Author: lightforce6128
Category: Christmas Challenge 2024
System: Amstrad CPC 6128
Language: Z80 Assembler (WinAPE/Maxam)
Len source code: 265 (4466 with comments and macros)
Len exe file: 43 (171 with header)
Len code only: 43
- Install WinAPE from <>
- In menu [Settings / General] select profile 'CPC6128'.
- Restart with menu [Settings / Cold Reset].
- Open menu [File / Drive A: / Insert Disc Image]. Select file 'present.dsk'.
- At BASIC prompt of emulator write (first line for clearing screen is optional):
MEMORY 11529:LOAD"present":CALL 11529
- The bow is drawn separately using an ASCII control code to move the cursor.
- The rest is drawn in three steps: '-', '!', and finally '+'.
- For this two nested loops are used that cover the coordinates 18 to 0 with different step sizes.
- Preparation: Build up two queues with the character to write (in HD) and the step sizes (in LE).
- The queues are shifted by one in an outer loop and filled with a new element.
- After three iterations nothing will change any longer.
It was fun to take part in this challenge. Thanks to Logiker for hosting it.