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File size:
6 032 bytes (5.89K)
File date:
2024-12-29 14:13:04
Download count:
all-time: 0


  • code.png 4.35K
  • cpcbasic_tokenized.bas 220B
  • file_id.diz 1.06K
  • result.png 3.76K
  • VCCC2024.BAS 91B
  • vccc2024.dsk 190.25K


Christmas Present CPC BASIC 91b

Author:   Logiker
Category: Christmas Challenge
System:   Amstrad CPC
Language: Locomotive BASIC V1.1
Len source code: 91
Len exe file:    220
Len code only:   92
Either copy the source code into a emulator or run the provided basic files.
Take care about the special characters. The only emulator I am aware of 
that can copy them are web based BASIC emulators like CPC BasicTS.

1?"	\o/":for j=1to 3:?"+--------+--------+":for i=1to-24*(j<3):?"!"spc(8);:next:next

With the first print a window is created, that is 27 chars wide. This
way no new lines are needed when print takes over the word wrapping. 
The cursor is placed to location 9, 8 and the ribbon is drawn.
Then the following is drawn 3 times:
The top line out of pluses and minuses. For 24 times the exclamation marks 
are draw (8 lines with 3 of them per line) followed by 8 spaces, but only 
for the first two rounds.

I optimized for source code length because getting the token size was not 
that straight forward.