File Archive

File download


File size:
67 865 977 bytes (64.72M)
File date:
2025-02-20 09:05:01
Download count:
all-time: 2



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 .  . ..pResents: Plane parasite - 1024B JavaScript intro

 Code : Mx []
 Tools: Shader Minifier, Keyboard, Mouse, Brain...
 Notes: This intro uses the brotli compression technique so needs the web-server to be configured properly i.e. to serve the file with
	    a) content-type as "text/html"; and
	    b) content-encoding as "br"
		Some servers are already configured to serve this way, but included in
		the package is mini server for python3, that you can use to serve the file. 
		Just run: 
		And then open your browser to:
		Please use Chrome or Edge, Firefox seems to have some issues.

 °°° °°° ° °°° ° °°° ° °° ° ° °° ° °° ° ° °°°°° ° °° °°° ° °° °°° ° ° °°° °° °°°