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-------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- --------
'Safebytes' - 14 bytes intro
for ZX Spectrum 48K
- a contribution to LoveByte
from Virtual Vision Group
Coded by LeMIC / VVG
-------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- --------
Thanks to rcl, nodeus, wbcbz7 for technical support.
Thanks to scorpiann, rcl, razer, sq, grongy, art-top, trample man, shuran33
for moral support.
Thanks to lovebyte party organizers
for their work!
Greets to:
scorpiann, rcl, grongy, razer, levitator, myKat, foxx, scratch,
zetter, zabol, apas, miriel, sly, abba da rain, and, jv gfx
lethargeek, kasik, timex, backslash, saab
lovebeam, k, nodeus, wbcbz7, art-top, trample man, shuran33, nyuk,
psndcj, kovalski, diver, nik-o, gd, prof, luchibobra, oisee, survivor
newart, moroz1999, tmk, vinny, serzhsoft, visual, random, shadow maker,
fyrex, sand, pink, dman, mmcm, kuvo, ded, nikhotmsk, elfh, sashaalx,
gogin, reddie, aggressor, dimidus, q-master, dotkoval, backasoft,
kakos nonos, frog, tiboh, shiru, alone coder, adam bazaroff,
nihirashi, errorsoft, introspec, bfox, brigthtentale, joe vondale,
rook, zeebr, r0bat, trefi, lazybones, chrv, maksagor, koe, lvd
k0d, lester, spark, titus, lav, copperfeet, push, hare, ld, cache
ea, fatalsnipe, himik, titus, rst7, physic, alff, rasmer, xpeh,
daniel, sam style, dec software, surfin' bird, organism, vassa, magda,
mic^pgs, kenotron, soundliner, aer, pentasoft, criminal,
darkman007, хpeh, wattack, alex winston, goblinish, aaa,
kirill leyfer, m. sudakov,
baze, fuxoft, pator, tygrys, dalthon, busy, noby, gasman, dok^ra,
yerzmyey, wacek, luke, mborik, omega, natt, aki, monster,
ziutek, cat-man, at0m, hepterida, psenough,
mike follin, tim follin, the oliver twins
and also to all people, who keep retro scene alive!
-------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------ LeMIC/VVG