Author: Povi
Category: Christmas Challenge
System: CP/M
Language: Z80 assembly
Len source code: 1367 bytes
Len exe file: 70 bytes
Len code only: 70 bytes
You can use any CP/M 2.2 on any Z80 system (Intel 8080 won't work).
The screenshot is made on an Enterprise 128.
Run it on emulator:
Download a CP/M emulator: https://www.sydneysmith.com/wordpress/run-cpm/
Copy the VCC2024.COM file to the disk image, with the cpmfs tool. (https://www.sydneysmith.com/products/cpm/cpmfs/):
cpmfs drivea.dsk w vcc2024.com
Execute run.bat, this will start the z80sim with the CP/M system.
Check if the file is copied to the disk image, with the "dir" command at the "A>" prompt.
In the list, the last item should be the VCC2024.COM file.
Type VCC2024 at the "A>" prompt and press ENTER.
Iterate X and Y coordinates, printed char based on coordinates modulo 9