File Archive

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File size:
57 558 bytes (56.21K)
File date:
2024-12-29 14:13:04
Download count:
all-time: 0


  • lightforce6128_cpc_bas_114b_vc3-2024/ dir
  • lightforce6128_cpc_bas_114b_vc3-2024/file_id.diz 1.38K
  • lightforce6128_cpc_bas_114b_vc3-2024/present.bas 242B
  • lightforce6128_cpc_bas_114b_vc3-2024/present.dsk 190.25K
  • lightforce6128_cpc_bas_114b_vc3-2024/result.png 14.05K
  • lightforce6128_cpc_bas_114b_vc3-2024/size_disk.png 30.49K
  • lightforce6128_cpc_bas_114b_vc3-2024/source.png 15.79K
  • lightforce6128_cpc_bas_114b_vc3-2024/source.txt 149B



Author: lightforce6128
Category: Christmas Challenge 2024
System:   Amstrad CPC 6128
Language: Locomotive BASIC 1.1
Len source code: 149
Len exe file:    114 (242 with header)
Len code only:   115
  - Install WinAPE from <>
  - Open menu [File / Drive A: / Insert Disc Image]. Select file 'present.dsk'.
  - At BASIC prompt of emulator write: RUN"present"
  - The BASIC command 'ZONE' is used to adjust the tab size.
  - With this the gaps in the drawing can be bridged with a short 'PRINT,' command.
  - The bow is drawn separately using an ASCII control code to move the cursor.
  - The rest is drawn by two sub routines, one for the horizontal lines, one for the vertical lines.
  - These sub routines are called alternating.
  - Note: One control code is used to move the cursor. This can easily be handled on the target machine,
    but cannot be transferred to modern systems. Therefore I replaced the control code with a '#'
    in the listing. If this is used instead of loading it from the disk image, then this placeholder
    needs to be changed. Use command EDIT 1, go to the '#', and replace it with the symbol printed
    by pressing [Ctrl]+[H] (an arrow pointing to the left).
  It was fun to take part in this challenge. Thanks to Logiker for hosting it.