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File size:
17 677 bytes (17.26K)
File date:
2024-12-29 14:13:04
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all-time: 0


  • file_id.diz 766B
  • 57B
  • screenshot.png 21.67K


Christmas Present Python

Author:   Logiker
Category: Christmas Challenge
System:   PC
Language: Python
Len source code: 57
Len exe file:    57
Len code only:   57
Run with Python interpreter.

a=f"\n+{'+':-^17}+";print("	\\o/"+(a+"\n!	 !	  !"*8)*2+a)
The variable a creates the top, middle and bottom line. The string starts with a new line, 
then a plus, then a plus, that is surrounded by 16 minuses, and finally a plus again.
When printing tab is directly used as character, and not with the longer, escaped version '\t'.
The rest is quite obvious: We have the top. Then a line and 8 columns. this twice. 
And last but not least the final line.

I created this before the submission system got online.