File Archive

File download


File size:
36 517 bytes (35.66K)
File date:
2022-10-19 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 283


  • .SS 1.11K
  • 384B
  • 384B
  • commands3.++\ 384B
  • commands3.++\bbscmd\ 572B
  • commands3.++\bbscmd\ 572B
  • commands\bbs.cmd 78B
  • NewFiles.doc 9.29K
  • 8.05K
  • newfiles\help\ 150B
  • newfiles\help\ 301B
  • newfiles\help\ 1.15K
  • newfiles\newfiles.000 22.24K
  • newfiles\newfiles.030 22.21K
  • newfiles\ 1.09K
  • TeRRoR-lInE.TxT.displayme 3.07K


*                                                                          *
*                         Yet another AFL release:                         *
*                               NewFile v1.4                               *
*                    (/X filelisting enhancement tool)                     *
*                          © 1993 by ByteAndi/AFL                          *
*                                                                          *

What does it do ?
NewFile will display the filelisting in some nicer way then the ordinary
filelisting you are used to ... It also has some more features then you
have with the original f-, n- and n s u commands ...

What is New ?

I have change many Routine`s and have killed the "f" Fake !

Now the Door will search for the Filelist on you`re HD 
if the Rest of you`re Fast-ram is to small !
( I think it Works Finely, because my Ram: is to big to test it enough)

Now you can Insert CRTL-C and the Door will stop ! 
The Droped Carier is Working better as before

The Help`s are now Free to Configure, because my English is so Lame 
and Style it however you want

the "ns" Option in the Mainline is changed:		NS --> Nonstop
												N  --> Quit
												Q  --> Quit

I have Installed ToolTypes To Configure what ever you want :

The Door is Compatibler to /X because I have installed the "n mm dd yy" Option,
bevore that you must insert "n mm-dd-yy". I think it is not a Great Change, 
but many Trader Like it.

You can change the Newdate-Line and install in all Confs 
an other Newdate_Line !

All Colors from the Filelist how ever you want !

You can Insert, witch Level can scanned you`re Hold Directory


NewFiles.Info TOOLTYPES :
newfiles/NewFiles.Info should contain the following lines _ON is enabled and
_OFF is disabled ofcoz

ANSI=ON        ------------> gives Ansi in the filelisting
NS=ON          ------------> means you can use NS after each command line
DATE=ON        ------------> puts dateheader when date changes 
LINES=ON       ------------> displays bars between different uploads
RETURN=ON      ------------> puts returns between different uploads
SENTBY=ON      ------------> puts the "sent by: Username" in Ansi Color
SELF_EDIT=ON   ------------> the User can configure the Filelist styling himself
HOLD_LEVEL=245 ------------> will give The User with Level 245 Access to scan the Hold

New Options:


makes The NewDateLine GREEN,

makes the NewDate in the NewDateLine RED

makes the "P","N","F" in the Filelist Violett

makes the Bytes in Yellow

makes the Date in Blue

make the Send by (if exist) in Blue
DATE_LINE.x=Diabolo BBS  Date: $SHOW_THE_NEW_DATE Conference:Amiga-Warez 

x -----------------------> ConferenceNumber
$SHOW_THE_NEW_DATE ------> insert that and you see the Date on this Place

                Diabolo BBS  Date: 07-25-93 Conference:Amiga-Warez

stand then in you`re Filelist in the NewDateLine.
DATE_LINE=Diabolo BBS  Date: $SHOW_THE_NEW_DATE Conference:All

if you have the "DATE_LINE.x=" not installed or one of you`re Confs have no 
"DATE_LINE.x=" then The Door will search for "DATE_LINE=".
you can Use this Colors:


This util also works when you have DirStyle build in ...

