Author: solarbreeze
Category: Christmas Challenge 2024
System: Commodore SuperPET
Language: Waterloo APL version 1.0
Length of source code: 63 Bytes
Instructions: Run using a real SuperPET or in the Vice emulator. You can find Vice for almost any operating system. You can download a Windows version of Vice at
To use the emulator, place the d80 disks in the folder with the xpet executable and launch from the command line:
xpet -sound -truedrive -superpet -cpu6809 -model SuperPET -drive8type 8050 -8 vccc24superpet.d80 -drive9type 8050 -9 sp9000lang.d80
At the Waterloo languages prompt type APL to enter the APL itnerpreter.
Load the game workspace by typing )LOAD VCCC24APL and hitting return.
The code is stored as a workspace latent expression and will autoexecute.
To view it type ⎕LX
The Standard Waterloo SuperPET Language sp9000land.d80 disk was downloaded from