Author: Art-top
Category: Christmas Challenge
System: PC
Language: PHP
Source code size: 97
Source code in vc24.php
You can run it using PHP from terminal/command prompt:
php.exe vc24.php
php vc24.php
At the beginning "gift bow" characters are printed.
In the main block of the program there are two loops: an outer one - for the Y coordinate
and an inner one - for the X coordinate. The current coordinates determine which character
should be printed.
Original program:
<?php echo" \O/";$s="! +-";for($y=19;$y--;){echo"
Program with comments (formatted for convenience):
echo" \O/"; // print "gift bow" (first character - tabulation)
$s="! +-"; // set of characters in string $s
for($y=19;$y--;){ // vertical cycle (Y from 18 to 0)
"; // print line feed
for($x=19;$x--;) // horizontal cycle (X from 18 to 0)
echo$s[2*!($y%9)|$x%9>0]; // expression $x%9>0 returns true or false depending on the X counter's miltiple 9
// expression |$x%9>0 converts a boolean result to a numeric one (0 or 1)
// expression !($y%9) returns true or false depending on the Y counter's miltiple 9
// expression 2*!($y%9) converts a boolean result to a numeric one (0 or 2)
// $s[2*!($y%9)|$x%9>0] returns character of the string $s with index from 0 to 3
// character will be printed
It was very interesting.