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File size:
932 720 392 bytes (889.51M)
File date:
2025-02-11 14:48:01
Download count:
all-time: 0


  • 890.35M
  • ac_minecraft_rosa.txt 1.26K
  • BeamSlide ac - mincraft tour.png 129.76K


"tour of minecraft rosa 250204" by ac
submission for the kids competition at jobj42

some backstory:

ac is 5 years old. 
He doesnt know how to read yet (besides his name and a couple other words like "sonic") but he learned english by himself watching bounce patrol videos during the pandemic. 
Greetings to bounce patrol!
After watching some videos of minecraft, he wanted to play minecraft.
Since he can't read or use the keyboard i set him up with a controller instead, which he was a bit used to from playing a few games on the wii.

we played survival mode for a few days while he got used to the controls. he was scared to go in the water or deeper into caves to mine. once after he forgot to close the door at night some tiny zombies raided our home and killed us, so he started prefering to play on creative mode instead. kept asking to try different mod versions he saw on youtube. his current favorie is "the pink one" (all the forge 10 latest version has a pinkish thumbnail). he found a nice spot near the icy sea, started building a house, then a farm / zoo, then a prison with some traps, then another house... today he was building a dog yard extension! apparently there are leashes on minecraft that you can use on wolfs, who knew?