File Archive

File download


File size:
43 033 bytes (42.02K)
File date:
2022-10-19 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 436


  • -CRASHPOINT-.DisplayMe 1.20K
  • Exorcist!\Contact.ECL 2.05K
  • Exorcist!\Exorcist!.cfg 2.27K
  • Exorcist!\Exorcist!.doc 36.42K
  • Exorcist!\Exorcist!.update 775B
  • Exorcist!\Exorcist!.x 30.67K
  • Exorcist!\Exorcist!_030.x 30.59K


      _ _______  _______        __    _ _______  _______  ______
     / \\~~~~~~Y\\~~~~~~Y\     /~~\  /~\\~~~~~~Y\\~~~~~~Y\\~~~~~\
    //  \\_____j \\_____j \    \___)//  \\___  j \\_____j \\_____)
    \\  (____\\  (    \\  (     ____\\  (___/ /  (____\\  (___
     \\  ~~_/ \\  \    \\  \    \~~~\\\  ~___/\___~~~~\\\  ~_/
      \`   \_/\\`  \__/\\`  \__/\\\  \\`  \ ______)/   \\`  \__/\
       \    ~  Y\   ~~  Y\   ~~  Y\`  Y\   Y~~~~~~      Y\   ~~  \
        \______j \______j \______j \__j \__j____________j \______/

                            version 1.3, /X 2.3x

                     (C) 1993  CFi & B/\Zz of Eclipse

 1. PREFACE.......................................1
 2. GETTING EXORCIST! TO WORK.....................2
   2a. What does Exorcist! need to work...........2
   2b. How to install Exorcist!...................2
   2c. Configuring options in Exorcist!.cfg.......3 
   2d. Starting Exorcist!.........................5
 3. EXPELL (NUKE) FILES...........................5
   3a What is expelling files.....................5
   3b How do I use it.............................5
   3c Tips on using the expell option.............7
 4. AWARD FILES...................................7
   4a What is awarding files......................7
   4b How do I use it.............................7
   4c Tips on using the award function............8
 5. FREE FILES....................................8
   5a What is freeing files.......................8
   5b How do I use it.............................8
   5c Tips on using the free function.............9
 6. COMMENTING FILES..............................9
   6a What is commenting files....................9
   6b How do I use it.............................9
   6c Tips on using the comment function.........10
 7. RESURRECT OPTION.............................10
   7a What is the resurrect option...............10
   7b How do I use it............................10
   7c Tips on using the resurrect option.........11
 8. GENERAL INFORMATION..........................11
   8a How does Exorcist! function................11
   8b TroubleShooting............................12
   8c Names and Addresses........................12
   8d Disclaimer.................................13

Everybody who owns or maintains a Bulletin Board System knows that not
all uploads are of similar nature. Sometimes users upload things that have
already been uploaded. And sometimes users upload something of such value
that he ought to get more than his standard ratio for it. Also it would be
nice to make files free-download without much fuss. To solve all these
problems and more, Eclipse made Exorcist!
Exorcist! is a /X utility that gives you the ability to perform certain 
operations on uploaded files. Although the most of the operations Exorcist!
can perform are also available in other programs (eg NosNUKE by Nosferatu),
Exorcist! combines a much higher speed (about 10 times faster than
NosNUKE) with a greatly enhanced functionality. Exorcist! for instance
supports wildcards, multiple file selection, free-download option,
multiple access-level security and many more features.
Although getting the grips with Exorcist! will probably not be as easy as
with simpler utilities like NosNUKE, its benefits will surely be worth the

2a. What does Exorcist! need to work.

Although Exorcist! is quite easy to get up and running, it demands certain
things of your system, and of your BBS.
Hardware Demands:
- Exorcist! needs about a 120k of available RAM to work, as it enhances
  it speed by searching out of RAM instead of from disk. Keep in mind that
  using /X costs a lot of RAM (esp. multi-node) and Exorcist! only works as
  an /X door.