How to use it
Here are the commands you can use:

n w           The User can make a config for his Account

n             first you will be prompted for the date and than the listing ...

n ?           will show the help ...

n w           Let you change the style from the Filelist

n t           displays all new files from today in the upload dir
n t u         displays all new files from today in the upload dir
n t a         displays all new files from today in all dirs
n t h         displays all new files from today in the hold dir

n s a         displays all new files since last on in all dirs
n s u         displays all new files since last on in upload dir
n s h         displays all new files since last on in hold dir

n -x          displays all files from x days before last on in upload dir
n -x u        displays all files from x days before last on in upload dir
n -x a        displays all files from x days before last on in all dirs
n -x h        displays all files from x days before last on in hold dir

n mm dd yy    displays new files from mm-dd-yy, prompts for listing
n mm dd yy u  displays new files from mm-dd-yy in the upload dir
n mm dd yy a  displays new files from mm-dd-yy in all dirs
n mm dd yy h  displays new files from mm-dd-yy in hold dir
n mm dd yy x  displays new files from mm-dd-yy in dir number x

f             displays filehelp.txt and asks for the dir number
f x           displays dir listing x
f a           displays all dir listings
f u           displays the upload listing
f ?           will show the help

All commands can be followed with "ns" which will display the listing 
non-stop ...

How to install ?
Create a dir NewFiles in Doors:
Copy the files NewFiles and NewFiles.Info in that directory ...

For /X 2.x users put this in your bbs.commands

-->--------CUT HERE---------------
*f           !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*n           !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-->--------CUT HERE---------------

For /X 3.x users the specific Icons will be included and should go in the
BBS.CMD dir ...

Greetings go to

Genghis Khan/AFL for testing ... Give his Board a call ...

Thanx to all other AFL members for being such a nice group ...

Thanx to all Friends from the NewFiles for her Tips and Bugreports

Special greetings to Van Damme... don`t delete me in you`re BBS,
I have some Problemes to Call Canada this moment...,Please Write
me any Boards where you I can Contacted you again...

THX to Spy/AFL witch have Try To install the CRTL-C Option many Hours !
I hope next Time, Bytemaster`s Cooperation is better
and he give us more Informations About his Kewl Amiexpress

THX to Celator/AFL witch have tell me more about the Internal Funktion`s
from /X

Thanx to \X/ Amiga For Being The Best Computer Ever ...

Next works:
NewfilesV1.5  ----> I will make it so fast as I can
                    I will install a new Option to search Newfiles
                    in All Confs
                    Try to Write Better Dox !

Nuker        -----> New Nuker for /X 3.++ with All what you want, 
                    please write me you`re Ideas about this Tool

English      -----> I will learn it

                           .     .    .   .  .     .
                        ·  :                 .     :     :
-============-   \____ ¬V ¬V___ ¬V___ ¬V___ ¬V ¬|  |___ ¬|   MANAGEMENT
 ALPHA FLiGHT     | ¬|  |  | ¬|  | ¬|  | ¬|  |  |  | ¬|  |   -========-
      HQ          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |   ANDi/AFL
-============-    |  |  |  |     |    _|  |  |  |__|  |  |   SPY/AFL
                  |  |  |  |  |  |  | ¬|  |  |  | ¬|  |  |   FELDMAN
-ELiTE oNLY-      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |   SYSTEM
CALL US NoW FoR   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |   -====-
THE NEWEST AMiGA/ |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |   RUNS oN A3000
PCSTUFF           |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |   WiTH 25MHZ AND
AND ALL AFL-      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |   AMiEX (REG.)
RELEASES.         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                __|_____A__A__A__A_____A_____A_____A_____|D! SUPPoRTET BY
WE oNLY ACCEPT    |     :  :     :     :     :     :     |   -==========-
9600 - 16.800     :     ·  .     .           .     ·     :   ALPHA FLiGHT
BAUD CoNNECTS.    .        .                                      &&
                   NoDe 1 +49 30 621 2312 - Zyxel 16.800      
                   NoDe 2 +49 30 621 8787 - DUAL  14.400
                   NoDe 0 +49 30 622 1994 - HST   14.400