File Archive

File download


File size:
37 996 bytes (37.11K)
File date:
2024-01-03 14:15:18
Download count:
all-time: 2


  • file_id.diz 1.10K
  • final.asm 3.80K
  • final.tzx 117B
  • result.png 3.06K
  • source.png 35.11K


VCCC23 Christmas Challenge

Author: spaceWumpus
Category: Christmas Challenge
System:   16/48k ZX Spectrum
Language: Assembler (sjasmplus)
Len source code: 76 bytes (BASIC stub incorporating the assembled code embedded in REM statement)
Len exe file:    97 bytes (standard header block (17 bytes), code block (76 bytes), plus flag byte and checksum byte for each (4 bytes))
Len code only:   52 bytes

Code is a standard compressed TAP file (TGZ), which should be loadable in any ZX Spectrum emulator.
Tested with Fuse emulator. 
1. Install and start Fuse.
2. Drag 'final.tzx' file into the window.
3. Press 'R', then 'Enter' to run.

Assembled code is embedded into a REM (remark aka comment) in a BASIC program.  
Draws the entire pattern as three 'rectangular' loops of stars with different start positions and dimensions.
Uses self modifying code to toggle between increment/decrement instructions each time it reaches a corner.
Enters an infinite loop after finishing.
Pretty happy with the results, and better code than my entry last year!

Total length of code 52 bytes.