Software demands:
- Exorcist! uses the UDlog or the Callerslog to search for uploaders and
  downloaders. As it is possible in /X to disable/enable the UDlog or the
  CallersLog you should check if one of these is enabled. If it is not,
	Exorcist! will not be able to find uploaders and downloaders, making it
  impossible to deduct or return credits. If you, in case of a disabled
  UDlog or Callerslog , enable one of them, Exorcist! is only able to
  find uploaders and downloaders whose actions are from a date later than
  the date you enabled the log, as only those actions have been entered 
  in the log.
- Exorcist must be able to access some files on your BBS-system. To tell
  Exorcist! where he can find these files, you have to specify an option 
  in its config file: Exorcist!.cfg (see 2c.)
- Exorcist! will work with most custom filelisters used on /X boards, but
  as they are non-standard, Exorcist! can be incompatible with one. If you
  use an incompatible filelister you can either use another one, or contact
  us to see if we can make an adapted version that works with your 
- As stated above, Exorcist! uses the UDlog to find uploaders and
  downloaders, so you must be careful not to use any programs which alter
  this log in a non-standard matter, or just plain wrong (like Freeleech). 
  Exorcist! can do strange things if you use such a program. 
2b. How to install Exorcist!

Installing Exorcist! is about as easy as installing any other /X door,
although Exorcist needs a config file with the right options specified to
work flawlessly.

In the Exorcist! package you will find the following files:
 - Exorcist!.x                : the 68000  version of Exorcist! for /X 2.3x
 - Exorcist!_030.x            : the 68020+ version of Exorcist! for /X 2.3x
 - Exorcist!.doc              : this file
 - Exorcist!.cfg              : a pre-defined config file
 - Exorcist!.update           : a list of changes made to each new version

To install Exorcist! you have to do the following:
- Choose the version of Exorcist! which fits your configuration best.
- Copy it to the place you prefer. Although it's the easiest to copy it to
  the to DOOR: assigned directory.
- Copy the Exorcist!.cfg file in the same directory as the main program.
  (We will describe possible alterations to this file later)
- Make the following entry in your BBS.CMD file. This file is located in
  the "BBS:Commands/" directory:
  [COMMAND] : The command that must be typed in when logged on to your
              bbs system to activate Exorcist!
  [ACCESS]  : This is the lowest Accesslevel a person must have to be 
              able to use Exorcist!.
  [PATH]    : This is the complete pathname (directory+filename) to where
              you have copied the Exorcist! program file and the
              Exorcist!.cfg config file.
  Make sure that you put each part of the entry into the right column.
  If you don't this, everything might crash! (The exact format can be
  found in your /X manual)  

  An example entry is: EXORCIST  XS200DOORS:Exorcist!_030.x
  Here you have to type EXORCIST to activate Exorcist!, you must have
  Accesslevel 200 or higher, and the Exorcist! program file is located in
  the to DOORS: assigned directory and is called Exorcist!_030.x (the
  68020+ version for /X 2.3x)
- Edit the config file to your needs. To see what options are available,
  read the following sub-chapter.
- You have now installed Exorcist! correctly.

2c. Configuring options in Exorcist!.cfg

To configure Exorcist! to your likings and to have it functioning 
optimally, you have to edit the Exorcist!.cfg file.
This file contains all the currently active options. When adding an option,
think about these guidelines:
- All options must be seperated by a linefeed.
- If a line starts with a ';', than that line will be seen as a comment
  line. (EXAMPLE: ;This is a comment line)
- You can use blank lines.
- You may specify any number of spaces or tabs between the arguments
  of a keyword, as long as all needed keywords are specified on the same
- All strings must be within quotation marks (")
  This also implies that you cannot use the " character in strings.

The following list contains all valid keywords for the Exorcist!.cfg file,
most of these options are optional, but if your board differs greatly from
the standard /X configuration, you'll have to specify some options.

SKIPNODE <number>[,<number>,...]
Let's you skip certain nodes in the search for the uploader. This option
can be useful to increase speed if you have a special sysop node, which
you don't want to search. A good idea is also to specify all non-existing
nodes upto 9 here.
EXAMPLE: SKIPNODE 0,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

SIZEMSG <1-8> <text[8]>
You can specify upto 8 custom size messages here. The message must be 8
characters long. These messages will later be shown to you as optional
sizedescriptors while expelling files. 

Here you specify which size message should be used when the user selects
an illegal size message. You can specify 1-8 for any of the with SIZEMSG
defined messages, 0 for no message, or 9 to let the user enter a
custom message. Default = 0.

EXPELLMSG <1-8> <text[50]>
You can specify upto 8 custom expell messages here. The message has a
maximum length of 50 characters. These messages will later be shown to
you as optional expell messages while expelling files.
EXAMPLE: EXPELLMSG 1 "This one is old enough for the VIC-20"

Here you specify which expell message should be used when the user selects
an illegal expell message. You can specify 1-8 for any of the with
EXPELLMSG defined messages, 0 for no message, or 9 to let the user enter
a custom message. Default = 0.

