Author: UriS
Category: Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2024 (Main compo)
System: Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k
Language: Z80 Assembler (zxbasm)
Len source code: 372 bytes (just a assembler text)
Len exe file: 129 bytes (image of tape record: headers, loader + code)
Len code only: 47 bytes
Instructions: Install fuse (or some other zx spectrum emulator), drag and drop the vc3-24-UriS.tap onto fuse.exe (or into running fuse window).
Description: Just unpacking packed image ;)
Comments: vc3-24-UriS.tap - image of tape record for execution; code.bin - just pure compiled code to show size; source.asm - assembler source code; loader.bas - basic loader; result_and_code.png - screenshot of result and code :)