Christmas Present C64 80b
Author: Logiker
Category: Christmas Challenge
System: C64
Language: BASIC V2.0
Len source code: 84
Len exe file: 82
Len code only: 80
Use Vice or another emulator and run it.
8?,"{left*2}Mo/":fOi=2to20:fOj=0to18:?mI("-+ !",4+2*(sI(i*.7)>.9)-j/9+int(j/9),1);:nE:?:nE
First the program prints the ribbon.
Then all needed characters can be found in "-+ !". Depending on x and y the correct character is chosen. The sinus function will create a sequence, where each 9th number is 1 and all others are 0. int(j/9) will be a whole number every 9th entry.