AWARDMSG <1-8> <text[50]> (0 = NONE, 9 = OTHER)
You can specify upto 8 custom award messages here. The message has a
maximum length of 50 characters. These messages will later be shown to
you as optional award messages while awarding files.

Here you specify which award message should be used when the user selects
an illegal award message. You can specify 1-8 for any of the with AWARDMSG
defined messages, 0 for no message, or 9 to let the user enter a custom
message. Default = 0.

Specifying this command enables Exorcist! to keep a log file of all actions
performed. Note that a different logfile is kept for every node and that
these logfiles are kept in the BBS:node{x}/Exorcist!.log file, where {x} is
the node number. Remember to delete (parts of) the logfile now and then, as
it keeps growing.

Specifying this command disables Exorcist! to automatically send a message
to the sysop. Normally the message is only send if the sysop is NOT the user.

Make wildcards restricted to a certain accesslevel. 
Default = 0 (This means that the standard level to enter the door is used).

Set the minimal level required to award files. 
Default = 0 (This means that the standard level to enter the door is used).

Set the minimal level required to make files freedownload. 
Default = 0 (This means that the standard level to enter the door is used).

Set the minimal level required to resurrect (= un-nuke) files. 
Default = 0 (This means that the standard level to enter the door is used).
This option only works in conjunction with the PROTECTFILES keyword!

Full path including name, where can be found. Default is
"". This option must be specified if your BBS has specified
an path in the acp.startup file. If you don't specify this
keyword when needed, the users won't be modified.

Specifying this means that Exorcist! will not delete the file that was 
expelled. It will be moved to it the <path> specified and a directory with 
the name of the file is created. 
This option must be specified to be able to RESURRECT files.
REMEMBER: All Expelled files will not be deleted! So you'll have to
clean up the directory specified now and then!
(Exorcist! will not create the specified directory, so you must already
have created it for Exorcist!)

This option indicates that Exorcist! should use the callerslog instead of
the UDLog. This is handy if you don't use the UDLog, the only disadvantage
is that this option makes Exorcist! slower, since the Callerslog is
generally larger than the UDLog.

Specifying this means that the name of the user of Exorcist! will not be
displayed with the messages specified.

2d. Starting Exorcist!

Since Exorcist! is a door you have to login to your BBS to be able to 
execute Exorcist! If you are logged in, you have to type in the in your 
BBS.CMD file entered keyword. (If you don't know this keyword, ask your
sysop) Now Exorcist! will start.

3a. What is expelling files.

If some user has uploaded something you specifically do not want on your
BBS, you can EXPELL the uploaded file. Doing this the following things
- The file will be either deleted or moved to a non downloadable directory.
- Instead of the file, a directory will be created with the same name as
  the file. Since directory are not recognized by the system as files, it
  now is impossible to download or upload the file (again). It is not
  possible to expell a file twices.
- You will get the opportunity to deduct the 'illegaly' gained credits from
  the uploader. It is also possible to multiply the deducted credits to
  'punish' the uploader. 
- The number of uploads of the uploader will be reduced by 1 per file.
- A comment will be added to the file in the file-dir about the expelling
  of the file. (By whom, number of credits deducted, message etc.)
- The credits of the people who downloaded the file can be returned.
- There can be send messages to uploader, downloaders and the sysop of the
  BBS, if he is not expelling the file himself.
(Expelling Files is what NosNUKE calls NUKING files)

Another option is if you have seen a 'FAKE' file(s) on another BBS. You can
protect your BBS from people uploading this/these file(s). 

3b. How do I use it.

There are two ways to use the expell option:

To use the EXPELL to expell existing files, do the following:
- First you have to start Exorcist! See 2d for this. 
You will now be confronted with the Exorcist! options, available to you. 
- Type E <ENTER> (You have chosen the Expell option)
You will now be able to enter the filename(s) of the file(s) you want to
- Type a filename or pattern. If you have access to them,y ou can use 
  wildcards like *,?,#? here.
- Press <ENTER>. You can now enter a second filename or pattern.
- When you are finished entering filenames, just press <ENTER> on a blank
After you have entered the files, Exorcist! will search for them and will 
ask you to confirm each file.
- Enter a N for each file you don't want to expell, any other key will
  confirm to expell the file.
IMPORTANT: Watch out! Do not confirm files that must NOT be expelled, as
           there is no way back from this decision. This confirmation is
           the only one!

