Entry from matalog. Computer used - ZX Spectrum Next - in - Next BASIC - language.
This zip file contains various images labelled as such:
COUNT: Shows the code used to count the size of the source code along with the main program.
This is the method we have been using for years in my ZX Spectrum BASIC group on Facebook to get the size of our code entries in our challenges.
The same size code works fine on a ZX Spectrum Next and ZX Spectrum.
LIST: Shows a listing of the main program screenshot from a Next computer.
RUN: Shows the result from the program after running.
RUNSIZE: Shows the Result of running the program and also running the code size calculator.
SIZE: Shows the result of running the code size calculator.
LIST_RUN: Shows the LIST screen alongside the RUN screen.
The 2 VIDeo files show the program running and the code size calculator running respectively.
LCC64b.bas is the file as stored on Spectrum Next.
LCC64b.txt is the listing of the program converted to .txt using .bas2txt.