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  • NiNFO\NiNFO.DOC 6.66K
  • NiNFO\NiNFO.REXX 12.94K


ª                                                                           ª
ª                             NodeInfo Version 2.5                          ª
ª                                                                           ª
ª                        Written By Scope of CyberAktif                     ª
ª                                                                           ª
ª              Ansi Graphics By RedSkin of Tristar & Red Sector             ª
ª                                                                           ª
ª                           ª THE DOCUMENTATION ! ª                         ª
ª                                                                           ª

What the fuck is  NodeInfo ?

 NodeInfo is an REXX-DOOR for AmiExpress versions 2.33 and higher, created
 for multinode boards to display information about what it happening on
 the other nodes. Furthermore NodeInfo features 'Node To Node Message Send'
 with which every user may send one-line messages to all other nodes.

What 'bout da Options ?

 There are currently three options which NodeInfo may be startet with :
        SEND  - to deliver one-line online messages to other nodes
        SHAKE - to bring sum sort of screen earthquake to other nodes
          ?   - to display the help page

How To Install That Thang ?

 Just copy the directory "Ninfo" to your standard 'doors:' directory,
 then create an entry for NodeInfo in the 'BBS:Commands/BBS.CMD' file
 and edit the config at the top of the file "Ninfo/Ninfo.Rexx" until
 it fits for your purposes.

 Example entry for the command list :


 Sum hints for setting up the config lines:

 The REXX-Code will look similar to this :

 /***************[ DA PREFS ! EDIT HERE PLEASE !! ]*********************/
 Yes         =1
 No          =0

 MinNode        =0                 <- Your lowest node number
 MaxNode        =2                 <- Your highest "     "
 SysopNode      =0                 <- Which of them is the SysopNode ?
 DisplaySysop   =Yes               <- Display the SysopNode ?
 SendLevel      =100               <- Min. level required for 'Node Send'
 ShakeLevel     =100               <-  "     "       "     "  'Node Shake'
 HardCore       =250               <-  "     "       "     "  Hardcore page

 MaxLines       =5                 <- Max Number Of Lines On 'Node Send'  

 ^^^ NEW OPTION SINCE V2.5 !! Check it out !

 DefaultName    ="No One"          <- Name/Location to be displayed on 
 DefaultLocation="No Man's Land"   <-         free nodes ...

 Here we go:

 Well, at first you have to tell NodeInfo how many nodes you've got.
 You do this with the 'minNODE' and 'maxNODE' values, whereas 'minNODE'
 should be set to the lowest node number and 'maxNODE' to the highest numba!
 Normally sysops have their own console node running, so you've got to tell
 NodeInfo which of these nodes is your private node - do this by setting the
 'SYSOPNODE' entry to the according node number. Now you've got to decide
 wether NodeInfo shall display your sysop-node. Tell the door your decision
 by setting 'DISPLAYSYSOP' to 'YES' or 'NO'
 (btw: if you don't have a sysop node (what a shame!!) just add 1 to the
  'maxNODE' value, set 'SYSOPNODE' also to this value and toggle
  'DISPLAYSYSOP' to 'NO' !!)

 With the entries 'SENDLEVEL' and 'SHAKELEVEL' you may set the security
 level at least needed to use these options. If a user runs the door
 with one of these options without havin' the required level, NodeInfo will
 act just normal, ignoring the given option !

 The value of 'HARDCORE' is the minimal required level to enable the
 hardcore page option! Hardcore Page may occur if you want to send
 a message to another node. If the user on this node is doing nothing-
 no problem ... your message will go thru ... but what e.g. if he's
 just starting an upload? There are several situations when NodeInfo
 won't post your message, because of the high risk of crashing the
 system (some of these are file transfers, door activities etc.)
 But there are still sum left which are not that dangerous ... so
 if you got the 'HARDCORE' level you may decide for yourself if
 ya want to send the mail ! (To 'normal'-leveled users the
 message send will still be denied !)
 Long bla bla, short meaning : The higher the hardcore level, the
 fewer user may use it, the safer is your system ! I think Level 250 
 should be okay !!


 With the MaxLine value you may set the maximal number of lines a user
 can post via 'Node Send'

 Yo... That's It !


V 0.01	      : Written for DETONATION BOULEVARD! Online debugged! hehe
V 0.02 - 1.99 : Tested, rewritten .. still several bugs
V 2.00 - 2.2  : Dedicated to BOONDOCKS
V 2.3         : First time released to the public !
V 2.4         : (Not released)
                Minor bugfixes especially in the HardCore-page option
                where sum ErrorMessages have been missing.
V 2.5         : 'MaxLine=' Value
                Now you are able to set the maximal number of lines
                which a user may post via 'Node Send'
                Enhanced 'About'-page which displays the current settings
                Kewl new Ansi by Redskin/TRSI !

    Thanks for testing, online-debbuging, hansas, bug-reportz, comments,
          abrissparties, törös, mega-boozes and fun go to :

                   > X-TREME/tRSI & DRAFT
                   > sAL-oNE/tRSI
                   > REDSKiN/tRSI
                   > aMICOM/tRSI
                   > pOLARIS/zENITH
                   > aDAM!
                   > oDIN
                   > tHE CYBERAKTiF pARTY bUNCH - FEATURiNG :
                   > fUMP!
                   > tHE eNEMY
                   > pAT!
                   > tORMENTOR
                   > cAMPiNO
                   > hEADHUNTER
                   > tURNER!

               > uND dER gANZE rEST hALT! <

For bugreportz, beer or any other crap contact me somewhere in time on these
            GATES OF ASGARD ...

           Have Fun with this ...  signing off, SCOPE/CAF!

eod. (end of documentation)