Now Exorcist! will search for the uploader(s) of the file(s). 
After this is done , you will be asked if messages to the uploaders should
be send.
- Enter a Y if you want to send messages informing the uploader what is
  expelled and how much credits are deducted. Otherwise enter a N.

Now Exorcist! will clear the screen an build up the following information:
  Top of the screen: Action you are performing.
  First 'window'   : Uploader data, (Name,Place,Uploads,bytes etc.)
  Second 'window'  : Left part: possible sizedescriptions, right part: 
                     possible expelldescriptions.
  Underneath       : Current Filename to Expell (name+size)
Under this information there will be the following questions:
"Deduct how many times credits"
- Enter a number with which the filesize must be multiplied to get the
  amount of bytes the uploader gets deducted from his uploaded bytes.
  If you enter a '0' no credits will be deducted, the uploader keeps 
  its 'illegally' gained upload bytes.
  If you enter a '1' he just has uploaded the file for nothing.
  If you enter a number higher than '1' you will punish the uploader by
  deducting more credits than he has gained.
The next questions will be:
"Choose a size description"
- Enter a number from 0 to 9. 
  Here you choose the description that will
  replace the filesize in the files list. The choices are displayed in the
  left part of the second window. If you enter a '0' the size will stay. 
  If you enter a 9 you can enter your own description. This description
  may not be longer than 8 characters.
"Choose a expell description"
- Enter a number from 0 to 9. 
  Here you choose the description that will be placed under the expelled
  file along with your name. If you enter a '0' this description will not
  be placed.
  If you enter a 9 you can enter your own description. This description
  may not be longer than 50 characters.
Now Exorcist will show you what choices you have made and will ask you to
confirm these.
- Enter Y or N.
  If you enter N you will be asked the same questions again.

Now Exorcist! will Expell the file. And, if specified,  add the file 
information to the message to the uploader. 
After this Exorcist! will ask you:
"Return credits to downloaders (Y/n)"
- Enter a Y if you want the downloaders of the expelled file to get their
  spent credits back. (Download bytes will be reduced by the filesize and
  one file is deducted from total downloaded files).
  Otherwise specify a N.
If you answered yes to the previous question, Exorcist! will ask you:
"Send messages to downloaders (Y/n)"
- Enter a Y if you want messages sent to the downloaders, informing them
  that the spent credits on the expelled files are returned. Otherwise
  specify a N.
Exorcist! will return the credits and send the messages if specified.
If there are more files specified, the screen will be cleaned from the
filename down. And the same procedure for the next file will commence.
All files uploaded by one person will be treated after each other. And
only one message per uploader will be sent. After you have completed the
procedure for all files, Exorcist! will throw you back in the BBS.

The second option is to Expell non-existing files to prevent them from
being uploaded:
- Use the same procedure as you do when normally expelling files, 
  until the moment you have to enter the filenames.
- Now enter the non-existing files you want te be 'expelled',
The rest of the procedure will also be the same. BUT ofcourse uploader
and downloader information will not be found, and question concerning these
will not be asked. EXCEPT ONE...Exorcist! will still ask you if messages to
uploaders must be send...if you have only specified non-existing files, you
can type anything you want as an answer, as it will be ignored. Note also 
that size and expell comments can not be made.

You can use both options of Expell together, expelling existing and
non-existing files in only one session.

3c. Tips on using the expell option.

The following list contains some tips about when and how to use the expell
- Don't try to expell files with sending deduct messages to uploaders and 
  to expell files without sending deduct messages to uploaders in one 
  session, as this is impossible.
- If Exorcist! says a file does not have an uploader, it doesn't have to 
  mean that it not has an uploader. Exorcist! can't just not find the
  uploader int the UDlog.

4a. What is awarding files.

When you award an upload. You give the uploader extra credits for his
upload. To be precise the award option does the following:
- Multiply the number of bytes earned by uploading the file with a
  specified amount and adding this to the uploader's total bytes uploaded.
- Append a specified description to the file.
- Send a message to the uploader and, if option is enabled, to the sysop.

4b. How do I use it.

