File Archive

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File size:
512 249 262 bytes (488.52M)
File date:
2025-02-17 00:27:02
Download count:
all-time: 1



Title: The Charge Of The Soul
Author: BUS ERROR Collective / Teletype Corporation
Released: MountainBytes 2025, Cham, Switzerland, 2025-02-15

This is mixed-media oscilloscope collage featuring the output of Hilligoss v1.1b, an in-house tool we developed that allows images and animations to be reproduced as audio waveforms suitable for XY mode capable oscilloscope displays. The resulting .wav file is then visualized and maniuplated in realtime using Osci-Render v2.4 and Sosci v1.0.3.3. FCPX was used for post. The .wav files used to produce these animations were made available to the orgas. For Hilligoss source footage, we used ElectricSheep, as well as a public domain film of a steel forge courtesy of The Prelinger Archive.

Greetz from all of us in the Collective to everyone at Mountainbytes 2025, and to our friends in the demoscene + osci-render discord! :)