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15 614 bytes (15.25K)
File date:
2025-01-13 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 2




The Small Balls Demo by The Cyberpunks

Coded in 1993 by Zax and Vilm
Resurrected and refreshed in 2024.

Originally intended for publication in
ST Format magazine but I don't think
we ever submitted it to them.

It will now be included in our megademo,
The Pleasuredemo, to be released in
December 2024 after a 33 year delay.

Look for it on DemoZoo.

Music by Unknown (Mad Max?).
Please let me know if you know!


The demo features realtime 3D rotation 
of up to 96 balls with variable sizes.

Use the following keys to control 

Arrow keys, Insert and Clr/Home
Move balls relative to X,Y and Z axis.
This moves the logo, but not the centre 
of rotation.

Shift + Arrows, Clr and Ins
Rotate on X,Y and Z axis, 
about the point 0,0,0.

Control + Arrows, Clr and Ins
Move viewpoint in X,Y and Z  planes.
This moves the centre of rotation with 
the logo.

Additional controls

1-10: select different objects

F1-F10: preset movements for each object

Q-P: change the colour scheme

Tab - Toggle help screen on/off

Esc - Reset all parameters

Keypad 5 - Stop all spinning.

Space - Quit

License: Freeware
Do whatever you like with it!

Code will be uploaded to Github eventually.

Time travel facilities by generous 
donation of The Cyberpunk Corporation.

The Cyberpunks
We invented the future...