File Archive

File download


File size:
14 714 bytes (14.37K)
File date:
2024-08-11 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 26


  • aetop 12.05K
  • aetop.doc 13.61K
  • change.txt 897B
  • FILE_ID.DZ 897B
  • VERSION 897B


                    _____ ______________________________
                    \\   \\\_____//\__/\\_\\ __ //\____/
---------/\---------// /\ // /_/ \\ \  // // __// /_/---------/\-------------
---------\/--------// /_/// /_____\\ \// //  \// /___---------\/-------------
                   \\/___\\____//___\//_//_/\_\\____/                Nameless

                  - -- ---=*)> PRESENTS: <(*=--- -- -
                    *** AETop v2.2  WB2.0 ONLY! ***
       AmiExpress Util to list Top Uploader/Downloader/Leeches

This program will quickly and easily list your top AmiExpress BBS (bytes)
uploaders (UL), downloaders (UL), or leeches (DL-UL - Downloaders who havn't
uploaded much) and the number of bytes uploads per download ratio (or vice
versa) they're at.  Let me say right up front, This program has two
limitations (1) It is now WB2.0+ only  (2) It'll only work if you have LESS
THAN 1250 users in your (like anybody has more than that). Other
than that this program is completely safe and should not cause any problems,
it ONLY reads the file and writes ONLY if you specify it to
write something (with '>' or '-U' or '-D' options). I should also mention you
need to have your file in a BBS: dir (or assign BBS: where it is)


The syntax is as follows:

  AETop (Qty) [-A] [-C] [-U<topfile>] [-D<leechfile>] [-F(Headerfile)] [REG]

                 [((( MANDATORY ARGUMENTS )))]

  (Qty)          is a nr 1-1249 which represents how many users to list

                 [(((  OPTIONAL SWITCHES  )))]

  -A             Force ANSI COLOR mode (default WITH -D or -U is NO ANSI)
                 Note this will not change the output of your header file!
                 It will xfer ansi in header irregardless of this switch.
  -C             turns on and issues a SCREEN CLEAR at beginning of output
  -U   .....     Selects to display top uploaders
  -D   .....     Selects to display top downloaders (LEECHES!)
  <topfile>      is the destination filename for TOP UPLOADERS
  <leechfile>    is the destination filename for TOP DOWNLOADERS (leeches)
  -F(headerfile) Will add a custom text header file at the top of the output.
  REG            Turns on REGular DOWNLOADER sort routine, rather than listing
                 the LEECHES (Top Download bytes - Upload bytes) this will sort
                 users by Top Download bytes only.

NOTE: If you dont specify a <file> for your -U or -D options it automagically
      defaults to standard output (ie.. your shell), furthermore, by doing it
      this way you CAN have BOTH switches set AND redirect output (with the >
      and < arrows) to a file [giving you both top ul & leeches in 1 output].


Right offhand they look pretty similar, There are 2 distinct differences:

(1)  -U  switch will sort them by the TOP BYTES UPLOADER, while,
     -D  will calculate the top BYTES DOWNLOADED - BYTES UPLOADED and
         display them based on this (takes good uploaders into account now!)
         UNLESS you have the 'REG' switch on, then it will ONLY sort based on

(3)  -U  will list a ratio of users bytes UPloaded PER every byte DownLoaded
     -D  will list the reverse ratio (bytes DOWNloaded per every byte UPloaded)

My BBS is strictly set up to report everything by BYTES uploaded or downloaded,
as opposed to ratios or qty of files. AND SO IS THIS UTILITY!

SAMPLE OUTPUT  COMMAND ISSUED:  AETop >thisfile 5 -C -U -D -FBBS:LeGaCy.head1

                    ___   ____________________________ __ 
  T H E   5        /  /  /  ___/  ____/  _   /  ___/ // /\    A N D   T H E
                  /  /__/  __//  /_  /  _~  /  /___\ ~ / /             
   B E S T       /\____/\____/\_____/__//__/\____/\/__/ /     5   W O R S T
_______________/ \/___/\/___/\/____/\__\\__\/\___\/\__\/  \___________________

 TOP UPLOADERS!!          FROM              BYTES UL      BYTES DL   UL PER DL
---------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---------
SpaZm            Cocoa, FL                  43,960,341    20,710,011    2.12/1
RAZOR            Merritt Island, Fl, USA    34,608,721    38,591,854    0.90/1
Dalai Lama       * AmigaPhile BBS *         25,570,845       933,396   27.40/1
The Overlord     Merritt Island, Fl, USA    25,456,511    15,703,090    1.62/1
Otto             Cocoa, Fl, USA             25,200,000    75,597,002    0.33/1

