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File size:
4 823 bytes (4.71K)
File date:
2024-12-29 14:13:04
Download count:
all-time: 0


  • file_id.diz 1.84K
  • result.png 1.55K
  • source.png 2.41K
  • source.txt 126B
  • sourceabbreviated.txt 107B
  • vccc2024.prg 80B


Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2024 C64 BASIC 78 byte Entry

Author: Adam M
Category: Christmas Challenge
System:   C64
Language: BASIC
Len source code: 107 bytes
Len exe file:    80 bytes
Len code only:   78 bytes
Install / Run VICE Emulator - then drag'n'drop vccc2024.prg into VICE.

This prograam in abbreviated form fits exactly into the 80 char max C64 Basic line.  The abbreviated source code length above is larger because of the use of bastext for interpreting the left character.  

In this program, we use text output to produce the image. We first print the ribbon and then we use g ( group ) to print 3 groups of the same part of the image ( the line in the present that starts with a + and then the 8 rows that start with a ! ).  Then we have a if..then shortcircuit to not print the ! lines on the last group.  The only "trick" I used to get the program onto 1 line was the use of the , comma to print out 10 spaces, then going to the left 1 or 2 spaces to get to the right column for printing.     


This was a another fun VCCC challenge, perfect for a few hours here and there during the holidays.  Thank you Logiker for doing this!

I was working towards minimum program size for this entry with a preference to get to 1 line of code.  I tried a few different approaches including a few math based approaches,  I was surprised this text based approach ended up being the smallest that I could come up with.  I'm excited to look at the other entries to see the approaches used.

vccc2024.prg - the program that outputs the present
result.png - screenshot of the output of vccc2024.prg
source.txt - unabbreviated source code
sourceabbreviated.txt - abbreviated source code
source.png - screeshot of both abbreviated and unabbreviated source on c64
file_id.diz - this description file