJe.......][20:56:11][3000]

    Preset  2. [kLEIndUIMPJe.............][20:56:39][Nd#.1]

    Preset  3. [Nd#.1][kLEIndUIMPJe.................][3000]

    Preset  4. [Nd#.1][08.SePTeMBeR]       [20:57:26][3000]

    Preset  5. [Nd#.1][08.SePTeMBeR]LSsTYLE[20:57:49][3000]

    Preset  6. [Nd#.1][20:58:19]LSsTYLE[08.SePTeMBeR][3000]

    Preset  7. [kLEIndUIMPJe.......]         [08.SePTeMBeR]

    Preset  8. [kLEIndUIMPJe.......]   [08.SePTeMBeR][3000]

    Preset  9. [FILENAME.LHA][08.SePTeMBeR][20:57:26][3000]

    Preset 10. [FILENAME.LHA][kLEIndUIMPJe..........][3000]


    Preset 12. [FILENAME.LHA........]LIQUIDSTYLER[20:57:26]

The default (so when you don't specify a preset also) is preset number
one. These are just examples but show how your upload info could look like.
In the future there may be more presets OR freely configurable but that
is for the future.

ULPRESET.2 is the preset for an OPTIONAL second Uploader Info Line.
        you may choose from the same number of presets as you can with
        ULPRESET.1. If you put this tooltype betweebn brackets OR enter
        a zero preset, the second line will NOT be added.

If you have done this al, then copy LSAFter anywhere you want but be sure
to include it in your logoff script of each node.
The LSAfter should be installed with a NODE NUMBER behind it and HAS to be
run every time a user logs off because this lsafter ALSO updates the BIN
files used by the examine door. LSAfter has the following syntax:
So, if you put it in the logoff file of node 0 and you want the DL-TIMES to
be added then insert this in you logoff icon/script.:
LSAfter 0 ON

The ON/OFF switch is for the DL-TIMES so you can switch it on or off.

If you DON'T want Uploadinfo but DO want dl-times, then just don''t use the
examine program (so kill the EXAMINEx.INFO for example, as sysop you should
know what I am talking about)
If you DON'T want DL-TIMES added, but DO want the Uploadinfo, then DON'T
and is say DON'T leave out the LSAfter fromt the logoff because the UploadInfo
might fuck up. Just put an OFF behind the lsafter. Example for node 0:

                      The LiquidStyler Colour System

The colour system of LS was suggested by FUNKI and Stingray in order to let
users of LS use it save and without any possible bug up danger.
This is done by checking if the number of the colour system is valid
and by not allowing any other codes then ansi colour codes.
So, in order to enable colours in your dl times string and the upload info
string, you ought to use one of the following numbers where a colour number
is required:

FrontGround Colours:

0 - Black
1 - Red
2 - Green
3 - Yellow
4 - Blue
5 - Purple
6 - (equivalent to ESC[36m)
7 - White (equivalent to ESC[0m and NOT ESC[37m)

BackGround Colours:

8  - Black
9  - Red
10 - Green
11 - Yellow
12 - Blue
13 - Purple
14 - (equivalent to ESC[46m)
15 - White (equivalent to ESC[47m)

To be able to make a background AND a foreground different from colour, you
may use TWO numbers but MUST be separated with an comma.
makes a white background and a blue foreground. Do not use MORE then one comma
that will be ignored.

Initial Idea
ideas       :       FUNKI

Coding      :       kLEindUIMPje

BetaTestTeam:       FUNKI           (SPACID BBS)
                    SELECTOR        (BROTHERS BBS)
                    kLEindUImPJE    (XFILES BBS)
                    STiNGRAY        (THE INNER CORE)

Funki has been with this project from the beginning and it is to him I would
like to say a really big THNX! for his support and him putting up with me.
I was sometimes a real pain in the ass when you discovered YET ANOTHER bug :)
But I have learned to live with bugs :) and learned to discover and fix them,
all because of you (now, don't blush :) ) You have done a fair piece with this
tool, the most important piece: Create The Idea! Sometimes that is MORE important
than the code. You have been a big help and we will keep in touch because you will
be my staff member on my board :) ....


             LsAfter 0.00b-0.09b         (07.06.96 - 22.06.96)
                          BetaTest Team Releases
                             .:(NOT PUBLIC):.

             LiquidStyler 0.00b-1.03b     (17.05.96 -07.06.96)
                          BetaTest Team Releases
                             .:(NOT PUBLIC):.

             LiquidStyler 1.04b-1.9b       (07.06.96-15.07.96)
                          BetaTest Team Releases
                             .:(NOT PUBLIC):.

             LiquidStyler 2.0      LSAfter 1.0      (16.08.96)

                          .:( PUBLIC RELEASE ):.

                                Contact Me
If you want to contact me (kLEIndUIMPje) or FUNKi then you can call one of
the following boardz:

                      SPACID BBS      (OFFLINE :'( THNX DUDE FOR BETA TESTIN! )
                      XFILES BBS      +31(0)703253901
                      BROTHERS BBS    +31

                      and all known boardz... (uuh huh? :) )

                              Greetings go to

                               The Big Boss
                              The Little Boss
                                Shai Hulud
                              ALL ABI MEMBERS
                              ALL BETA SITES!
                            all others I forgot