 LEECHES (DL-UL)          FROM              BYTES DL      BYTES UL   DL PER UL
---------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---------
Prince Valinor   Orlando, Fl, USA           75,597,002    25,200,000    3.00/1
Badguy1          Merritt Island, Fl, USA    19,483,851     7,036,776    2.77/1
Badguy2          MIMS, FL, USA              16,073,380     8,990,274    1.79/1
Badguy3          Rockledge, Fl, USA         18,233,524    12,199,648    1.49/1
Badguy4          Muncy, Pa                  12,372,625     6,697,967    1.85/1
***  AETop v2.2  by Nameless of - DeSiRe - Call our boards! (407)267-8155  ***


This new version can output to selected filenames (You can even create 2
seperate TOP UL and TOP LEECH files from a single command!). And you can still
SAFELY include this in the script (batch) file that AmiExpress runs at the end
of each logoff [to keep things current], you just have to change your syntax a
little. Don't worry - I threw in LOTS of error checking/handling AETOP
shouldn't guru! (Unless you're trying to do it under WB1.3!).

To include it in your script file I suggest you test your syntax a few
times, from shell, before you hardcode it into your script... an easy test
would be:

   AETop 10 -A -D       <- outputs to stdio since no filename is specified


   AETop 1249 -U -Ftxt <- will display all your uploaders! with a 'txt' file


   AETop 3 -U -D        <- will display both top Uploaders & top LEECHES

       or even

   AETop 3 -U -D REG    <- will display both top UPloaders & top DOWNloaders

       or even

   AETop 10             <- this only works for versions 0.1-0.5 and 0.9 & up

and of course you can test its capability to output directly to files

   AETop 10 -A -Dram:leeches -Uram:topuser

then just issue the AmigaDos Type command, to view the files, as follows:

   Type ram:leeches      and
   Type ram:topusers

BTW this is kind of how I do it in my script file...
|                                                                             |
|AETop 10 -A -C -Dbbs:conf/bulletins/bull1.txt -Ubbs:conf/bulletins/bull2.txt |
|                                                                             |
|AETop >bbs:conf/bull.txt 5 -A -C -U -D -FBBS:Desire.head1                    |
|                                                                             |
This may seem deceptive, but it creates 3 files. The top line creates 2 top10
files in the bulletins area, and the bottom line creates 1 file 'bull.txt'
which has top 5 uploaders & 5 leeches and is viewed once as the user enters
the conf area.  If ya don't understand, call my board and LOOK!

   v0.1  => 09 Mar 92 - INITIAL RELEASE

   v0.2  => 13 Mar 92 
          - Removed a redundant variable assignment.
          - Added some ansi colors to the help.
          - Fixed top count to include the last user (had a -1)

   v0.3  => 14 Mar 92
          - Added the RATIO column, reduced size of other 2
          - Added check to ensure correct format exists.
          - Modified it to use the Amiga Open() and Close() functions
            rather than the stdio fopen() and fclose()

   v0.4  => 01 Apr 92 
          - Changed the ul to dl ratio calculation to add +1 ONLY
            TO USERS who have a zero for ul or dl, to prevent div
            by zero (before this I just added 1byte to denominator
            for ALL USERS to prevent a div by zero error).

   v0.5  => 02 Apr 92
          - Added UL PER DL as a secondary sort field, in case users
            have the same bytes uploaded (like the lamers with 0!)
          - Created AELEECH utility, similar but shows top downloaders

   v0.6  => 03 Apr 92
          - Merged the AETop and AELeech into ONE utility, this was
            done for speed and to save drive wear by makeing 1 pass
            to read file to create my 2 output files.
          - Added ANSI switch, now defaults to NON-ANSI colors mode
          - Changed output to SPECIFIED filename(s) rather than
            the standard output (had to since there are two outputs)

   v0.7  => 04 Apr 92
          - It now retains the capability to be run from shell (for
            a quick view) by selecting the -D and/or -U alone without
            a filename. Of course it can also be included in a script
            file to update both topul and topdl immediately upon user

   v0.8  => 17 Apr 92
          - Corrected the name & from size limit, previous versions
            allowed 19 chrs for name but didn't clip it to that. long
            names would screw up display. Damn, a bug!