- First you have to start Exorcist! See 2d for this. 
You will now be confronted with the Exorcist! options, available to you. 
- Type A <ENTER> (You have chosen the Award option)
You will now be able to enter the filename(s) of the file(s) you want to
- Type a filename or pattern. If you have access to them,y ou can use 
  wildcards like *,?,#?,| here.
- Press <ENTER>. You can now enter a second filename or pattern.
- When you are finished entering filenames, just press <ENTER> on a blank
After you have entered the files, Exorcist! will search for them and will
ask you to confirm each file.
- Enter a N for each file you don't want to award, any other key will
  confirm to award the file.
IMPORTANT: Watch out to not confirm files that must NOT be awarded, as
           there is no way back from this decision. This confirmation is
           the only one!

Now Exorcist! will search for the uploader(s) of the file(s). 
After this is done , You will be asked if messages to the uploaders should
be send.
- Enter a Y if you want to send messages informing the uploader what is
  awarded and how much credits are added. Otherwise enter a N.

Now Exorcist! will clear the screen an build up the following information:
  Top of the screen: Action you are performing.
  First 'window'   : Uploader data, (Name,Place,Uploads,bytes etc.)
  Second 'window'  : possible awarddescriptions.
  Underneath       : Current Filename to award (name+size)
Under this information there will be the following questions:
"Add how many times credits"
- Enter a number with which the filesize must be multiplied to get the
  amount of bytes the uploader gets awarded to his uploaded bytes.
  If you enter a '0' no credits will be awarded, the uploader keeps 
  its gained upload bytes, this is a way to cancel the award!
  If you enter a number higher than '0' you will award the uploader by
  awarding credits.
The next questions will be:
"Choose an award description"
- Enter a number from 0 to 9. 
  Here you choose the description that will
  replace the filesize in the files list. The choices are displayed in the
  left part of the second window. If you enter a '0' no message will be
  added. If you enter a 9 you can enter your own description. This
  description may not be longer than 50 characters.
Now Exorcist will show you what choices you have made and will ask you to
confirm these.
- Enter Y or N.
  If you enter N you will be asked the same questions again.

Now Exorcist! will award the uploader, and place the description.
And, if specified,  add the file information in the message to the 
If there are more files specified, the screen will be cleared from 
the filename downwards. Then the same procedure for the next file will
commence. All files uploaded by one person will be treated after each 
other. And only one message per uploader will be sent.
After you have completed the procedure for all files. Exorcist! will throw
you back in the BBS.

4c. Tips on using the award option.

- If you have a lot of people who use Exorcist!, use the AWARDLEVEL option
  in the config file. It is very easy to give a person almost a disabled
  status, just by awarding a file of 1 MB 999 times (=1GB!!!). People could
  get tempted...
- If you only want to put a comment to a file, use the comment option, not
  the award option!

5a. What is freeing files.

Using the FREE option, it is possible to make certain files
'free-download'. It specifically does the following:
- Making specified file free-download, using the /X standard.
- Appending a standard FREE DOWNLOAD description to the file in the 
  file list.

5b. How do I use it.
- First you have to start Exorcist! See 2d for this. 
You will now be confronted with the Exorcist! options, available to you. 
- Type F <ENTER> (You have chosen the Free option)
You will now be able to enter the filename(s) of the file(s) you want to
- Type a filename or pattern. If you have access to them, you can use 
  wildcards like *,?,#? here.
- Press <ENTER>. You can now enter a second filename or pattern.
- When you are finished entering filenames, just press <ENTER> on a blank
After you have entered the files, Exorcist! will search for them and will 
ask you to confirm each file.
- Enter a N for each file you don't want to free any other key will
  confirm to free the file.
IMPORTANT: Watch out to not confirm files that must NOT be freed, as
           there is no way back from this decision. This confirmation is
           the only one!

Now Exorcist! will clear the screen and will, for each file, put a message 
on the screen that it is being freed.
After that Exorcist! will throw you back in the BBS.

5c. Tips on using the free option.

- You can turn OFF the free-download of a file by deleting the F in its DOS
  commentline. You also have to strip the free-download comment in the file
  list, as people otherwise think a non free-download file IS free
- You can combine the free-download option with the award option. This will
  add extra comments under the other comments in the file list. 
  REMEMBER: It is possible to resurrect an expelled file that was
  previously made free-download and awarded. But all these actions will add
  comments to the files list. Ultimatily making it impossible to really see
  what happened to the file.

6a. What is commenting files.

