Title: Let Our Fantasy Grow (Through a Light Show)
Author: Atekuro
Music Demogroup: Golden Trancers
Compo: Streaming Music
Audio File Format: MP3
Track Length: 3:00
Programs used: Fast Tracker 2, and Cubase Pro 13
Info: This is the Tracne Track I've made and finished after over a year and a half.
Discord: atekuro
Comments: I have officially got my hands on the real Roland JP-8080, and I have decided to use it for this Trance Track.
I also recently got my hands on the Behringer RD-9, the Yamaha TX81Z, and the E-MU Proteus's 1, and 2.
This will be the last Trance Track where the Roland Cloud Versions of the TR-909, and TB-303 are used.
And hopefully soon I'll be getting my hands on the Behringer MS-1, the Nord Rack 2, the Access Virus B, and the Novation Supernova.
Greetings to everyone, especially those who visited Deadline 2024.