File Archive

File download


File size:
29 322 bytes (28.63K)
File date:
2024-01-03 14:15:18
Download count:
all-time: 2


  • a.bat 19B
  • code.PNG 16.10K
  • file_id.diz 904B
  • NTFA.ASM 1.41K
  • NTFA.COM 58B
  • output.PNG 21.11K



Author: Jimbobaby
Category: Christmas Challenge
System:   PC MS-DOS (386)
Language: 386 Assembler
Len source code: 1443 bytes
Len exe file: 58 bytes (COM file, no header)
Len code only:   
DOSBox or any PC emulator with a 386 and a color display (CGA/EGA/VGA).
For testing, just put bat and com files on any folder, install DOSBox (vanila version works fine) and drag a.bat 
to the DOSBox desktop icon (you could drag the .com instead, but it's...messy)
The pseudocode is this:
for y=0 to 18
	for x=0 to 18
 		if (((x+3) mod 6)= (y mod 6)) then locate x,y : print "*" : locate 18-x,y : print "*"
	next x
next y
It's more or less a direct conversion to assembler (the locate/print pairs are calculated incrementally)
Could be easily modified to work on a 8086 (some more bytes) and/or a monochrome display (maybe one byte less)