Sometimes it's useful if you have the ability to just append a one-line 
comment to a certain file in the file list. You can use comment for this

6b. How do I use it.

- First you have to start Exorcist! See 2d for this. 
You will now be confronted with the Exorcist! options, available to you. 
- Type C <ENTER> (You have chosen the Comment option)
You will now be able to enter the filename(s) of the file(s) you want to
- Type a filename or pattern. If you have access to them,y ou can use 
  wildcards like *,?,#? here.
- Press <ENTER>. You can now enter a second filename or pattern.
- When you are finished entering filenames, just press <ENTER> on a blank
After you have entered the files, Exorcist! will search for them and will 
ask you to confirm each file.
- Enter a N for each file you don't want to comment, any other key will
  confirm to comment the file.
IMPORTANT: Watch out to not confirm files that must NOT be comment, as
           there is no way back from this decision. This confirmation is
           the only one!

Now Exorcist! will clear the screen and build up the following information:
  Top of the screen: Action you are performing.
  Underneath       : Current Filename to Comment (name+size)
Under this information there will be the following question:
"Enter a comment:"
- You can enter a comment This comment may not be longer than 50 
Now Exorcist will show you what choice you have made and will ask you to
confirm it.
- Enter Y or N.
  If you enter N you will be asked the same question again.

Now Exorcist! will append the entered comment to the file in the file list.
And, if specified,  add the file information to the message to the 
After this Exorcist! will ask you:
If there are more files specified, the screen will be cleared from 
the filename downwards. Then the same procedure for the next file will
commence. All files uploaded by one person will be treated after each 
other. And only one message per uploader will be sent.
After you have completed the procedure for all files. Exorcist! will throw
you back in the BBS.

6c. Tips on using the comment option.

- You can put multiple line comments to a file in the file list, by
  executing Exorcist! several times on the same file. 
  In this version it is not possible to add a multiple line comment or a
  textfile to a file in the fileslist. This might be implemented in future
- You cannot put comments to files which are no longer available on the

7a. What is the resurrect option.

If you have an expelled file that later turns out to be no 'FAKE' file at
all, you can use the Resurrect option. 
This option will do the following:
- It will delete the directory made instead of the expelled file in the
  upload directory.
- It will copy the original file from the path, specified with the
  PROTECTFILES keyword (see 2c. PROTECTFILES) to the directory it was
  expelled from. 
- The uploader gets back it's deducted credits.
- In the file list a comment that the file is resurrected will be appended
  under the expell description. Also the filesize will be restored.
- If enabled, messages will be sent to inform uploader and, if specified,
  the sysop.
REMEMBER: Resurrecting files is only possible if:
* The PROTECTFILES keyword is specified in the config file (see 2c.)
* There is a copy of the original file and a .ex! file in the resurrction
  dir (see 2c.)
* The UDlog has not been 'cleaned' recently. 
* There is enough space on the drive the file was expelled from.

7b. How do I use it.

- First you have to start Exorcist! See 2d for this. 
You will now be confronted with the Exorcist! options, available to you. 
- Type R <ENTER> (You have chosen the Resurrect option)
  (If you cannot type R, you probably haven't enabled the ResurrectOption. 
  (see 2c. PROTECTFILES)
You will now be able to enter the filename(s) of the file(s) you want to
- Type a filename or pattern. If you have access to them,y ou can use 
  wildcards like *,?,#? here.
- Press <ENTER>. You can now enter a second filename or pattern.
- When you are finished entering filenames, just press <ENTER> on a blank
After you have entered the files, Exorcist! will search for them and will 
ask you to confirm each file.
- Enter a N for each file you don't want to resurrect, any other key will
  confirm to resurrect the file.
IMPORTANT: Watch out to not confirm files that must NOT be resurrected, as
           there is no way back from this decision. This confirmation is
           the only one!

Now Exorcist! will search for the uploader(s) of the file(s). 
After it has done this, it will ask if messages to the uploaders should be
- Enter a Y if you want to send messages informing the uploader what is
  resurrected and how much credits are returned. Otherwise enter a N.

