File Archive

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File size:
7 585 bytes (7.41K)
File date:
2024-12-29 14:13:04
Download count:
all-time: 0


  • file_id.diz 1.22K
  • result.png 4.04K
  • source.png 7.89K
  • source.txt 182B
  • vc24b.tap 119B



Author: Art-top
Category: Christmas Challenge
System:   ZX Spectrum
Language: Basic
Len source code: 94 bytes (spectrum basic inner text)
Len exe file:    119 bytes (image of tape record: 25 bytes of header + 94 bytes of code)
Len code only:   94 bytes

Install fuse (or some other zx spectrum emulator), drag and drop the vc24b.tap onto fuse.exe (or into running fuse window) for load, then press R (RUN) and then Enter for run programm.

At the beginning "gift bow" characters are printed.
In the main block of the program there are two loops: an outer one - for the Y counter
and an inner one - for the X counter. The current counters determine which character
should be printed.

Conditional expanded text of the program without optimizations and with comments:

PRINT TAB 8;"\O/":	// print "gift bow"
LET a$=" |-+":		// set of characters in string $s
FOR y=-9 TO 9:		// vertical cycle
	FOR x=-9 TO 9:	// horizontal cycle
		PRINT a$(1+(NOT SIN (ABS x *PI/9)+2*(NOT SIN (ABS y*PI/9));:
			// calculates which character in order of character set to output and prints it on the screen
	NEXT x:		// next x
	PRINT:		// print line feed
NEXT y			// next y

It was very interesting.