:: CORDIC demo 32 ::
32 byte education intro for ZX Spectrum 48k
Code: Busy soft
Create: 27.01.2025
Release: LoveByte 2025
This intro uses simplified CORDIC algorithm
to create monochrom shapes with circle quarters.
FOR y = 159 TO 1
FOR x = 159 TO 1
Size = SQR(x^2+y^2)
IF s MOD m < m/2 THEN PLOT x,y
Value of 'm' iterates from 8 to 256 by control basic.
Computation of
Size = SQR(x^2+y^2)
is based on this 14 byte routine from CORDIC demo 16
Input: C = coordinate X
B = coordinate Y
ld a,c
cp b
jr nc,L1
ld c,b
ld b,a
ld a,c
L1: sub b
jr nc,L2
inc c
add c
L2: djnz L1
Output: C = result = SQR(X^2+Y^2)