   v0.9  => 17 Apr 92
          - Made syntax reverse compatible with versions v0.1 - v0.5,
            I had changed the syntax on v0.6, this version now also
            runs with the previous syntax:  AETOP <QTY> 
            to display TOP UPLOADERS only.... I did this for quick use
            from shell or cli, or to redirect >FILE like before.
            NOTE: default with old version was to use ANSI, so if you
            want no ansi you must now select the -U or -D or both
            switches without the -A ANSI ON switch.

   v1.0  => 17 Apr 92
          - Added the ability to CLEANLY show both top uploaders and
            top leeches in one command, try... AETOP 5 -A -U -D
            by trimming the header lines, also lets you add another
            user in the list with less wasted space.
          - Added new switch, -C (note all switches ARE case sensitive)
            With it selected it will add a /f (screen clear) at beginning
            of every output file.
          - Major code cleanups, reduced size by over 10%

   v2.0  => 24 May 92
          - Practically a total re-write for use with WB2.0 ONLY!!!
            Managed to add new features & reduce pgm size by over 30%!!!
            Changed all stdio functions to use the Amiga2.0.lib
            equivalents, now stdio = Output() and uses WB2.0 dos.library
            functions like FRead()...
          - Added the -F option to add a header text File at the top
            of output(s).
          - Added commas in the bytes columns to make it easier to read,
            had to shift size up a little, sacrificing the NAME & FROM
            fields a little. Also extended overall width by 2 chrs.
          - Modified it to ignore INACTIVE accounts, before it would
            include them in the list.
          - Removed that scientific notation from the ratio, now if the
            DL/UL bytes per UL/DL gets over 9999 it will just print
            >9999 and if it gets less than .01 it will print 0.00
          - Modified the way LEECHES are calculated, used to be the
            users with the 'TOP BYTES DOWNLOADED' but now It SUBRACTS the
            users UPLOADED BYTES from the DOWNLOADED BYTES and sorts based
            on this new figure. I figured this would be the best way to
            keep my long life users who have uploaded & downloaded ALOT
            from being called 'leeches' (Cause they're not, when you
            consider their uploads!).

   v2.1  => 13 Jun 92
          - Added (REG)ular switch for people who want to display regular
            DOWNLOADERS (DL) with -D switch rather than LEECHES (DL-UL),
            Someone griped that 'Leech' may not be appropriate in some
            places so I added this switch for him to show 'DOWNLOADERS'
          - Modified all switches to be Uppercase OR Lowercase Ie... -C
            is now the same as -c ...etc...

   v2.2  => 30 Jul 92
          - Previous versions caused a guru when wide 'headers' (>128chrs)
            were used, this version fixed that bug, enabling you to use
            BIG ANSI filled headers [Well, about 512 bytes per line]
            (Thanx 'Ken & Ryu' for pointin' that out).
          - Minor touchups, removed ctrl-c handling, added version string,
            Reduced size by another 415 bytes. File size Should be: 12344
            also gave credit to my new group 'DeSiRe' - This is a serious
            group guyz, CALL OUR BOARDS!!! (See numbers below)


Lastly, I am running this under workbench v2.04. This version [V2.0] and UP
will ONLY WORK UNDER Workbench v2.x and up!!! If you have any problems, call
my board and let me know.

Later, Nameless

Greetz to my new DeSiRe friends!!:
The Almighty, Freddy, The Grifter, and all you others... hehe    :-)

  AlSo   DoN't FoRgEt To GiVe A CaLl To ThEsE CoOl DeSiRe BoArDs:

  AtOmIc FaLlOuT  - WoRlD HeAdQuArTeR  -  +31-73-130138  -  ArAgOrN

  CaMeLoT         -  HeAdQuArTeR  -  +32-164-89772    -  Perceval & Almighty
  ChAnNeL-X       -  HeAdQuArTeR  -  +31-2290-62244   -  TyCoOn
  DaTa CeNtEr     -  EuRo Hq      -  +31-8330-16499   -
  FuTuRe InFeRnO  -  DuTcH Hq     -  +31-419-220104   -  OuTlAnDeR
  PhAnToM         -  BeLgIaN Hq   -  +32-917-70719    -  ThE GrIfTeR & Bip

  Snarfs' Pub     -  US Hq        -   407-267-8155    -  Nameless