Now Exorcist! will clear the screen an build up the following information:
  Top of the screen: Action you are performing.
  'window'         : Uploader data, (Name,Place,Uploads,bytes etc.)
  Underneath       : Current Filename to resurrect (name+size)
Under this information there will be the following question:
"Return credits to uploader (Y/n)"
- Enter Y if you want to return the credits, otherwise enter N.
Now Exorcist will show you what choices you have made and will ask you to
confirm these.
- Enter Y or N.
  If you enter N you will be asked the same questions again.
Now Exorcist! will Resurrect the file. And, if specified, add the file
information to the message to the uploader. 
Exorcist! will return the credits and send the messages if specified.
If there are more files specified, the screen will be cleared from the
filename downwards. Then the same procedure for the next file will
commence. All files uploaded by one person will be treated after each 
other. And only one message per uploader will be sent.
After you have completed the procedure for all files. Exorcist! will throw
you back in the BBS.

7c. Tips on using the resurrect option.

- Clean up the resurrection dir once in a while. Delete all files of which
  you know it are fakes and their .ex! files.
- Using resurrection slows down the expell option when deleting the
  original. The original now must be moved, which takes time. 
- Resurrect will NOT deduct any credits from downloaders, as they probably
  considered the file expelled, and continued to up/down with their new
  downloaded bytes. Deducting can possibly bring some of them in serious
  trouble. Maybe we will implement this option in later versions.

8a. How does Exorcist! function.

Exorcist! uses several high-speed searching algorithms and real time user
adjusting algorithms to work as fast as possible.
Exorcist! has been programmed modularly using the SAS/C v6 development
system and was tested on several high-speed BBS's in Holland.

Exorcist can create the following files:
- If the KEEPLOG keyword is specified (see 2c.), then for every node there
  will be a Exorcist!.log file
- If the PROTECTFILES keyword is specified (see 2c.), then for every
  expelled file the following files will be created in the resurection
   - <filename>     : the original expelled file
   - <filename>.ex! : the data file needed by exorcist! to resurrect the

8b. TroubleShooting.

The following is a list of possible questions and problems, plus the
answers to solve them. If Exorcist! still not works after you followed the
instructions, send us a letter or a message. (See 8c.)

P: Why won't Exorcist! startup?
S: - Is your accesslevel high enough?
   - Are you logged in the BBS? (Exorcist! won't start from DOS)
   - Does the BBS.CMD file contain the right entry? (See 2b)
   - Do you have enough memory left? (See 2a)
   If you answered all the questions correctly and it still does not work,
   install Exorcist! again and check again.

P: Exorcist! says the config file is corrupt.
S: Check if your config file is correct according to the rules in 2c.

P: Exorcist! does not find a certain file.
S: - Did you enter the name correctly?
   - Is the file not (already) expelled?
   - Is the file still present on the BBS? 
     (You can't expell deleted files!)
P: Exorcist! does not find the (right) uploader,
S: Not all uploaders can be found. Their upload action must (still) be in
   the UDlog or the Callerslog. If one of these logs is deleted, no
   uploaders can be found.
   - Has the UDlog or the Callerslog been 'refreshed' recently?
   - Did you enter (per accident) a non-existing file?
   - Do you use Freeleech or another Free-Download utility?
     (These sometimes corrupt the UDlog!)

P: I have entered the wrong description and confirmed it. What must I do?
S: The file list is plain ASCII, it can be edited with any standard editor.
   So change it to the right description yourself (or let the sysop do it)

P: The credits are not added or substracted from up and downloaders
S: Specify the right path to your file in the config file 
   (see 2c. USERDATAPATH)

P: When I use the program it only produces junk on my screen.
S: Exorcist! uses ANSI-codes to fit all information on one screen of max.
   25 lines. Use an ANSI compatible terminal emulation. You do not have to
   enable ANSI when entering the BBS.

P: I cannot find the option I want to use!
S: If your accesslevel is not high enough to use an option, Exorcist! will
   not even give you the opportunity to select the option.
   - Is your accesslevel high enough?

Exorcist! has been written to finally get a fast and reliable program to do
all those things essential for a good running BBS, but which were formerly
only possible with slow and nonfriendly programs. We hope you enjoy using

8c. Names and Addresses.

You can contact us (CFi and B/\Zz) at:

     Write to:
     P.O. Box 11023
     7502 LA ENSCHEDE

     Or leave mail at:
     White House BBS (Eclipse DHQ)

8d. Disclaimer

Use this software at your own risk. The authors will not be liable for
any damage arising from the failure of this program to perform as described,
or any destruction of other programs or data residing on a system
attempting to run the program. While no damaging errors are known, the
user of this program uses it at his or her own risk.