File Archive

File download


File size:
5 050 525 bytes (4.82M)
File date:
2024-09-17 22:24:01
Download count:
all-time: 2


  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/ dir
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/ dir
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  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Cam-3Afov.track 13B
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  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Cam-3Apos.y.track 13B
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Cam-3Apos.z.track 13B
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Cam-3Atarget.x.track 13B
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  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Cam-3Atarget.z.track 13B
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  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Light-3Acolor.z.track 13B
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  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Light-3Adirection.y.track 13B
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Light-3Adirection.z.track 13B
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  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Post-3Aaberration.track 13B
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Post-3AbloomOffset.track 13B
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Post-3AbloomTreshold.track 13B
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Scroller-3Adepth.track 13B
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  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Sky-3Abrightness.y.track 4B
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  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Sky-3Acolor1.y.track 4B
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Sky-3Acolor1.z.track 4B
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  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Sky-3Acolor2.y.track 4B
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  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Text-3Abaseline.track 157B
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/data/sync_Text-3Ashow.track 22B
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  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/demo-linux-x86_64 1.19M
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  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/screenshot.png 2.23M
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/shaders/ dir
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/shaders/bloom_pre.frag 713B
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/shaders/blur.frag 858B
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  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/shaders/post.frag 1.53K
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/shaders/rast.frag 1.47K
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/shaders/rast.vert 508B
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/shaders/shader.frag 3.86K
  • mehu-welcome-to-my-blog/shaders/text.frag 1.01K


Hello Skrolli Party 2024!!!

Welcome to my blog.

Latest update to my demo engine adds this nice text overlay
feature. Bitmap fonts look lovely, don't they?
It's still a bit rough around the edges, the glyph spacing
is a bit too loose for my liking. And animation doesn't account
for line length.

Additionally, I worked on the shader that's currently shown
in the background. It's actually for our website,, but I put it here for filler content :-)

I've actually started my CS masters studies this month,
and it's laborious as hell. I even considered skipping this
party because I need to work on my course exercises ASAP,
instead of making a demo.
But the upside is, that Networking Technologies and Cryptography
in Networking (courses) are actually very interesting.

Speaking of university, I've also organized weekly demoscene
meetings at the campus! So far, the reception has been
surprisingly good, I'm not the only person showing up :-)

(Greets to eerop and others!)

Another topic on my mind is that SDL version 3 is bringing
a new Vulkan-like ("Vulkan-lite") GPU API called SDL GPU.
Additionally, I'm optimistic about the Zig programming language
and I kind of want to RIIZ (Rewrite it in Zig)...
Whatever I end up doing, I need to consider carefully and be
mindful of the spare time I have.

Anyway that's all I have to show and tell this time.
Greets to all the makers of the Skrolli magazine as well.