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File size:
4 763 bytes (4.65K)
File date:
2024-12-29 14:13:04
Download count:
all-time: 0


  • steven_reid_zx81_basic_168b_vc3-2024/ dir
  • steven_reid_zx81_basic_168b_vc3-2024/present.p 1.05K
  • steven_reid_zx81_basic_168b_vc3-2024/present_listing.gif 1.86K
  • steven_reid_zx81_basic_168b_vc3-2024/present_readme.txt 908B
  • steven_reid_zx81_basic_168b_vc3-2024/present_screenshot.gif 849B


Author: Steven Reid

My version entry into the Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2024.

I used ZX81 BASIC. Due to the pecularities of the ZX81, I can actually
make a smaller version of the binary by not using numbers. This is due
to the way the ZX81 stores floating point numbers in the program.

I actually have a version that is 1 byte smaller, but it is super slow
to run. Converting "LEN STR$ PI" into a variable sped the program back
up at the cost of a single byte. Worth it.

The binary file is 1078 bytes, hoever most of that is overhead from the
saved system variables and display screen (a blank program is 910 bytes).
The final ZX81 executable size is 168 bytes of BASIC code.

Here are the files:
present.p		- Program for ZX81
present_screenshot.gif	- Picture created by the program
present_listing.gif	- Program listing for Present
present_readme.txt	- this file