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2024-12-08 14:03:02
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  • kokori-ClaraDaLuaNegra-I2K24mix.mp3 3.34M
  • README.txt 942B


Artist: kokori
Title: Clara da Lua Negra (I2K24 mix)

Techniques and tools:
	Ardour 8.10 + some base plugins
	Ami Sampler + some base instruments
	DrumGuizmo + aasimonster2 drum samples
	Samples leftovers (voices, drones and effects)

Last year at Inércia 2023 there was the feeling... a 8bit track must be created for Inércia 2024!!!... Failure was achieved and lessons were learned.
We found Ami Sampler at (VSTi 8-bit Sampler inspired by the sound of the famous Commodore Amiga for Windows/MacOS/Linux using VST3/AU/LV2). Got some free to use MIDI files from the 'net and mangled them into several tracks. Loaded instruments into the Ami Sampler and into the DrumGuizmo. Added Samples leftover from last (future!) album and some drone samples laying around.
This mix is the first version getting hopes of a future remix/rework/remaster

Thanks Inércia for the opportunity and stimulus!!