Author: Pedro Bermejo
Category: Christmas Challenge
System: Commodore VIC-20 unexpanded
Language: 6502 Assembler (assembled with CBM PRG Studio)
Len source code: 3545 bytes
Len exe file: 103 bytes
Len code only: 87 bytes
Install vice, start with xvic (VIC unexpanded), drag and drop the prg file into it.
It needs to be loaded with ',1' (in other words, Settings->Host->AutoStart->Load to BASIC start(xxxx) from vice Preferences, need to be unchecked)
Draws the top bow and, below it, the four squares (drawing upper horizontal line with '+'s and '-'s, then 8 times the '!<8Spaces>!' and, again the horizontal line.
Taking advantage of some address locations initialized at system startup to reduce a few bytes...